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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

So if the bounty is for evidence why is Pakistans mother teresa hafiz saeed challenging it? Why worry? Did he smother someone to death with his sheer love while caring for them? LOL!

Btw I don't believe in karma yet look at the terrorism spike in pakistan after 26-11. Infact the number of common pakistanis who supported LET has fallen sharply since 2008 as per surveys(42 pct were still supporting even after or because of 26-11 in 2008). Does that tell us something unfortunate and unsavory yet useful?
Rest of the post is below my dignity to reply...So taking on this part which surprisingly i have come across quite a few times...

That's another stupid question.........dreaming of covert operations that Israel executed. A country of almost a third of the world's population has to look up to a country that has a fraction of the world's population. It's a shame how dependent you are on Israel!

What is this obsession with Population is all about??? If history has anything to do with you then just look back...Population has nothing to do with how mighty a country is/was....We all call britain as Great Britain for a reason....As far as Israel goes their defense industry is miles ahead then us in many fields....Is this a news for you??? Of-course our Indian leaders need to learn few things from them....Here is a guy whom we are sure is responsible for Mumbai and many incidents of terror in India...who roam freely in Pakistan and yet our govt. is not doing anything about it apart from crying a river...pathetic...but then that is India for you...
Your post does not deserve any explanation, it is that stupid! The proof your government provided to the world has been rejected and this is why the US, very kindly, has announced a US$10 million reward for information that could potentially lead to prosecution. If your proof is good enough, why not claim the US$10 million?

We already provided the proof and US also has the proof! Even there are many Pakistanis believe that 26/11 is a drama by Indian agencies... You can believe what ever you want.... If India wants to terminate then get down on the field and execute the mission or else rant like the present Congress does! Mark my words all the LeT terrorist who were presently in jail will be out in no time! Giving proof to Pakistan is waste of time and energy!

That's another stupid question.........dreaming of covert operations that Israel executed. A country of almost a third of the world's population has to look up to a country that has a fraction of the world's population. It's a shame how dependent you are on Israel!

If population alone matters then Palestine would have defeated Israeli's long ago! We are not depended on Israel in 1965, 1971, Still all the objectives were met then! Israel is not the only country from which India imports equipment's.
We already provided the proof and US also has the proof! Even there are many Pakistanis believe that 26/11 is a drama by Indian agencies... You can believe what ever you want.... If India wants to terminate then get down on the field and execute the mission or else rant like the present Congress does! Mark my words all the LeT terrorist who were presently in jail will be out in no time! Giving proof to Pakistan is waste of time and energy!

If you believe that giving is 'proof' is a waste of time then atleast give US the proof as even they are willing to pay million of dollars for proof! If you cannot satisfy your own ally, how can you expect us to accept some papers that you consider 'proof'?

If population alone matters then Palestine would have defeated Israeli's long ago! We are not depended on Israel in 1965, 1971, Still all the objectives were met then! Israel is not the only country from which India imports equipment's.

Palestinians cannot defeat Israel because it is not Israel alone that fights, it is the might of US & Europe that fights more for Israel. You expect Palestinians to fight Israel with rocks? Most of the Israeli's can thank US/European funding for their existence and advancement!

And we are well aware how many objectives you could 'meet' in 1965 against a country 1/7th your population, size and probably 1/20 your resources. Imagine what we would have done to you if the situation was reversed....hell imagine what we would have done to your had you not begged the world for a ceasefire! Even in 1971 you got used and owned be Bengalis!!
This is done just to please India that is why it is announced on his/her visit to India :lol:.Never the less its a slap on the face of our pro American democratic setup which by the way includes both the civilian as well the military leadership :agree:.
Hafiz Saeed was released by the court on extent of insufficient proof. By putting a bounty on his head, the US is declaring our judicial setup as invalid. US has neither the right nor the jurisdiction to make a move like this. He is innocent until proven guilty and once he is proven guilty then he should be punished as per laws of Pakistan.
Hafeez Saaed has challenged US bounty in international court and we should support this against unlawful and unjustified act of the US.

