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Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

Perhaps that is the reason why Pakistani's hate the rest of India to the extent that they do.

No hatred - we are only reciprocating Indian hostility and non-acceptance of the Pakistani State.
Nuristanis of Afghanistan and Kalasha of Pakistan have some greek admixture..

Chinese? :woot::blink: I think he is talking about Hazaras and Baltis and Mongol invasions...

Russians? God knows where that connection came from.. :eek:

Yes, with the Greek flavour you can understand that there are some theories as you mentioned the Nooristanis. But russian is the most puzzling one. the chinees? god knows.
Nuristanis of Afghanistan and Kalasha of Pakistan have some greek admixture..

Chinese? :woot::blink: I think he is talking about Hazaras and Baltis and Mongol invasions...

Russians? God knows where that connection came from.. :eek:

Oops . I forgot that the Russians stopped in Afghanistan :D
Neighboring nations infiltration of Pakistan over the past thousand years or so. Alexander the Greek invaded Pakistan when it was still a Hindu territory and Porus a Pakistani Hindu king fought back but was defeated by Alex. When Alex's army was told to confront the Aryan Hindus, the Greek army turned tail and fled leaving a small army to occupy Pakistan. The reason why the Aryans in north India were able to muster a large army was due to the fact that the Pakistanis were fighting the Greeks and gave us time to muster our forces. In a stupid kind of way that similarity maybe drawn to the current Taliban/Pakistan Army war. The Taliban keeps the Pakistan Army occupied while India musters in forces in the north :D

As i said before, the persians/Tajiks, Afghanistnais, arabs and even greek you mentioned. but the chineese and russians? i cant figure that out.
No hatred - we are only reciprocating Indian hostility and non-acceptance of the Pakistani State.

Most Indians accept the Pakistani state. Heck I will even proudly sing my neighbor's national anthem and stand in salutation to your flag when relationships normalise. What we can't accept is your quarterly gifts of sick misfits being sent across our borders to us with gifts of mayhem and destruction. Now before some Pakistanis start ranting about Indian involvement with the Taliban, please let me know the name of any Indian national who was arrested in Pakistan for terrorism. Do I really need to list the names of Pakistanis who are linked to terrorism in India. That is where the hostility emanates from.
Wait for some more time and pakistanis will claim to be european,american and what not.:D
As i said before, the persians/Tajiks, Afghanistnais, arabs and even greek you mentioned. but the chineese and russians? i cant figure that out.

Ahmad you're taking him too seriously. PW is showing his humorous side as usual.

PW - You better add a couple of smileys when you slip in your humor into ur post my friend. Those who don't know your posts might take it too seriously. :lol:
There are a spectrum of cultures and languages across the Asian landscape. But certain people (mostly Indians and sometimes the odd Pakistani) tend to make exceptions for Pakistani cultures, and associate everything that belongs to our people as either Iranian or Indian. Its a flawed view and usually an agenda driven one.
There is no such thing as "Indian culture" in the first place. Southern India is mostly Tamil, Eastern India has heavy Tibetan influence, and northern/central India has a Gangetic Hindu influence which has never had a presence in Pakistan/Indus valley.
Pakistani cultures of course have similarities to north western Indian cultures like Punjab due to proximity but you will find that every neighbouring region in the world has such similarities.

Pakistan aka the Indus Valley has always had a unique identity and if certain people are blinded by Pakistani nation being relatively new, you can always study the historical importance of major cities and regions like Lahore, Peshawar, Multan, Karachi, Quetta, Taxila, Swat etc. These regions have always belonged to our ancestors and have formed our Indus identity and culture.

Besides, Pakistan represents the majority of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Baluchis and Kashmiris in the world, this alone portrays the uniqueness of modern Pakistan.

So, basically, nothing in Pakistan is 'Indic' or 'Iranic'. These terms are flawed and anyone with the slightest knowledge of Asian cultures shouldn't be promoting them.


very well said :tup:
Wait for some more time and pakistanis will claim to be european,american and what not.:D

No wait... It should be Indians (not Pakistanis) who should claim european ancestry... It has been long known that before the advent of Suez Canal, British Government used to encourage British soldiers to marry local Indian women from lower classes.. that is where you got your Anglo-Indians from.. ;)

and many Goans have Portugese ancestry.. and then you have Indo-French and Indo-Dutch people too... All those people invaded India from Southern and Eastern side I think...:azn::D
I can understand persian, arab, afghanistani etc. But russian, chineese, greek? where does that come from?

For the record; Indo Greek Kings ruled the area what is now Punjab, NWFP and Afghanistan from 180 BC to 10BC. Kushans (Chinese call them Yuchis) from Central Asia ruled all of Pakistan and North India from about early first Century AD to 250 AD (remember Kanishka)

Sasanians ruled modern Pakistani Baluchistan, Sindh down to Indian Gujarat until around 650 AD.

Arabs invaded Sindh in 711. Arab state survived in one form or the other in Multan, having been taken over by the Isamailis. Isamailis were there until Mahmud Ghaznavi invaded India and captured Multan in 1040. These people then fled north and are found today in the Hunza valley.

Wallaahi is a word commonly used by Arabs..:azn::azn: not so much by Pakistanis..

Wallaahi in Arabic means "By Allah", so now your saying that he isn't Pakistani because he said "By Allah i'm a Pakistani"?

So does that mean if i say Alhamdulillah that means i'm not Pakistani? I know many Pakistanis who know many phrases in Arabic, so does that mean they are not Pakistani? So your point is that anything related to Islam and Arabic is not a part of Pakistan? If that's so then i pity you, your here embracing indians and their ****** culture, but anything that has to do with Islam or Arabic according to you is not Pakistani?

Your here calling people indian (personal attacks), you yourself called indians "our beloved neighbors to the east"? Show's your hypocrisy.

how could you love a country that broke our Pakistan in 2 pieces? They are responsible for cutting off our water supply which in return is starving our countrymen and livestock!

i doubt your a Pakistani.

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Wallaahi in Arabic means "By Allah", so now your saying that he isn't Pakistani because he said "By Allah i'm a Pakistani"?

So does that mean if i say Alhamdulillah that means i'm not Pakistani? I know many Pakistanis who know many phrases in Arabic, so does that mean they are not Pakistani? So your point is that anything related to Islam and Arabic is not a part of Pakistan? If that's so then i pity you, your here embracing indians and their ****** culture, but anything that has to do with Islam or Arabic according to you is not Pakistani?

Your here calling people indian (personal attacks), you yourself called indians "our beloved neighbors to the east"? Show's your hypocrisy.

how could you love a country that broke our Pakistan in 2 pieces? They are responsible for cutting off our water supply which in return is starving our countrymen and livestock!
i doubt your a Pakistani.


The highlighted portion of this post is just emotional jargon. If an Indian had to reply to this jargon they could be forgiven for example saying that "we were just returning the favour in 1971 for what you did to India during partition" but that would sound just as ridiculous as the statement contained above
Just like recently out of complex , Indians are claiming that Mughals are Indians

Well as a matter of fact , we gave them Indian citizenship after they invaded India. They were here for so long, we decided to certify them Indians :D

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