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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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My opinion on this is based on the Quran and Hadith. It is a sin. Moreover, it is one of the major sins. However, there is only one Hadith that refers to a punishment. That is:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done. Sunan Abu Dawud Book #38, Hadith #4447

However, being homosexual isn't a crime. Performing an indecent act is!

Actually advocating killing off the victim?
Don't confuse extremist terrorist acts of some individuals with islamic ways of the majority.

It's better to put your mind to thought before commenting, In a country destroyed by war for morethan 30 years, with millions of dead men, no jobs, no food, no nothing, prostitution is the only forced option for a woman to feed herself orher children. Do not compare this prostitution with willing prostitution by women in well developed societies, not destroyed by wars, with ample opportunities to work. Having said that, not saying its right but just try to imagine a woman with a few hungry crying children night after night after night. Wisemen have said, hunger can make you do anything, people have eaten flesh of their companions when faced with death, and even in Islam when you are faced with death because of hunger, you are allowed to eat Haram, only to the extent which is necessary to keep you from dying. Again not saying prostitutiion is right, in my opinion there is nothing worse than that, but sitting behind a coputer an dsaying this all with full stomach is quite easy.........

May ALLAH protect all humans and animals from hunger, and evil.

Prostitution ran rampant(which for free for Talibs)..Executions, Barabaric practices(even shaved your football team)..
Right.. very Islamic.
Actually a lot of scientists do believe that it is the most likely explanation. Okay lets say if it was you. What social factors do you think you can go through growing up that would make you like men?
See the study is inconclusive, with basically only arguments.
It's in medical books, that it was previously thought to be "in-born" BUT later it's established to be a "Lifestyle choice"

... So I'm asking your argument, how does someone become gay? What happens to them that they become gay. ...... Now the question for you finally is, how do men become gay? Considering they have their first sexual experience during adulthood. What is your theory in all this? I'm sure you can think, right? So think and tell me what you think happens to a human being that they contract this mental disorder you describe....

I'm NOT one :P trust me... nor is he one i guess.

Anyways I tried to explain a little in terms of developing a "CRAVING" in my last post. It's NOT a mental disorder any more than craving for coffee or drug addiction... You start it by choice, you are NOT born druggy or coffee addict.

It's about control on oneself,,, I was offered smoke once, I refused. I was lured by chicks few times I practiced self-control. At my work place coffee is free, I avoid it... Some of my friends drink alcoholic beverages & tried to pressure many times but I held my position. Similarly one may get aroused, especially when growing up, by girls, own hand, pillow, bed, tight jeans or underwear, & even skin contact with same gender person or an animal for that matter :lol:... Now it's upto person's self-control which way he chooses to gratify himself. in other words it's a LIFE-Style choice -&- NOT an in-born impulse... With repeated use of one particular method plus due to lack of self-restraint, one can become addicted to that method, at that point it would falsely feel as if one was "born that way".

Just because someone develops feelings towards cattle bcoz he did not practice control over himself & ended up developing a craving, does NOT mean we should legalize marriage b/w man & cattle... :P Similarly any perverted way of having sex does NOT mandate legal status.

There was a lady (& it's been printed in magazines) who said she had feelings towards her father & they entered in a relationship... What if more & more ppl started to "Come Out" (as an indian postulated above) with such feelings, would it be time to allow incest-ful marriages then...!!!

homosexuality should be dealt-with just like we deal with smoking or drugs.... BAN them. & force ppl to quit this craving that they entered by "CHOICE"...
It's in medical books, that it was previously thought to be "in-born" BUT later it's established to be a "Lifestyle choice"

Can you quote which "medical" book you are talking about? Why is sexuality a "medical" topic? Please do not BS. Give me peer reviewed research that says Homosexuality is choice, then maybe I'd be able to take that on board. But fact is, ya cant. So no, homosexuality is not a choice. If homosexuality is a choice, then so is heterosexuality. Which means, in the absence of a girlfriend, you'd very well be willing to sleep with a man. Meaning you actually FANCY men, but because you think its wrong, you dont do it. Is that what you are saying?

