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Hindu nationalists increasingly use anti-Semitic slurs to target me – and that isn’t surprising

No. The Majority of the funding comes from the US. Rest of it from Europe.

There are all kinds of old and new denominations and they form an incestuous group. Especially when it comes to damning India on the global state.

US govt. regularly calls us and gives us loan speeches on "freedom of religion" :lol: Every visiting US president made sure he "advised" India on "freedom of religion".

I read that India has cracked down on foreign NGOs and foreign funding.
Did it work?

I think Trump is the exception to that rule. That is why the Hindus love Trump. lol.

I personally think that Trump is an idiot.
But given the right circumstances, he can be a useful idiot. :D
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99.99% of Hindus ( I mean literate ones, including myself) don't know the meaning of semitic or Anti-Semitic.
Actually what does that mean?

Don't know , don't care.

Its something to do with xtians and muslims killing the jews for centuries.

I read that India has cracked down on foreign NGOs and foreign funding.
Did it work?

Yes we did. Too early to say if it worked.

That need to be supplemented with Ghar Wapsi and that seems to have fizzled out.

I personally think Trump is an idiot.
But given the right circumstances, he can be a useful idiot. :D

He is definitely not an Idiot. He is just crude and uncivilized, like the average American. lol.

Then again, the civilized US president was found inserting cigars into his interns while his wife pretended nothing is wrong.
99.99% of Hindus ( I mean literate ones, including myself) don't know the meaning of semitic or Anti-Semitic.
Actually what does that mean?

It just means anti-Jewish.
It was a word which was used very carefully in the past.
But nowadays, many people use it as a way to silence criticism against Jews, even when the criticism itself is not anti-semitic.

So, just like 'racism' it has become, what I call, a 'shutdown' word.
A word one uses to shut down anyone who disagrees.
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It just means anti-Jewish.
It was a word which was used very carefully in the past.
But nowadays, many people use it as a way to silence criticism against Jews, even when the criticism itself is not anti-semitic.

So, just like racism it has become, what I call, a 'shutdown' word.
A word one uses to shut down anyone who disagrees.

In India the "shutdown" word is

1. Bhakt
2. Sanghi
3. Chaddi

You can see how many times they are used in pdf. Almost always by xitains and muslims.

In fact, when ever you see any Indian using these words. You can be sure they are either a muslim or a xtian.
Yes we did. Too early to say if it worked.
That need to be supplemented with Ghar Wapsi and that seems to have fizzled out.

I do think that the next step in Hindu resurgence needs to be to free the mandirs from government control.
Do you know if that is progressing?
I do think that the next step in Hindu resurgence needs to be to free the mandirs from government control.
Do you know if that is progressing?

Its in the high court right now and Dr. Swamy is fighting it.

There is also a Bill of Hindu charter that is supposed to be introduced in the Parliament.
Church in the west is weakening, that is why they are targeting the East to regain power and control.

Sadly its not dying fast enough and the damage they are doing in the Indian social fabric is terrible and will have a long long repercussion. Sadly it is Hindus who will pay for the sins of the xtians.

The Hebrew word for synagogue is hakneset meaning congregation, while the Aramaic word is knista.

Aramaic word closer to the Greek ekklesia than the word knista. There is another Aramic word atra which is translated as place or (religious) site.

Isa ibne Maryam A.S used this word for the reason you mention above, which is that it refers to a place rather than a people, whereas knista (synagogue) means congregation or assembly.
The Hebrew word for synagogue is hakneset meaning congregation, while the Aramaic word is knista.

Aramaic word closer to the Greek ekklesia than the word knista. There is another Aramic word atra which is translated as place or (religious) site.

Isa ibne Maryam A.S used this word for the reason you mention above, which is that it refers to a place rather than a people, whereas knista (synagogue) means congregation or assembly.

Let me make this easy for you.

These are the Tablets from 1350 B.C, with Inscription of Treaty Between Hittite King Suppiluliuma I and Mittanni King Shattiwaza Invoking Hindu Gods Indra and Varuna as Divine Witness.

In case you are wondering where "Hittite" kingdom was. It is what is called TURKEY.

This Inscription Was Found In Bogazkoy, Turkey.

I do think that the next step in Hindu resurgence needs to be to free the mandirs from government control.
Do you know if that is progressing?

Some 100 to 150 years back , Mandirs use to be under direct control of the Raj Guru or Dharma Guru who directly assist the Aryan kings where as the Masjids use to be under Qazi and the Qazi were even directly answerable to the Aryan kings. And the work of Raj Guru and Qazi was to run the kingdom on Dharma Shastra and Shariah. I am talking about Hindustan.
Hindus are not anti-semitic.
The author of this article complains about being targeted by Hindus.
She and other American Jews / leftists (so called academics) try to act like they are the victim, when they started it.
Leftist propaganda tactics do not work anymore.