Sir, US only tried to fool India. Mr Hafiz Saeed is not the person on run Like OBL or Taliban chief that they have put bounty on his head. It is done in the case when even Pakistan government says that even if US is searching a terrorist for a long, who is a Pakistani national, Pakistan’s officials couldn’t find him. Pakistan is a member of UN, a fully recognize country, putting bounty on the head of its citizen, ‘suddenly’, is a joke :rofl:.

US keep doing this type of things to show they are those who may help India. And also, this way they may check the ‘ratio’ of Indian population who are slaves to US. Look on China, there can’t be any violence against their nationals in West. no matter how much China was blamed for currency manipulation/ giving benefits to exporters etc, there cant be any direct attack on Chinese industries like how US try hard to discourage Indian industries like putting more visa fee on IT industries. There just can’t be any effort by US/ West to show to China that its they who defend China from militants/ terrorists as China is capable enough to defend themselves. But about India, first US’s government agencies like CIA organize terrorist attacks on India and then they offer help to bring India in a grip. First US charge very high from India for their key arms and then they try to take a grip over Indian defense. Its all because of those few Indian traitors in Indian politics, who are now funded by US/ West, and for their personal benefits they have sold Indian national interests to US, why India has reached this level :pop:

Indian strategic makers will finally have to understand that, “more they will resist US/ West, more they will be in benefits and more they will allow them in India, more problems they will create for India. More India will support US on international platform, more US will come in the position to put grip over India on international platform.” US simply don't recognize territory of other countries. The best benefits from US/ West may be gained by resisting them only. There is no meaning of talking to US/ West who don’t recommend existence of any country, including India. They either believe in making India following US/ West, or, they want to break down India, no matter how many wrong they will have to do for that. US always has someone on their gun point and others in waiting list. India will only have to resist US. Indian friendship with US is considered as an opportunity by US’s champions to get their work done in India in a friendly way otherwise they are always ready with other options, one is 26/11 2008 to bring India in the position to live in threats and then asking for help from US. Therefore, its better if India would also keep US on their gun point, as, if India only has to defend itself from US, then it would be openly accepted by their strategic makers. :tup:

I also use this website to keep saying all those things which I may inform from my side. I joined in November 2011 and soon I will finish with my contribution on PDF as I do have to back to my professional life soon. So its obvious that many people may not understand what I say, while I’m mainly concerned with giving information to that 'team of media' who is always watching what I say. Its foolish to think that I spend so much time to say all these things to the people of PDF around here of which almost 100% just pass time here. I always try to find the best opportunity to say those few things which I would like to inform international media from my side in any case. So those who aren’t concerned much, won’t read those things which aren’t ‘logical’ for them.

I say too many things for which I don’t have anything to prove, most of the things are based on guessing only. But I have strong ‘understanding’ of what I say. Im not the person who support or oppose any group on the basis of ‘belief’, but only logical arguments in the light of best available information, are my friends. I can hardly be said to have ‘best guessing’ on many points or, have ‘not good guessing’ on other points, but the information I try to provide have proper base. Those who give me information have made a way of communication and I know how they do it/ how they give me any type of information. So the time they want to tell me something, they use the way I understand and I then get to know. they mainly use different sources of media like TVs/ newspapers etc to do that. but most of the time its all about ‘guessing’ only, as, do I have anything in written? No, I don’t. but anyhow I could provide all those ‘truth’ or ‘half truth/ half confused’ information from my side, which I wanted to, a feel good I would like to have only.
Over 13,000 views in just over a day! Clearly Saeed-gate is a matter of primary interest to Pakistanis, one so important that Pakistani national identity is wrapped up in it.

That means that while we are arguing the particulars, what really matters are the larger issues of national values.

There isn't any disputing that an international arrest warrant for him has been issued since 2008 that the Pakistani government has refused to execute of its own accord. So what's at stake? Is it not that many Pakistanis expect their nation to serve as the nuclear-armed shield for Islamic terorrists everywhere, so they may strike where they will with impunity, while other Pakistanis and the international community oppose this?
Over 13,000 views in just over a day! Clearly Saeed-gate is a matter of primary interest to Pakistanis, one so important that Pakistani national identity is wrapped up in it.

