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Hindu right rewriting Indian textbooks

Science and religion both incompatible with each other, science used factual evident but religion demand blind faith on mythology for everything evolve in the universe, intermix science with religion bring more harm to young kid as they can't differentiate between fact or faith.

Real issue here is not science vs religion, its just made out to be.
Not exactly, too long has this caste politics have been played, it is time to end this and erase caste boundaries and unite hindus as one entity for the unity of this nation and fortunately the secularists are pushing them in that direction :D
This will only go automatically when people will have education and financial safety.
You blow up, or kill some one with machete...... What's the difference? Indoctrination starts small, always. Now i am starting to find more similarities of BJP led India to the Third Reich.

You have no idea about Hinduism and its tolerant and ever absorbing culture.You cant understand it .Simple .Period
Bs and nonsense. The Mughals were here. No amount of day dreaming is going to erase that. And teaching that a load of mythological bull$hit is 'reality' is not teaching anyone to take more pride in 'culture', it is only making children retarded for life.

I have enough experience with these history texts since that is one of my favourite subjects.Did you check 7th standard social science text in Kerala?If didnt you should that.
In history part you can see elaborate explanation of invasion of the central Asian and Afghan Muslims.One of them Muhammed Ghori and Privthiraj Chavan fought against each other.Ghori did two attempts and he decisevly defeated in first 2attempts .In first time he even captured by Prithivraj but that good and honourable that invader.Ghouri repayed his tribute in the second attempt by ripping Prithiviraj eyes.
But these text dont even mentioned about.Forget about cruel part since childrens dont need to know about such violence .But these 'sickular' text ignore to mentioned the great heart of the Prithviraj Chavan.
Any student who learned or any teachrr who taught them cant understand that cultural difference .The real tolerance and honourable culture of Hindu kings .
That is where your secular leaders failed our tradition ,nation and culture.
I have enough experience with these history texts since that is one of my favourite subjects.Did you check 7th standard social science text in Kerala?If didnt you should that.
In history part you can see elaborate explanation of invasion of the central Asian and Afghan Muslims.One of them Muhammed Ghori and Privthiraj Chavan fought against each other.Ghori did two attempts and he decisevly defeated in first 2attempts .In first time he even captured by Prithivraj but that good and honourable that invader.Ghouri repayed his tribute in the second attempt by ripping Prithiviraj eyes.
But these text dont even mentioned about.Forget about cruel part since childrens dont need to know about such violence .But these 'sickular' text ignore to mentioned the great heart of the Prithviraj Chavan.
Any student who learned or any teachrr who taught them cant understand that cultural difference .The real tolerance and honourable culture of Hindu kings .
That is where your secular leaders failed our tradition ,nation and culture.

I'm sorry but what exactly do you want? Write a line that says 'evil muslim showed ingratitude and pulled eyes of great Indian king'? I can assure you that's the story across most of history and you'll have to do that in every single phase of history and every single relegions. 'Seulars failed our traiditions by not pointing out evil muslims for gouging eyes out'.
I'm sorry but what exactly do you want? Write a line that says 'evil muslim showed ingratitude and pulled eyes of great Indian king'? I can assure you that's the story across most of history and you'll have to do that in every single phase of history and every single relegions. 'Seulars failed our traiditions by not pointing out evil muslims for gouging eyes out'.

Have you read all of my post?
You can expelled 'gouging part'.Because Childrens dont need to know such violence .But at least you can add why the Prithivraj spared his life at first time even though he could be easily execute Ghori.Why did he do that ?On what motivation and ideology .That is where our great tradition came in to play where you should treat your hostage honourably even if they are enemies. .Not Hindu tradition but Indian tradition.
There is no harm about that .
Have you read all of my post?
You can expelled 'gouging part'.Because Childrens dont need to know such violence .But at least you can add why the Prithivraj spared his life at first time even though he could be easily execute Ghori.Why did he do that ?On what motivation and ideology .That is where our great tradition came in to play where you should treat your hostage honourably even if they are enemies. .Not Hindu tradition but Indian tradition.
There is no harm about that .