I was born in Surinam.
In Surinam, you also had Jews.
They came from The Netherlands, Portugal and Italy.
They were Ashkenazi and Sephardic.
Nowadays there are about 200 Jews in Surinam and there is 1 active synagogue.
No problems were ever recorded between Hindus and Jews in Surinam.

So, I was neutral towards Jews.
Yet, in the last couple of years, I did read negative articles about Hinduism, especially from American Jews.
I did not understand why these American Jews and their leftist cronies target Hindus, even when Hindus have never targeted Jews (American or otherwise).
I still think it is mostly American Jews and leftists who write negative propaganda about Hinduism and therefore I will not generalize all Jews.
In the future, however, if they continue, it will be hard not to generalize all of them.

In other words, if the Israeli and other non-American Jews wish that Jews in general have good relations with Hindus in general, they need to rein in their American 'cousins'.

OpinionHitler’s Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi-loving Nationalists

The ‘Hitler’s Den’ pool parlor that shocked me on a round-India trip 10 years ago was no outlier. Admiration for Nazism – often reframed with a genocidal hatred for Muslims – is rampant in the Hindu nationalist camp, which has never been as mainstream as it is now

Shrenik Rao
14.12.2017 | 18:20
July 2008. I was on a cycling expedition, from the southernmost tip of India to its most northern state. Along the way, I took a pit stop at Nagpur, the geographic center of India and the epicenter of Hindu nationalism. There, I saw a building with a bizarre name: "Hitlers Den." A pool parlor, its walls were emblazoned with tacky Nazi insignia, and on its shopfront – a swastika on full public display.

How Israel Went From 'Contaminated' to India's Ally
The swastika is not an unusual symbol in India. It’s ubiquitous. Markets, shops, homes, temples, vehicles, notebooks, property documents and even shaved heads are smeared with vermilion or turmeric swastikas, often with the words "Shubh Labh," meaning "good fortune."

But this was most definitely Hitler’s Nazi swastika - a tilted version of the Hindu swastika on a black background. This blatant display of Nazi symbolism was odd. What was "Hitler’s Den" doing in the middle of Nagpur? I wondered. I brushed it off as stupidity and cycled on.


The "Hitlers Den" pool parlor in Nagpur, epicenter of Hindu nationalismShrenik Rao/Madras Courier
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Ironically, Hitler – the genocidal maniac who murdered more than six million Jews, who propagated a Nazi ideology that promoted hatred, Aryan racial puritanism and white supremacy – continues to find many followers in India, a nation of predominantly brown-skinned people.

Here, Hitler’s brand of fascism has taken on a distinctly Indian flavour, authenticatedwith a combination of ethnic hatred and Hindu nationalism, in stark contrast to the principles of ahimsa (non-violence) that accompanied India's freedom struggle.

A typical Indian:

Hitlers Aryan Ideal:

I can't tell the difference between the two. The typical Indian and aryan looks are uncanny!!
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OpinionHitler’s Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi-loving Nationalists

Why are you quoting my reply?

Some 100 to 150 years back , Mandirs use to be under direct control of the Raj Guru or Dharma Guru who directly assist the Aryan kings where as the Masjids use to be under Qazi and the Qazi were even directly answerable to the Aryan kings. And the work of Raj Guru and Qazi was to run the kingdom on Dharma Shastra and Shariah. I am talking about Hindustan.

That may be true.
But there are no noble kings anymore in India who rule kingdoms.
There are only corrupt politicians.
So they do not deserve to control mandirs.
A volunteer at an National Register of Citizens centre in Assam’s Morigaon district
The American Jewish groups target Indian Hindus for the soft spot shown by Hindutvas in India for Nazis. Read the article. ... "Hitlers Dens in India"

All images below from India's anti-Semitism...

Read this article:

Many people in India might have heard of Hitler but they do not know much about the Holocaust and do not have the same connection to the Holocaust as Jews have.

From the article:
'Historians attribute this to ignorance about the Third Reich, and Indians’ physical and emotional disconnect from the Holocaust.'

Just like many Jews (also British Jews) do not have an emotional connection to the many millions who died in famines in British India due to the policies of the British.

How many Jews care about the history of Hindus?
How many care about our problems?
Why should Hindus then care for their history and their problems?
Why should their problems be the worlds problems?
No, their problems are their problems and our problems are our problems.

Also, you posted a lot of pictures.
How do you know that the owners of Hitler shops are all Hindus?

From the same article:
'Aligarh’s Ishtiaq Ahmed, owner of Hitler Locks Enterprise'

It says Ishtiaq Ahmed right?
I am almost 100 % sure that he is not a Hindu.
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