That means that while we are arguing the particulars, what really matters are the larger issues of national values.

There isn't any disputing that an international arrest warrant for him has been issued since 2008 that the Pakistani government has refused to execute of its own accord. So what's at stake? Is it not that many Pakistanis expect their nation to serve as the nuclear-armed shield for Islamic terorrists everywhere, so they may strike where they will with impunity, while other Pakistanis and the international community oppose this?

Sir, few things are either this or that, there can’t be both. No ‘recognized’ government of the world, including US, can put so big bounty on the head of a civilian of a ‘recognized’ country, the Pakistan. Either US would prove they are right on what they claim, (like open statement from the US’s foreign ministry that Mr Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist, just 1-2 days before i saw on TV), or, US would bring the matter in UN and declare Pakistan a country which gives protection to terrorists. :agree:

And from our side, US is wrong while doing so. they didn’t make ‘enough’ efforts to ‘arrest’ Mr Hafiz Saeed but they straight put ‘bounty’ on his head, encouraging all the armed groups to run after Mr Saeed by declaring Mr H Saeed a terrorist, the man who generally address open rallies in Pakistan, who is part of politics of Pakistan? :undecided:
No ‘recognized’ government of the world, including US, can put so big bounty on the head of a civilian -
The bounty is for evidence leading to arrest and conviction. For his "head" there is no reward. And yes, of course, bounties have been an accepted sovereign tool for a long time.

or, US would bring the matter in UN and declare Pakistan a country which gives protection to terrorists.
Indeed. Which is why I think the U.S. should mount a small "invasion" limited to the stated ends and, if the team is rebuffed, do exactly that.

they didn’t make ‘enough’ efforts to ‘arrest’ Mr Hafiz Saeed but they straight put ‘bounty’ on his head,
Pakistanis didn't make enough efforts to arrest and convict Saeed. The U.S. bounty is the U.S. making more efforts to encourage this. Are you complaining because the U.S. issued a bounty or because the U.S. waited as long as it did to do so?
Over 13,000 views in just over a day! Clearly Saeed-gate is a matter of primary interest to Pakistanis, one so important that Pakistani national identity is wrapped up in it.

That means that while we are arguing the particulars, what really matters are the larger issues of national values.

There isn't any disputing that an international arrest warrant for him has been issued since 2008 that the Pakistani government has refused to execute of its own accord. So what's at stake? Is it not that many Pakistanis expect their nation to serve as the nuclear-armed shield for Islamic terorrists everywhere, so they may strike where they will with impunity, while other Pakistanis and the international community oppose this?

Do you have some proof against him.?
Yesterday your own spokesman said that they don't have anything on him.

Indeed. Which is why I think the U.S. should mount a small "invasion" limited to the stated ends and, if the team is rebuffed, do exactly that.

A small invasion would not stop just like that. I thought you learned something from Afghanistan but is was wrong.
The bounty is for evidence leading to arrest and conviction. For his "head" there is no reward. And yes, of course, bounties have been an accepted sovereign tool for a long time.

Indeed. Which is why I think the U.S. should mount a small "invasion" limited to the stated ends and, if the team is rebuffed, do exactly that.

Pakistanis didn't make enough efforts to arrest and convict Saeed. The U.S. bounty is the U.S. making more efforts to encourage this. Are you complaining because the U.S. issued a bounty or because the U.S. waited as long as it did to do so?

they 'now' say this after 2 days. but I myself saw the statement of US's spoke person, a lady, saying in open press conference that Mr Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist, just 2 days before. I saw her pictures many times on the pakistani news papers also but I forgot her name. they clearly stated him a ‘terrorist’, I saw on TV but now they have changed their statement by saying, ‘not enough proof’, so bounty is for ‘giving information’ only.

I would also propose to declare US’s foreign ministry not qualified enough to understand that bounty would be put only on those who are on run, and no government resource can find him. Neither they are qualified enough to run their industries, a majority there is under high school pass and they are dependent on highly qualified migrants. And at the same time, they have so poor knowledge on legal/ social/ art side, issues also. They neither have qualified science students nor good knowledge in art also. I would first recommend to declare US a ‘failed state’ to make difference between right and wrong, being ruled by those who aren’t qualified enough to make any statement/ decision on international level.
Do you have some proof against him.?
There has been an Interpol warrant on him since 2008. Since then there has been court testimony as to his role, and additional info discovered from the Abbottabad raid last year.

