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Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

honestly There is no iran in mind of iranian governemnt. we are the only country that nationalists parties are banned. the vice-ahmadinejad, mashaii, only once talked about iranian doctorine and said we have problem with israeli government ,not israeli people, regime banned him and blamed him so much and didn't let him to take a part in presidental election or any other elections, khamenei asked ahmadinejad to put him away.
iran is paying more cost than anyone else in the world for Palestine since 34 years ago? palestinian are shia or sunny?
iranian government doesn't care to sunny-shia and neither iran, their only goal is israel. ask iranians to tell you, many iranians are angry of what my governemnt is doing, They believe why when all countries looking to their national interest and their nations, we should look at others, why we should pay cost the goal of another nation?
there is no extending shia or iran or ... it's all about resistence against israel. all the speechs of khamenei( superme leader) is about that. every time somehow to find a new way and connection to hurt israel.

no one cares to assad, do you think why iran is supporting syria now? they think it's west plan to destroy resistance line against israel, what you said against west and their media is what iranian regime is saying for decades.
you tell me, who is benefiting of war in syria? many people of both sides are getting killed, both sides are getting weak day by day, israel is the only country that is happy of what is going on in syria.

we are saying free election is the only solution, what's the problem? many people of syria believe to assad and many people dont believe him, by saying assad must go or must stay, nothing will solve, the only solution is free election, let's both sides take apart in election, whatever result is, all should accept it, If you believe assda is in minority, then why you are afraid of election? you are talking about democracy in turkey, but you dont want it in syria? you are blaming western countries for their behavior and lies against your government, all these western countries are supporting you in syria, why? dont you think what is their interest in syria?
If assad is in miniority, he will gone without any bleeding. Let syrian people(ALL of them with different opinion) decide about their government.

about azeris, you can accuse us whatever you want, but if ask iranian directly, this is my answer, in the war between these two countries, first of all iran tried to help azerbaijan, iran sent some commonders to azerbaijan, but the government of azerbaijan refused them because of they are muslims and has birds, they believed to pan turkism and said many speeches against iran.
it's our fault?

iran tried to be To be mediated and both countries came in iran. but they again start fighting.
with all azerbaijani governement said against iran, iran helped both countries. iran sent food, drug medicine, energy and... to both sides, maybe armenian are not muslims, but they are humans. iran never took any sides and always were trying to stop war.

have you ever seen Nakhchivan in the map? who is supporting people there? they need energy,food and ... and there is no way between azerbaijan and Nakhchivan.

I dont know about people, but government doesn't care to nationality at all. they never had problems with arabs or turk. all these BS about destablize Arab countries start since we found problem in syria. as i said the only thing iranian governemnt care is israel, if anyone stay beside israel, they find problem with him. doesn't matter you are iranian or turk or arab.
you should also pay attention to their terrorist activity in iran. many times they tried to insecure our land, to exploding bomb between people and etc. did you forgot jendollah in southeast of iran? they were killing innocent people in the road.

no one has problem with turks. before syria conflict, iranian governemnt liked islamic party in turkey and erdugan, they were so happy erdugan and islamists are getting power, If you like, i can give you links of iranian news websites that are close to government to see how they are happy and praise erdu and his party.
but after what erdugan did in syria, They are blaming him and think he is a Dishonest man who just using Islam for his goal and turkey, and wanna to make a new ottoman and be leader .

mossadegh never called iranian people terrorists or any other insulting, he fought against Britain in a court and pissed Churchill off.

what erdu is doing in turkey nowadays is more like protest in iran in 2009.
what all you said about west media and what you experienced during last weeks, is what we are saying and experiencing for decades.
BTW, it's not my business to interfere to your internal issues and all i can say, i really hope it will get over in peace. just be aware, by military force using maybe you can force protesters to come back home. but you cant change their minds and you just let them to be more haters and they are waiting for a opportunity in future.

I'm amazed that you are a military man and you don't understand what's happening in the Region. Maybe your one of those people that don't understand strategy!

