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Hindus in Pakistan angered over forced conversions to Islam

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What are the chances of a thread about the persecution of minorities getting hijacked and derailed into another india v Pak thread? Oh never mind, it's already happened.

On Topic: Pakistanis (I am not mentioning religion, because as far as I am concerned, religion is a personal matter) need to get our act together and work out a way to stop this extremist madness. These thugs are doing nothing more then using religion to kidnap girls, this is in my thinking a capital crime. Why is there no moral outrage by our esteemed politicians, the dancing lawyers who shower petals on killers? the self declared civil society of burger boys and old aunties? Why are they trying to throw it under the "but every one is targeted in Pakistan, including mosques etc" when they know full well that many people in Pakistan are very nosy about other peoples religion and want to "revert" to the true faith.

They are targeting Hindus and Christians because they are seen as very vulnerable in terms of their social standing. It is really sad that our so called Islamic government has failed to honour the example set by Prophet Muhammad (saw), for it is the responsibility of the majority to ensure the protection of the minority. What example do you think this holds up in front of non Muslims and non Pakistanis?

And I just feel like leaving this poem by Hazrat Bulleh Shah (rh) because it so tragically describes the conditions of todays Mullahs:
Rab Rab karday budhay ho gaye mullah pandit saaray
Rab da khoj khura na labda sajday kar kar haaray.
Rab tay tery andar wasda vich quran isharay,
Bulleh shah
Rab onhu milda jerha apnay nafs nu maaray!!

If these people who kidnapped these girls understood the last line and its importance in Islam, then they would never do these lanti acts.
Yes but it's still a relatively large population which contradicts what you said about there not being many at all in Indian Kashmir.

I knew they were but not anything more than a minority compared to the Sunnis or even Hindus and Buddhist.
I knew they were but not anything more than a minority compared to the Sunnis or even Hindus and Buddhist.
But what was your point? I said they where being persecuted to which another member and you said there are not enough Shias in Indian Kashmir for there to be any persecution.
You were interested in their accomplishment. 8-)

I said what did they accomplish by coming to India, they wanted to preserve their religion to take it back to Iran one day and now they are dying out meanwhile there are still Zoroastrians in Iran who never left. So they cut tail and left when others did not yes or no?

But what was your point? I said they where being persecuted to which another member and you said there are not enough Shias in Indian Kashmir for there to be any persecution.

Persecuted by who they are in Jammu with Hindus all the sunnis are in the valley where they make the majority, are the hindus beating up the shias or are some sunnis coming into an area full of shias and somehow having their way? Think for a bit.
Persecuted by who they are in Jammu with Hindus all the sunnis are in the valley where they make the majority, are the hindus beating up the shias or are some sunnis coming into an area full of shias and somehow having their way? Think for a bit.
Good point but stories like this are not coming out of nowhere. It's not unheard of for some Sunnis to come down and attack Hindus in Jammu so it could happen to Shias as well.
I said what did they accomplish by coming to India, they wanted to preserve their religion to take it back to Iran one day and now they are dying out meanwhile there are still Zoroastrians in Iran who never left. So they cut tail and left when others did not yes or no?

The population decline is very recent and who knows they can recover in the future and steps are being taken. The Parsis even helped Iranian Zoroastrian during Qajar Dynasty. You may not know what religion Celts, Germanic or other people across the region followed but rest of the world is very much aware of the Zoroastrianism and its teachings.
IF I am not wrong it were the Shias who reported the Kargil incursion in the 1999.

Idk about that. Maybe Kargil got like 100k people most are Shias.

The population decline is very recent and who knows they can recover in the future and steps are being taken. The Parsis even helped Iranian Zoroastrian during Qajar Dynasty. You may not know what religion Celts, Germanic or other people across the region followed but rest of the world is very much aware of the Zoroastrianism and its teachings.

Yes who knows, wrong what are you saying we do not know about the pre Christian pagan religions? How we know about Thor, Loki, and Odin then or did we make them up? Germanic pagan religion was described by Tacitus. It involved animal and human sacrifice and was similar to Scandinavian religion.
First of all please stay on topic. And don't change the topic, and about Muslims killed in Gujarat FYI a train full of Hindus was burnt to ashes and then came the reaction, which I condemn cause those innocent muslims weren't guilty of anything BUT you see guilty are punished and are behind the jail now. But I don't recall any such justice to the forcefully converted hindus in Pakistan. What say now?
Well this meeting took place in Karachi Press Club. And if we read it properly, the parents acknowledge that because of the media their girls were saved from forced conversions. So why blame the media?
Yes we can all blame the govt of Pakistan. But take your turn. There are many things they are blamed for and rightly so. With everything going on. Just fight for your rights. Otherwise no one will help you.

Well didnt hundu mobs kill over 2000 muslims in gujarat under the watchful eyes of Narenda Modi(dont write that the courts found him innocent, as it is very easy to get this type of justice in india and Pakistan for politicians). He was referring to this.
Ok how about Operation Gibraltar then?

Kashmiris snitched out to Indians who knows what religion they were most likely they were Sunni Muslims. I tell @Armstrong this he don't believe me anyway. :lol:

What is your point though? You are asking me stuff I never brought up.
There should be zero tolerance in Pakistan against forced conversions because that is UNISLAMIC. In Islam, you cannot convert anyone by force and even if you do , that person is not Muslim anyway.

Now if someone after carefully examining Islam decides on their own accord to convert to Islam, it is their choice.
Good point but stories like this are not coming out of nowhere. It's not unheard of for some Sunnis to come down and attack Hindus in Jammu so it could happen to Shias as well.

Doubtful there is a hindu kashmiri on this forum who says Hindus are protecting Jammu and Sunnis don't do nothing like that because they cannot get away with it. So maybe they are old stories but wherever there are Shias in Indian Kashmir they are nearly no Sunnis so again who is oppressing them then?
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