Yesterday your own spokesman said that they don't have anything on him.
Not at all.

they 'now' say this after 2 days. but I myself saw the statement of US's spoke person, a lady, saying in open press conference that Mr Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist, just 2 days before.
That's what the Interpol warrant says, yes. Nothing new there.

IMO you guys keep trying to change the subject or rewind the clock - anything to avoid the Big Questions I asked above.
LMAO @ '''Saeed-Gate''

that's a good one! :lol:

US Admits it Lacks Evidence to Convict $10m Hafiz Saeed: Telegraph

The United States has admitted it lacks evidence to convict the Hafiz Saeed of terrorism despite slapping a $10m (£6.3 million) bounty on his head for his capture and conviction, Daily Telegraph reported Thursday. The decision to name Saeed, founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba, on the US State Department's wanted list has provoked an angry reaction in Pakistan where even liberal commentators fear Washington is acting without proof in order to cosy up to arch-rival India.

At a regular briefing, Mark Toner, State Department spokesman, was forced to clarify its position, pointing out the reward was for evidence that could be used to secure a conviction. "We all know where he is. Every journalist in Pakistan and in the region knows how to find him. But we're looking for information that can be usable to convict him in a court of law," he said.

However, he admitted that so far the US lacked proof that would withstand judicial scrutiny "There is information, there is intelligence that is not necessarily usable in a court of law," he said. Saeed was arrested after the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which killed 166 people.

US admits it lacks evidence to convict $10m Hafiz Saeed: Telegraph | The Nation

OUCH!!!! :whistle:
and additional info discovered from the Abbottabad raid last year.

sorry, no such proof exists...

unless you take Bruce Reidel's mere words as ''evidence''

i know you and those butt buddy bhartis of yours have a habit of thinking utterances or hearsay constitute ''evidence''

Not at all.

see above link

That's what the Interpol warrant says, yes. Nothing new there.

the red corner notice you're talking about is neither new nor enforceable

IMO you guys keep trying to change the subject or rewind the clock - anything to avoid the Big Questions I asked above.

the pain in the arse of PDF (me) is up and awake and ready to tackle any un-answered questions and queries you may have

what are these ''Big Questions'' youre talking about
The bounty is for evidence leading to arrest and conviction. For his "head" there is no reward. And yes, of course, bounties have been an accepted sovereign tool for a long time.

American intel and its pot-bellied indian counterparts in delhi couldnt come up with anything in these past 3 years?

you guys are running out of creativity! :rofl:

Did you read Mark Toner's statement, Solomon? I dont know who if it was a Freudian slip or if he knew what he was saying before he said it -- but you do realize he re-affirmed Pakistan's position on this matter?

---> No damning evidence, no smoking gun. NADA.


Indeed. Which is why I think the U.S. should mount a small "invasion" limited to the stated ends and, if the team is rebuffed, do exactly that.

you forgot what happened to Raymond Davis and the humiliation of having your ''contractor'' behind bars

i'd hate to see it happen again, involving more people

Unless it's a VIP jail, i heard prison conditions in Pakistan are not so heavenly nor are the underpaid grunts who work there.

Pakistanis didn't make enough efforts to arrest and convict Saeed. The U.S. bounty is the U.S. making more efforts to encourage this. Are you complaining because the U.S. issued a bounty or because the U.S. waited as long as it did to do so?

Sorry. Plaintiffs didnt make enough ''efforts'' to provide the evidence.

bounty is meaningless -- it's a snub on Pakistan and a pressure tactic only. A lot of people -- hard-liners and liberals alike - are laughing uncontrollably at the absurdity of all this.

this actually harms the U.S. more than it harms anyone else; it also raises serious questions about U.S. commitment and philosophy of free and fair trials - innocent before proven guilty. It seems that by placing the bounty, the U.S. said ''we've already rendered the verdict, but we need evidence''

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