Israel and US strategy is to defeat Iran and reduce our influence in the region:

Cut of Iran/Syria/Hezbollah axis and once this trio is cut off, Iran won't be able to attack Israel , so Israel can easily attack Iran nuclear facility.

Israel doesn't allow any nation in the Middle East to go nuclear, it has already attacked Iraq in the 1990's and Syria couple years ago.

How are they fighting us?

They are doing this by the way of Proxy, supporting Sunni extremists and sectarian Sunnis in the region.

They want to build a Sunni extremist anti-shia block to fight Iran. That's why there was a revolution in Egypt, to bring in the Islamists there, and now a revolution in Syria. Together the want Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to confront Iran.

You should really brush up on whats going on, being a military man, there is no excuse for you to be this slow. catch up.

It's not all about Palestine, we are protecting out own interests too by supporting groups friendly to Iran , otherwise other groups will come in and support groups that are hostile to Iran.

Bavaram nimisheh keh man bayad inro baray shoma tozih bidam, yani to iran hanooz shoma nafahmidin. Man to amerika zendegy mikonam va inja bozorg shodam vali inaro midonam, che joori shoma hanooz nimifhamin che dareh misheh to khvar miyaneh?

I'm amazed that you are a military man and you don't understand what's happening in the Region. Maybe your one of those people that don't understand strategy!

Israel and US strategy is to defeat Iran and reduce our influence in the region:

Cut of Iran/Syria/Hezbollah axis and once this trio is cut off, Iran won't be able to attack Israel , so Israel can easily attack Iran nuclear facility.

Israel doesn't allow any nation in the Middle East to go nuclear, it has already attacked Iraq in the 1990's and Syria couple years ago.

How are they fighting us?

They are doing this by the way of Proxy, supporting Sunni extremists and sectarian Sunnis in the region.

They want to build a Sunni extremist anti-shia block to fight Iran. That's why there was a revolution in Egypt, to bring in the Islamists there, and now a revolution in Syria. Together the want Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to confront Iran.

You should really brush up on whats going on, being a military man, there is no excuse for you to be this slow. catch up.

It's not all about Palestine, we are protecting out own interests too by supporting groups friendly to Iran , otherwise other groups will come in and support groups that are hostile to Iran.

Bavaram nimisheh keh man bayad inro baray shoma tozih bidam, yani to iran hanooz shoma nafahmidin. Man to amerika zendegy mikonam va inja bozorg shodam vali inaro midonam, che joori shoma hanooz nimifhamin che dareh misheh to khvar miyaneh?

are you really sure you read my post??

many times i said they are trying to destroy resistance Axis against Israel.

alan khabet miad o sarsari khundi ya fagaht 2 khatte nakhost ra khandid o bikhiale baghie shodid?!
are you really sure you read my post??

many times i said they are trying to destroy resistance Axis against Israel.

alan khabet miad o sarsari khundi ya fagaht 2 khatte nakhost ra khandid o bikhiale baghie shodid?!

man feker kardam shoma hay migid faghat iran be felestine ahamiyat mideh. Va iran beh strategy khodesham khili ahmiyat mideh! :)
Iran's New President is Lipstick on a Pig
17 June 2013

Bigoted buffoon Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has finally been fired as the president of Iran and replaced by the supposed moderate reformer Hassan Rowhani, who just won a landslide victory with more than fifty percent of the vote in a crowded field of eight candidates.

“The sun of my moderation has risen,” announced Arman, a reformist newspaper. The election, according to another reformist newspaper called Shargh, signifies “the return of hope and victory for reformers and moderates.”

Some journalists in the West are swooning, as well. Rowhani’s election, writes Karl Vick at Time magazine, “may bring the country out of the severe economic and diplomatic isolation imposed by world powers intent on Iran’s nuclear program.” “Hassan Rouhani's victory in the Iranian election is truly stunning,” writes Jonathan Steele at The Guardian. “It opens a window of hope for an easing of tension between Iran and the west on the strained nuclear file but also on the more urgent issue – the self-destructive clash between Shia and Sunni Islam that is killing thousands in Syria and Iraq and threatens the entire Middle East region.”

