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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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Sir no one is born homosexual by birth no scientist agrees with it nor any doctor this happens when growing up and by the way if you are Muslim than for you Islam is very clear their punishment is death in Islam

So why or how does one "become" homosexual?
Are these numbers (less than 50,000/year) supposed to impress someone?

India has an annual birth cohort of 25 million.

Just for perspective.
These numbers are only of 4 countries not all they are huge numbers in other countries to and growing in every country by every passing year
Sir no body is born homosexual by birth Sir their is not such thing it is mental problem which needs to be treated one many with same body parts feels attracted to men or women how come that happens when he or she is growing up not by birth

You are wrong. Whoever is homosexual is actually born that way. You can even figure out if a child is homosexual, by his/her affiliations earlier in life. Those "coming out" will tell you how they were always attracted to the same sex but how they werent able to express themselves. A lot of them torture themselves for years before they get the guts to admit it to their families and friends.

For instance, here is a girl on youtube, who is gay. And her story about how she came out. Keep an open mind and watch and learn. They are just people like the rest of us.

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The Christian church was the same but now they are giving in and performing gay marriage
Sir their is huge difference between church and Islam this will never happen in Muslim societies our Quran is same for past 1400 years and sunnah of our PROPHET SAW is also safe so we know what are crimes and prohibited things and homosexuality is one of the biggest crime in Islam

I think girls kissing in public should be allowed but men doing it should be banned :)
Both are wrong and both will have same punishment
Sir those who so called have left Islam many of those have busted they were never even Muslims and I am talking about spread of Islam in west because of people converting to Islam in west not because of the birth rate go check the facts 20000 convert to Islam in USA alone in a year 100 daily in UK 7000 in France in a year 4000 in Germany every year and growing

Sir no body is born homosexual by birth Sir their is not such thing it is mental problem which needs to be treated one many with same body parts feels attracted to men or women how come that happens when he or she is growing up not by birth

Ya it's natural who left they are devil , majority converts in Islam are married women to Muslims who force them to convert.

and this is insane , your community is in worst condition , every religion hate Muslims. And increasing birth production , population proves nothing except you marry multiple wives and don't you birth control and convert people aggressively/forcefully that's it, and it's nothing to do with homosexuality at all .
Some Muslim scholers are saying otherwise like the one i quoted b4
They are not scholars they are paid touts otherwise Islam is very very clear on this issue Homosexuality is the biggest crime in Islam and its punishment is also told
If west create a religion that being a Pakistani would be the biggest crime what will you say ?
They are not scholars they are paid touts otherwise Islam is very very clear on this issue Homosexuality is the biggest crime in Islam and its punishment is also told
Sir no one is born homosexual by birth no scientist agrees with it nor any doctor this happens when growing up and by the way if you are Muslim than for you Islam is very clear their punishment is death in Islam

Actually a lot of scientists do believe that it is the most likely explanation.

Okay lets say if it was you. What social factors do you think you can go through growing up that would make you like men?
Does your country have any scientists capable of proving this "western theory" wrong ? Please don't talk about scientific evidence. You live in a country where justice is decided by the whims of 3 fat lunatics , without the use of any forensics whatsoever. You stare in their eyes and yeah , I guess that's 10 years right there :lol:. Yours is not a society that accepts or values scientific evidence. If you really care , research has proven time and again that homosexuality is all in the genes.

sorry but your gayness mentality prevents you from holding a rational debate in such regard. :lol:

The bad sex award goes to gay Indian men - Lifestyle - DNA:rofl:
i cant believe we're discussing this kinda stuff on a defence/political forum but since we are on this subject ---

may the misguided be guided. . .

as for the whole holding hands thing -- yes it's always been common in South Asia. Actually even in parts of Middle East they do it too. And not just that but also non-verbal language. In East, men talk closer face to face whereas there is more distance in the west. Holding hands even is normal, it's not a gay practice. Of course if you did that in west people wuud probably assume youre gay or something.

given the conservative nature of our region and 'social norms' ---people in our part of the world dont get to experience sexuality until they get married and start producing children. Our religion and our culture forbid pre-marital relations but at the same time there are so many signs of sexual repression. That's why so many (maybe even some of you) love the pornos :laugh:

On a different note -- there's only one reason why ultra-orthodox tend to produce more children (Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc.).....b/c they are against contraceptive or birth controls. Doesnt matter whether youre liberal or moderate or orthodox -- everyone wants and everyone needs a sexy-time.

i dont think an ideological state (even one that is founded on some liberal principles) should be institutionalizing gay rights and gay marriages and things like that but at the same time people shouldnt be 'branded' or 'killed' over it. . .of course its complex and my field and my lack of knowledge on it dont put me in position to reach any conclusive judgement.

just my views....
Actually a lot of scientists do believe that it is the most likely explanation.

Okay lets say if it was you. What social factors do you think you can go through growing up that would make you like men?
Explanation I want you to tell me fact to explanations
Explanation I want you to tell me fact to explanations

See the study is inconclusive, with basically only arguments.

There is no proof of mental disorder or gay gene. So I'm asking your argument, how does someone become gay? What happens to them that they become gay. You said its a mental disorder so how do they get this mental disorder? You said they were shown this path during childhood - That would be rape and not the same thing, rape homosexual or heterosexual is equally wrong. I'm against all rape too.

Now the question for you finally is, how do men become gay? Considering they have their first sexual experience during adulthood. What is your theory in all this? I'm sure you can think, right? So think and tell me what you think happens to a human being that they contract this mental disorder you describe.

i cant believe we're discussing this kinda stuff on a defence/political forum but since we are on this subject ---

may the misguided be guided. . .

as for the whole holding hands thing -- yes it's always been common in South Asia. Actually even in parts of Middle East they do it too. And not just that but also non-verbal language. In East, men talk closer face to face whereas there is more distance in the west. Holding hands even is normal, it's not a gay practice. Of course if you did that in west people wuud probably assume youre gay or something.

given the conservative nature of our region and 'social norms' ---people in our part of the world dont get to experience sexuality until they get married and start producing children. Our religion and our culture forbid pre-marital relations but at the same time there are so many signs of sexual repression. That's why so many (maybe even some of you) love the pornos :laugh:

On a different note -- there's only one reason why ultra-orthodox tend to produce more children (Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc.).....b/c they are against contraceptive or birth controls. Doesnt matter whether youre liberal or moderate or orthodox -- everyone wants and everyone needs a sexy-time.

i dont think an ideological state (even one that is founded on some liberal principles) should be institutionalizing gay rights and gay marriages and things like that but at the same time people shouldnt be 'branded' or 'killed' over it. . .of course its complex and my field and my lack of knowledge on it dont put me in position to reach any conclusive judgement.

just my views....

One thing you can do is define rights in a more neutral way.

Define marriage as a union between two consenting adults, don't specify gender. You don't have to have gay rights, just equal rights.
If you really believe gays cause earthquakes then Pakistan must have the highest gay population in the World.

many people/nations were wiped out due to the corruption of society and sin as a punishment from Allah every muslim knows that
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