Dont come back to me with the mental disorder argument. If its a mental disorder, then its inborn. People dont choose to be mentally "disordered".

homosexuality should be dealt-with just like we deal with smoking or drugs.... BAN them. & force ppl to quit this craving that they entered by "CHOICE"...

You cannot "deal" with homosexuality. If a person is homosexual, he/she needs to be allowed to be homosexual, without sticking your nose in someone else's bedroom.

The ignorance here is apalling.
It's in medical books, that it was previously thought to be "in-born" BUT later it's established to be a "Lifestyle choice"
It says that it was thought to be a mental condition. Gays were thought to be mad. That is no longer thought, there is no lifestyle thing!
i sense hypocrites in this thread. since all the supporters of homosexuality are from one nation :police: i would like to see their reactions if they had children and all of them were to be homosexuals. I can almost gurantee none of these hypocrites would support their choice.
i sense hypocrites in this thread. since all the supporters of homosexuality are from one nation :police: i would like to see their reactions if they had children and all of them were to be homosexuals. I can almost gurantee none of these hypocrites would support their choice.

I actually would. If my kid was gay/lesbian, I would support him/her. I wouldnt torture them to be otherwise, because it is just not possible for them to be otherwise. Whatever makes my kids happy would be my approach. And there is nothing I can do about someone else's sexual preferences anyway.
i sense hypocrites in this thread. since all the supporters of homosexuality are from one nation :police: i would like to see their reactions if they had children and all of them were to be homosexuals. I can almost gurantee none of these hypocrites would support their choice.

"Beta, you are gay, don't worry, it's okay... but... here's a copy of a straight porno so you uh... help enlighten yourself to your real choice!" :rofl:
I worked at a hospital outside Pakistan -&- ALL,,, literally ALL homosexual couple that I came across were HIV positive... Poor luck to those who favour this perverted behaviour.

Those who advocate in favor of gays might as well start preaching for incest-full marriages... In fact they should start from their own family to demonstrate to the world that how open minded they are... & sleep with their moms & sisters & daughters... Why not after all. Incest is more close to REAL-marriage b/w man & women as you can make babies of ur own. While homos cannot even beget babies of their own. They have to borrow other people's babies to fake-start a family.

When gay-ism is allowed why NOT incest... go ahead with that too, perverts...!!!


Anal cancers higher among gays:-


Relation b/w anal intercourse & anal cancer:-
Correlates of homosexual behavior and the incidence of ... [JAMA. 1982] - PubMed - NCBI


Abu Dawood:5:2157:-
Narated By AbuHurayrah : The Prophet (pbuh) said: He who has intercourse with his wife through her anus is accursed.

Narated By Abu Hurairah : The Prophet (pbuh) said: If anyone resorts to a diviner and believes in what he says (according) to the version of Musa), or has intercourse with his wife (according to the agreed version) when she is menstruating, or has intercourse with his wife through her anus, he has nothing to do with what has been sent down to Muhammad (pbuh) - according to the version of Musaddad.


AIDS, Hepatitis, Syphilis, HPV & associated cancers, Gonorrhea, anal cancers, Suicide rates & mental illnesses ALL are much more prevalent in gays... It speaks for itself NO more evidence needed for this gutter-level ****** behaviour.

"Homosexual Promiscuity. Studies indicate that the average male homosexual has hundreds of sex partners in his lifetime:
· A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg, in their classic study of male and female homosexuality, found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28 percent having 1,000 or more sex partners.

· In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al., found that only 2.7 percent claimed to have had sex with one partner only. The most common response, given by 21.6 percent of the respondents, was of having a hundred-one to five hundred lifetime sex partners.

· A survey conducted by the homosexual magazine Genre found that 24 percent of the respondents said they had had more than a hundred sexual partners in their lifetime. The magazine noted that several respondents suggested including a category of those who had more than a thousand sexual partners.

