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Hijab - An Elegant Fashion

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Jul 21, 2009
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Hijab has been the utmost symbol of Muslim women all over the world.Hijab not only protects women’s respect and dignity but it also marks as the peak of feminity. Lets discuss this wonderful Trend which is now introduced in the latest fashion trend.

The Muslim women can become proud of what she owns at the name of Islamic Culture. Its very welcomed that Hijab is now revived as the part of latest fashion trend in Pakistan. The Hijab as the part of latest fashion trend in Pakistan is adopted with great enthusiasm.

Since the Pakistani fashion designers give it a new look. Decorate it with different color combinations since now its the component of latest fashion trend in Pakistan.When we talk of Hijab as the latest fashion trend in Pakistan we see three themes of Hijab as latest fashion trend which are Fancy, formal and casual. The fancy Hijab are those Hijab outfits which are made with very dark and bright colors of red, maroon, black, orange and blue.

The fancy Hijab has good craft work over them which are mostly of Balochi and sindhi emboidery. This emboidery is done on the edges of sleeves and scarf of Hijab and sometimes it is also on the PALU of Hijab which is used for Covering the Face. The Fancy Hijab is recommended for wedding ceremonies. So pick the best fancy Hijab as latest trend in Pakistan. Now Come to the Formal Hijab,another latest fashion trend in Pakistan,the Formal Hijab Outfit is some how made with lighter and more sober colors like light brown, grey and off white. You can wear the formal Hijab in offices during your working time.

The formal Hijab is very useful for working women since it gives them a perfect look of strong charactered women. Off course an off white formal Hijab with dark multi colored scarf can look good on you and you can be the fashion folk by just picking the formal Hijab as latest fashion trend in Pakistan. Last but not the least the casual Hijab is the appealing part of latest fashion trend in Pakistan, its made up of very dark colors usually of black and dark blue colors.

Its making fabric is very soft and light so that you can wear it while performing the daily chores.Its recommended for the women living overseas.They can wear once and can wear them all day.
So Fashion women You can adopt Hijab as latest fashion trend in Pakistan you will not regret.

Resource Url: Hijab- An Elegant Fashion Trend In Pakistan On the Way....!
Hijab - The ideology of a girl.

It also proves her decency.
It also minimizes the chances for sexual abuse, as the rapists are attracted to women who are acting to 'hot'.

Hijab not only is a sign of a muslim girl, but it also shows her respect to elders, and to religeon.
When fashion doesn't have this sort of hijab being promoted, people scorn fashion but now they are using it to prove hijab's worth? I don't like this fashion at all and especially not what is posted above in the pictures. I especially dislike that.
Sari is worn by women of indian origin , Hijab is bit more global and worn bywomen of middleastern and asian origin

your point was sari is similar in fashion terms as Hijab..tell me about that.
your point was sari is similar in fashion terms as Hijab..tell me about that.

yes corect in my view its similar fashion , you dont seem to agree , why dont you give us your views ? Hijab like sari is an indivisuals choice weather he or she would like to wear it or not !!
yes corect in my view its similar fashion , you dont seem to agree , why dont you give us your views ? Hijab like sari is an indivisuals choice weather he or she would like to wear it or not !!

you said something and you dont have any point to prove it and asking me to prove why I think they are different..lol

anyways..my points is saree doesnt look like Hijab, just like jeans doesnt look like saree or a frock doesnt look like a salwar.

and I personally dont think Hijab would be worn by someone for fashion..what I mean is people who do not follow your religion might not wear Hijab as a fashion code.but people will wear saree even if they are not hindu...cause it has nothing to do with the religion.

I hope you can give your points in your claim..how they are similar.
C'mon Jatt.
He is a human too and can make mistakes. He must have thought of something, that cant clear it. Btw, thanks both. The thread is ruined of its beauty :angry:
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