Well, maybe, but probably not. It’s way too early to get carried away.

First of all, Rowhani is not the head of state. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is. Rowhani is basically a powerless figurehead. So there’s that.

Second, Iran’s election only looks democratic and meaningful if you squint hard enough at it. So stop squinting and look at it squarely. Khamenei, Iran’s actual tyrannical ruler, wasn’t elected. He was hand-picked by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. And Khamenei and his claque of appointed jurists hand-picked all the presidential candidates who just stood for election. Those they didn’t approve of (and they were legion) did not get to run.

How would you feel about the next American election if Barack Obama or Dick Cheney were to select all the candidates you could choose from? Iranian elections are a little like Henry Ford’s first line of Model-T cars. His customers, he famously said, could have their cars painted any color they like as long as it’s black.

Iranian expat Sohrab Ahmari put it bluntly, and aptly, in The Wall Street Journal. “This is what democracy looks like in a theocratic dictatorship. Iran's presidential campaign season kicked off last month when an unelected body of 12 Islamic jurists disqualified more than 600 candidates. Women were automatically out; so were Iranian Christians, Jews and even Sunni Muslims. The rest, including a former president, were purged for possessing insufficient revolutionary zeal. Eight regime loyalists made it onto the ballots. One emerged victorious on Saturday.”

But let’s pretend, for the sake of argument and analysis, that none of those things are true or that none of them matter. However he got the job, Rowhani is being billed as a moderate and a reformer. But the problem with the word “moderate” is that its meaning is entirely relative. The Muslim Brotherhood is moderate compared with Al Qaeda. Bashar al-Assad is moderate compared with Saddam Hussein. Fidel Castro is moderate compared with Josef Stalin. General Franco was moderate compared with Adolf Hitler.

But are the Muslim Brothers, Bashar al-Assad, Fidel Castro, and Francisco Franco moderates compared with Western political figures who are labeled as moderates? No, no, no, and no.

It’s not even clear that Rowhani is a moderate compared with Ali Khamenei, the only comparison that actually matters.

“Hassan Rouhani is a regime pillar,” notes Lee Smith. “As an early follower of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Rouhani joined him in exile in Paris, and over the last 34 years, the 64-year-old Qom-educated cleric has held key positions in the regime’s political echelons, and served in top military jobs during Iran’s decade-long war with Iraq. As Iran’s chief interlocutor with the West on the regime’s nuclear portfolio, Rouhani boasted of deceiving his negotiating partners. Domestically, he has threatened to crush protestors “mercilessly and monumentally,” and likely participated in the campaign of assassinations of the regime’s Iranian enemies at home and abroad, especially in Europe. Currently, Rouhani serves as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative on the supreme national security council.”

Even if Rowhani was a genuine reformer, it’s not at all clear that he’d be able to change anything. Remember Mohammad Khatami? He was Iran’s moderate reformist president from 1997 to 2005. He racked up a grand total of zero reforms in eight years.

It’s not even clear that he was a moderate or a reformer.

In July 1999 thousands of university students demanded the hard-liners in the regime resign from the government. They didn’t, of course. And Khatami and Rowhani—the old and new “moderate reformers” respectively—brazenly sided with the hard-liners. You can read all about it Countdown to Crisis by Kenneth R. Timmerman, but here’s the relevant passage quoting Rowhani, the new president.

“Addressing the crowd [of regime loyalists], Hassan Rouhani, one of Khatami’s vice presidents, promised to arrest pro-democracy protesters and execute them. ‘Two nights ago we received decisive instruction to deal with these elements,’ he announced. ‘And at dusk yesterday we received a decisive revolutionary order to crush mercilessly and monumentally any move of these opportunistic elements wherever it may occur. From today our people shall witness how our law-enforcement force and our heroic Bassij [militia] shall deal with these opportunists and riotous elements, if they simply dare to show their faces.’”

Rowhani has a track record of thuggishness abroad as well as at home. John-Paul Pagano dug up some old reports from Iranian state media detailing Rowhani’s support for the region’s terrorist organizations and his opposition to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

IRNA news agency (Tehran, in English 1910 gmt 4 Apr 94) reported that Rohani, who is also the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, reiterated “Iran's firm support for Islamic resistance in southern Lebanon”.