What is your problem man? PC is always known as one of the greatest heroes in Indian history. Would this have happened if someone had underplayed him? Just because you want to spend several chapters on him, don't mean that some 7th standard kid needs to be kept repeated on that. Your personal feelings are weird. Great historical characters like Chandragupta Maurya and PC are not only considered heroes but at a level way higher than anyone else.
What is your problem man? PC is always known as one of the greatest heroes in Indian history. Would this have happened if someone had underplayed him? Just because you want to spend several chapters on him, don't mean that some 7th standard kid needs to be kept repeated on that. Your personal feelings are weird. Great historical characters like Chandragupta Maurya and PC are not only considered heroes but at a level way higher than anyone else.

But in our history texts,its not like that .You should read that then only you can understand.On one side they spend a lot to describe the glory of Mughals .But on other side they dont have enough for explain Vijayanagar Empire,Chola dynasty ,Ahoms etc.Explanation about Shivaji is reduced in to one page.
In total the kids that I know cant say the difference between Indian Kings and Invaders.For them all of them are Indians like feeling.
My two cents -
As @DRAY pointed out a while back, there are no issues with students being taught about Indian heritage, provided that they are taught under clearly marked subject heads of "hindu mythology". To confuse a student's mind with heavy doses of politically convenient half truths, in the garb of "science" is criminal.

Besides, why are some of our fellow Indians so aggressive? Its like they are are constantly on a war footing to salvage honor, pride, etc. Nobody is out to get you...chill. They talk about "fence sitters joining the hindu right camp" as if there's a war at hand...quite funny...this insecurity driven banter.
Nothing wrong in learning our culture and tradition thing rather than bullshit story of Shahajahan...who built Tajamahal for his wife...Such a low life king who wasted public money for his wife's memory...

By now India has probably made back all that money and more just through the tourism revenue alone. :coffee:

what is this?

Persian painting of the Buraqq.

Actually someone else invented a "donkey plane".It is true and proven,that is why there are hundreds who are willing to die for this invention,literally

Typical dothead bullshit, Muslims do not teach their kids that we created air planes and you bringing up this painting has nothing to do with the topic at hand but it does show that even you find the decision by the gujratis as ridiculous.

Indians only do shit like this because they are an insecure people. I suspect under Modi's leadership many of these things will start popping up all over India, like that thread talking about Native Americans were Hindus will probably be put into Delhi school curriculum. :omghaha:
This problem exists both in India and Pakistan. Religion should be kept separate from education. History is ambiguous and each student of history views it by his own lens. Let the students build their own view of history instead of pulling out religious concepts which not all of the population believes in. Unfortunately most of us look at history from a religious lens and this greatly frustrates me. For example Akbar is known as a hero among Muslims but a villain amongst Hindus. Rana Sanga is viewed as villain by Muslims and hero for Indians.

Especially Muslims will find this education detrimental and since they do not read Ramayana and other Hindu scripture the so called historical education will be much harder for them. I already warned that a BJP in power will try to quash Muslims.

It won't be long before Indians start blaming our Ansaris for each and every wrong that takes place in their nation.
They are the ancient people of the IVC, Max Muller called them Dravidian, and I reiterate , Rama stole Ravan's aircraft to fly home, and Hindu are claiming its their invention , how ridiculous ?

Tamils have nothing to do with ivc.
pakistanis have no problem teaching their kids that all non muslims are kafirs and deserve to be hated, that pakistanis are talland fair while Indians are dark and short and now you are preaching us. nice try i must say:D

besides, no matter what, conditions in my country will always be far better than that in yours, now go and watchout for the drones.

Pakistanis are also the ones who are fighting for textbook reform, meanwhile it seems Indians are fighting for textbook regression in their schools. :D

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