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Hindu Village Bans Entry of Muslims

Everyone is lying ,Jamatis cannot do this,
Everyone is RSS agent,it's all a conspiracy against muslims ?.
Facts don't lie ,Jamatis are single biggest source of coronavirus in India.

why is your state involved in religious profiling, when your minister initially refused to give numbers on corona infected indian army personnel?.

any sane human would not take your media for its face value, only brainwashed hindutva would,
But i thought India was a secular country? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

So much for being a secular country. This is a lesson for us that just calling yourself a secular country does not make you mean. Muslims in India are not only facing institutional racism, but also racism from ordinary everyday Indian Hindus. There was a time when Indian members would say Muslims in India are better of then Muslims in Pakistan :omghaha:
There was a time when Indian members would say Muslims in India are better of then Muslims in Pakistan

there was a time when there was no internet and babri mosque was demolished, the gujarati muslims were butchered etc, dont know in which delusional world hindutvas live, just few days ago some hindutva again repeated that pakistani muslims want to migrate to india if given the opportunity. some mental illness resulting form excessive dose of gaumutra.

But i thought India was a secular country? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

So much for being a secular country. This is a lesson for us that just calling yourself a secular country does not make you mean. Muslims in India are not only facing institutional racism, but also racism from ordinary everyday Indian Hindus. There was a time when Indian members would say Muslims in India are better of then Muslims in Pakistan :omghaha:

I remember those days here. Long posts in flowery passionate language.

Then the posts dried up.

Because the hands typing them got tired clapping with one hand.
there was a time when there was no internet and babri mosque was demolished, the gujarati muslims were butchered etc, dont know in which delusional world hindutvas live

Well said, but i think the rise of Modi has resulted in racism coming out in the open rather then being kept in the shadows.

just few days ago some hindutva again repeated that pakistani muslims want to migrate to india if given the opportunity. some mental illness resulting form excessive dose of gaumutra.


I remember those days here. Long posts in flowery passionate language.

Then the posts dried up.

Because the hands typing them got tired clapping with one hand.

Goodness me, you are going to get lynched for speaking truth like this.
Well said, but i think the rise of Modi has resulted in racism coming out in the open rather then being kept in the shadows.


Goodness me, you are going to get lynched for speaking truth like this.
Well said, but i think the rise of Modi has resulted in racism coming out in the open rather then being kept in the shadows.


Goodness me, you are going to get lynched for speaking truth like this.

Which means you did not understand the last part of my post.
Why should only Muslim traders be banned as per the OP? Why not ban all outsiders if the fear is a logical fear of spread of Infection?

Can our moderate Hindu friends and their open hindutva allies who are swarming this thread like locusts please clarify or explain this anomaly?
I find it funny how indians act when they outnumber their victims 1000 to 1, yet when some white guy calls them a street shitter(which they are to be fair) they start going in to seizures crying racism. These people really are a comedy show.
I don't know if it's an English thing but most Pakistanis do not know the technical correct meaning if racism and would not know it if it smacked up direct in their faces

Technicalites dont matter when your mom is getting abused by someone because of what she looks like, but that's not something I would ever expect someone like you to understand, you cant even poo to the loo properly.
I don't know if it's an English thing but most Pakistanis do not know the technical correct meaning of racism and would not know it if it smacked up direct in their faces
But religious discrimination is equally opposed as racial discrimination in western countries. These are characteristics that are equally protected in everything from the UN charter of human rights down to the lowliest company policy. Perhaps this is the "English thing" you're trying hard to obfuscate.
But religious discrimination is equally opposed as racial discrimination in western countries. These are characteristics that are equally protected in everything from the UN charter of human rights down to the lowliest company policy. Perhaps this is the "English thing" you're trying hard to obfuscate.

I think you got what I was trying to say.....
Life is important then secularism....
But i thought India was a secular country? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

So much for being a secular country. This is a lesson for us that just calling yourself a secular country does not make you mean. Muslims in India are not only facing institutional racism, but also racism from ordinary everyday Indian Hindus. There was a time when Indian members would say Muslims in India are better of then Muslims in Pakistan :omghaha:

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