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Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

Kashmiris are Dardic people, not Iranic.

Where did I say Kashmiris are Iranic? :blink: and Kashmiris like Mirpuri etc are Indic people..

Right. It wasn't you. I guess Aj mentioned that.
so basically its only punjabis, sindhis, and urdu speaking who are indic.... rest all are iranic which include baluch, pashtun, kashmiri & baltistani. so this thread starter guy wasnt completely wrong. isnt it?
yar Pashtuns are not iranic

You can disagree.. but there is a world wide consensus (both linguistical and genetical) that Pashtuns are Iranic people..

What do you think they are? Semitic? I don't think so! Neither they are Indic!
There are a spectrum of cultures and languages across the Asian landscape. But certain people (mostly Indians and sometimes the odd Pakistani) tend to make exceptions for Pakistani cultures, and associate everything that belongs to our people as either Iranian or Indian. Its a flawed view and usually an agenda driven one.
There is no such thing as "Indian culture" in the first place. Southern India is mostly Tamil, Eastern India has heavy Tibetan influence, and northern/central India has a Gangetic Hindu influence which has never had a presence in Pakistan/Indus valley.
Pakistani cultures of course have similarities to north western Indian cultures like Punjab due to proximity but you will find that every neighbouring region in the world has such similarities.

Pakistan aka the Indus Valley has always had a unique identity and if certain people are blinded by Pakistani nation being relatively new, you can always study the historical importance of major cities and regions like Lahore, Peshawar, Multan, Karachi, Quetta, Taxila, Swat etc. These regions have always belonged to our ancestors and have formed our Indus identity and culture.

Besides, Pakistan represents the majority of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Baluchis and Kashmiris in the world, this alone portrays the uniqueness of modern Pakistan.

So, basically, nothing in Pakistan is 'Indic' or 'Iranic'. These terms are flawed and anyone with the slightest knowledge of Asian cultures shouldn't be promoting them.

You can disagree.. but there is a world wide consensus (both linguistical and genetical) that Pashtuns are Iranic people..

What do you think they are? Semitic? I don't think so! Neither they are Indic!

Some Pashtoons of Pakistan consider themselves as semitic. But it seems like different tribes might have different backgrounds. I have seen in quite a few places that the Ghilzai Pashtoons is thought to have Turkic background, the Durani ones having Iranic , the Karlanis which are mostly in Pakistan especially the Afridis having Semitic blood.
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I too read somewhere that Pashtuns are the easternmost branch of the Iranian genetic group.

Though you'd disagree, I guess the Israeli sponsored study may bring out some interesting facts. :azn:
Pashtun clue to lost tribes of Israel | World news | The Observer

The Isreali funded study with an Indian assigned to work on it is a BS :) and a failed attempt to prove Indians are Aryans and to prove that Pashtuns the lost Jewish tribe. Though this theory is altready proven wrong so i dont trust this Israeli BS much.
The Isreali funded study with an Indian assigned to work on it is a BS :) and a failed attempt to prove Indians are Aryans and to prove that Pashtuns the lost Jewish tribe. Though this theory is altready proven wrong so i dont trust this Israeli BS much.

If this is true (which i highly doubt that it aint) i am glad we got lost.
The Isreali funded study with an Indian assigned to work on it is a BS :) and a failed attempt to prove Indians are Aryans and to prove that Pashtuns the lost Jewish tribe. Though this theory is altready proven wrong so i dont trust this Israeli BS much.

I think the study is still on and the genetics results aren't out yet.

Btw, Aryan blood or not is another discussion in itself. AFAIK, Arya was just a social status for a group of people possible related to a language as well. And the Vedas and Puranas which are the earliest known Aryan texts researched by Muller, Hill etc. they don't mention any physical characteristic unique to Aryans. Its not certain at all who they were. :coffee:
I think the study is still on and the genetics results aren't out yet.

Btw, Aryan blood or not is another discussion in itself. AFAIK, Arya was just a social status for a group of people possible related to a language as well. And the Vedas and Puranas which are the earliest known Aryan texts researched by Muller, Hill etc. they don't mention any physical characteristic unique to Aryans. Its not certain at all who they were. :coffee:

I am from North India so I am Aryan. The South Indians are Dravidians. The Pakistanis are a mixed race of Russian, Persian, Greek, Chinese, Afghanistani,Arab and African peoples having been invaded by many nations hosting armies which consisted of those nationalities. So the true pure states are actually north and south India. Pakistan was always those state's buffer zone during the days of invasion. Perhaps that is the reason why Pakistani's hate the rest of India to the extent that they do. Then again as an Aryan, my duty is to understand their anger at us :D
I am from North India so I am Aryan. The South Indians are Dravidians. The Pakistanis are a mixed race of Russian, Persian, Greek, Chinese, Afghanistani,Arab and African peoples having been invaded by many nations hosting armies which consisted of those nationalities. So the true pure states are actually north and south India. Pakistan was always those state's buffer zone during the days of invasion. Perhaps that is the reason why Pakistani's hate the rest of India to the extent that they do. Then again as an Aryan, my duty is to understand their anger at us :D

I can understand persian, arab, afghanistani etc. But russian, chineese, greek? where does that come from?
I can understand persian, arab, afghanistani etc. But russian, chineese, greek? where does that come from?

Nuristanis of Afghanistan and Kalasha of Pakistan have some greek admixture..

Chinese? :woot::blink: I think he is talking about Hazaras and Baltis and Mongol invasions...

Russians? God knows where that connection came from.. :eek:
I can understand persian, arab, afghanistani etc. But russian, chineese, greek? where does that come from?

Neighboring nations infiltration of Pakistan over the past thousand years or so. Alexander the Greek invaded Pakistan when it was still a Hindu territory and Porus a Pakistani Hindu king fought back but was defeated by Alex. When Alex's army was told to confront the Aryan Hindus, the Greek army turned tail and fled leaving a small army to occupy Pakistan. The reason why the Aryans in north India were able to muster a large army was due to the fact that the Pakistanis were fighting the Greeks and gave us time to muster our forces. In a stupid kind of way that similarity maybe drawn to the current Taliban/Pakistan Army war. The Taliban keeps the Pakistan Army occupied while India musters its forces in the north :D
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