According to an IRNA news agency report (2036 gmt 4 Apr 94), Rohani told the leaders of the 10 Palestinian factions that “what Yasir Arafat has signed with the Zionist regime as an agreement is ‘self humiliating’ and will not realize any of the goals and rights of the Palestinian nation”.​

If Rowhani goes on record right now as president retracting his support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and proclaiming his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that would be interesting. It would be even more interesting if Ali Khamenei did these things instead since he’s the one with the power. Neither are likely to happen, nor would we be wise to trust the sincerity of such statements until we see them backed up with action because Rowhani as well as Khamenei has a track record of deception in foreign affairs.

Abbas Milani, the director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University and of the outstanding book The Shah, read Rowhani’s recent memoir and had some interesting things to say about it a few months ago in The New Republic. “The recent memoir by Hassan Rouhani,” he wrote, “who was for several years Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, and is now a possible compromise candidate in the upcoming presidential election, offers a more objective account of Iran’s nuclear strategy and what happened during the negotiations. More than once Rouhani admits that Iran’s strategy was to buy time and thereby to create a new reality on the ground. More than once he reiterates the view that Iran was willing to make concessions—such as the temporary suspension of enrichment activities—only if it would not delay their overall goal of achieving a full fuel cycle and of advancing the other relevant technologies (such as building more sophisticated centrifuges).”

So what do we have here in Iran? A man who barely won fifty percent of the vote in a rigged electoral system, who supports vicious repression of Iranian democracy activists as well as international terrorist organizations, who opposes Middle East peace, and who freely admits to deceiving Western diplomats about his country’s nuclear program to buy time.

There is nothing encouraging here whatsoever, so don’t be a sucker.
@Solomon2 without reading the article, don't you think the title is tad bit harsh? Don't think any intellect or established writer will use such words?
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@Solomon2 without reading the article, don't you think the title is tad bit harsh? Don't think any intellect or established writer will use such words?
The mods would suspend me if I altered titles. The author, Michael J. Totten, used to live in Lebanon and knows it and Iran's Lebanese proxies as well as any Western writer in the English language can without sacrificing his objectivity in favor of gaining sources.

The point is that any "reformer" who becomes president in Iran is sure to betray those who had such hopes in him, as his stance is likely all a deception in the first place: "lipstick on a pig" you see, a perfectly accurate description.
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Ever since Rohani got elected Israelis have been very upset, they were hoping for an extremist. If you read their Jewish Media you can easily see that. With a moderate like Rohani in place it's difficult for Israel to go to war with Iran.

Now, they are on damage control, writing whatever they can to try to convince people that Rohani is an extremist.
The mods would suspend me if I altered titles. The author, Michael J. Totten, used to live in Lebanon and knows it and Iran's Lebanese proxies as well as any Western writer in the English language can without sacrificing his objectivity in favor of gaining sources.

The point is that any "reformer" who becomes president in Iran is sure to betray those who had such hopes in him, as his stance is likely all a deception in the first place: "lipstick on a pig" you see, a perfectly accurate description.
I would say another biased article from another pathetic Zionist, trying to distort the reality.
Khamenei is chosen by khobregan Parliament and member of this Parliament are elected by direct vote of people,
and NO, Rowhani isn't reformist, keep burning Zionists, cause even reformists in Iran share the same Idea toward state of terror Israel.
famous deny policy of Zionists. you even want to deny the reality,pathetic.
As name suggests this so called parliament is noting but mullah circlejerk. U can chose between mullahs who were carefully selected by other mullahs.
I would say another biased article from another pathetic Zionist, trying to distort the reality.
Khamenei is chosen by khobregan Parliament and member of this Parliament are elected by direct vote of people,
and NO, Rowhani isn't reformist, keep burning Zionists, cause even reformists in Iran share the same Idea toward state of terror Israel.

Khamenei is a dictator. Nothing more, nothing less. There is nothing democratic about his position.

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