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How China Can Defeat America

indians thought the same thing about the british. this is the wrong kind of mentality, my little indian friend. this is why india have no place in asia. with 1.2 billion white worshiping indians, asia will find it very difficult to free itself of western domination.

Man if that does not constitute a provocative racist attitude I don’t know what is. Your hatred for Indians as a whole is glorified in your disgust to outcast Indians as part of Asia. Wake up and smell the coffee sunshine India is was and always will be a critical integral part of ASIA. Post reported,
who else teaches english better than whites? maybe china should hire some english speaking indians? nah, everyone would just laugh at the funny accent. perhaps one day when hindi becomes an international language we will pick some indians off the slums and bring them back to teach.

No, most of the Chinese think Indians are black people
what does that have to do with the topic? if you want to discuss that subject, then how about the tens of thousands of white men who come to india every day to have sex with indian children?

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Is Child Sex Industry behind increasing foreign tourists in India? - Instablogs

who the let the "TROLL" out? OOGH oOGH OOGH

your cheap gimmicks is just vividly explaining the raw hatred you have for us indians. Do yourself a favor and stick to the topic or don’t post anything at all. How can CHINA defeat America. to the other indian members here please just ingore this racist troll not worth your time and stick to the topic
i know Pakistanis hate America but that does not mean one can say illogical things. U.S has seen far more bad days & have recovered successfully.

What the heck do you know about America. You think by watching couple of hollywood movies makes you an expert on America ?

America has not seen bad days like this in last 100 years. When did America owe 15 Trillion dollars ?

America used to be the World's banker. America was the world's biggest creditor nation.

Today America is world's biggest debtor nation. Fifteen percent of America's GDP goes towards servicing its debt. Adding some $4.2bn daily to the public debt is causing the US financial situation to deteriorate rapidly, and the threat the debt poses to the US economy and the welfare of the American people gets more serious day by day. Poverty, unemployment and despair are on the rise. The per capita debt is about $47,200 and is increasing by $14 a day, $410 a month and $4,900 a year, with no end in sight.

America has lost its Industrial base and other countries are filling the gap.

I do not believe America is going to recover. This century belongs to China.
what color do you think pakistanis have? yellow?everytime you take shots as a racist(s) here - what do you think you say to your all weather friends too?
Pakistani are recognized as Indian in China,sorry for that no such 'all weather friends' thing in minds of normal chinese people.
What China should do is:

1./ Boycot all US investors and US allies investors. Destroy all products, equipments related to US and US allies.

2./ Sell all US bonds which are China holding.

3./ Bring all Chinese -oversea who are lives in US and US allies countries back to China.

4./ Burn all US dollars in China country this will make US butthurt real bad.

That's so simple ways to take down US eh he ...If China could do 1-4 then US will be no longer exist
Pakistani are recognized as Indian in China,sorry for that no such 'all weather friends' thing in minds of normal chinese people.
Hey Tractor...think twice before u write such honest posts ur all weather friends in the forum must be seriously annoyed with u :hitwall:
Pakistani are recognized as Indian in China,sorry for that no such 'all weather friends' thing in minds of normal chinese people.

Please do yourself a favor and do not quote Pakistanis are the same as Indian’s it is very disrespectful in all facets. I am sure the Pakistanis would agree on this one, please enlighten yourself to the difference if not educate your average Chinese fellows the difference. Now we would not like to conclude the Chinese are the same as Vietnamese or Japanese would we. :rolleyes:
What China should do is:

1./ Boycot all US investors and US allies investors. Destroy all products, equipments related to US and US allies.

2./ Sell all US bonds which are China holding.

3./ Bring all Chinese -oversea who are lives in US and US allies countries back to China.

4./ Burn all US dollars in China country this will make US butthurt real bad.
That's so simple ways to take down US eh he ...If China could do 1-4 then US will be no longer exist

sure they can do that but besides USA they are second to producing the worlds largest carbon footprint. Do we want them to add to to that by burning dollar bills. arent we chocking as it is already.

We should treat each other base on the content of the character, instead of the color of the skin. The American liberals, including Barack Hussein Obama, want to place the race card. But most Americans focus on the future where the skin color do not matter. However, as Chinese Americans, if you are mostly around libs in the US, you are nothing more than laundry workers to them. As for Indians, you are just tech support.
what color do you think pakistanis have? yellow?everytime you take shots as a racist(s) here - what do you think you say to your all weather friends too?

They are what they are. I treat u as black people but dont be shamed of ur color. Be proud of it.
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