· In his study of male homosexuality in Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times, M. Pollak found that "few homosexual relationships last longer than two years, with many men reporting hundreds of lifetime partners."
human body isn't designed for homosexuality. the anal cavity can only withstand so much till it loses its elasticity.then surgical repair will be necessary otherwise adult diapers must be worn. if homosexuality was "natural" as indians so joyfully purport :azn: then it would self lubricate....just as a female's vagina.
I worked at a hospital outside Pakistan -&- ALL,,, literally ALL homosexual couple that I came across were HIV positive... Poor luck to those who favour this perverted behaviour.

So you worked at a hospital outside Pakistan - which itself is questionable. Secondly, even if what you say is true, so the gay folks you met had AIDS. Does that mean ALL gay folks ALL over the world have AIDS??? Its actually not true. On the contrary, most of the AIDS cases are because of unsafe, heterosexual sex. Especially contacted from sex workers.

Those who advocate in favor of gays might as well start preaching for incest-full marriages... In fact they should start from their own family to demonstrate to the world that how open minded they are... & sleep with their moms & sisters & daughters... Why not after all. Incest is more close to REAL-marriage b/w man & women as you can make babies of ur own. While homos cannot even beget babies of their own. They have to borrow other people's babies to fake-start a family.

The purpose of sex is not just to have babies. I have sex frequently. And I have sex frequently not to make babies, but to have fun. Frankly speaking. So saying why not incest, is a strawman argument. Homosexuality is natural. It is not an aberration. And it is not a choice. It occurs at birth.

Secondly, I do believe even incest shouldnt be punishable by law. In India, incest is neither legal nor illegal. I think that is the right status. I mean how are we gonna find out if a brother and a sister sleep together? And are we gonna send them to jail, especially if they are above the age of consent for HAVING SEX??? Its a debatable topic, but if you look at it, most nations do not have laws against incest just because it is impossible to send people to jail for having sex. Although, I do agree that incest is disgusting.

AIDS, Hepatitis, Syphilis, HPV & associated cancers, Gonorrhea, anal cancers, Suicide rates & mental illnesses ALL are much more prevalent in gays... It speaks for itself NO more evidence needed for this gutter-level ****** behaviour.

Not true. Sexually transmitted diseases are caused more because of unsafe sex. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. Infact heterosexual sex causes more STD's than homosexual sex. Its a fact.

"Homosexual Promiscuity. Studies indicate that the average male homosexual has hundreds of sex partners in his lifetime:

And finally the Family Research Council ??? :lol:

That is a right wing, conservative BS organization from the United States. Those are the same type of guys who said that women have mechanisms inside their bodies to block conception if they were being raped. :lol:

The FRC has been designated as a HATE GROUP. And you quote articles from that. :lol:
human body isn't designed for homosexuality. the anal cavity can only withstand so much till it loses its elasticity.then surgical repair will be necessary otherwise adult diapers must be worn. if homosexuality was "natural" as indians so joyfully purport :azn: then it would self lubricate....just as a female's vagina.

Looks like you know a lot about anal cavities, their elasticities and the subsequent surgeries and the diapers eh? :lol:

BTW lubrication needs to be used even in vaginal sex. Some women lubricate more, some less. Personal experience. All vaginas dont have the same properties :D
A lot of the mullah nut jobs molest and sodomize boys in madrassas. And there are those who practice bachebazi . Would they be considered homosexuals? Or is the abuse reserved to those who don't use religion and culture as cover for their sexuality?
Looks like you know a lot about anal cavities, their elasticities and the subsequent surgeries and the diapers eh? :lol:

now look who mocks homosexual activities. i brought the hypocrite in you right out.

BTW lubrication needs to be used even in vaginal sex. Some women lubricate more, some less. Personal experience. All vaginas dont have the same properties :D

i literally spilled my soda all over my desk. :rofl: :rofl:
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