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Hindu nationalists increasingly use anti-Semitic slurs to target me – and that isn’t surprising

Do we Indians Official class cares about you and your meaningless talks ? We know how to treat butterflies , Nectar from Republic of India is going to be closed. We are going to close food supplies and deploy long range bombers with Sudharshan and Brahmos.


Indian Official class are working to know about the history of each english word which is existed and how its linked with occupation. Culture comes from Cult only.

Trying? I think they have already claimed it as their own.

That might be the case, but when you look at the academic population, Jews will be more represented in absolute numbers and relative percentages than Arabs.

And it was a Jewish scholar who first coined the term 'anti-semitism'.
I think it was a Gog and Magog Jewish scholar who also coined the term 'racism'.
Sadly for you, Even he can't manufacture new history.
Turks fought and made winston churchill shit his pants while you indians were begging him for freedom.
That's history for you:rolleyes:

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