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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

If there is an ISI S-Wing, I seriously doubt that it operates with autonomy and impunity with respect to the rest of the ISI, never mind the Army !

And these 'unnamed senior officials' and 'unnamed intelligence sources' led to the Iraq War and guess what 8 years (is it?) down the lane and they haven't even found a bloody fire-cracker, let alone a WMD, so forgive me if my confidence in the veracity of such claims, is a bit shaken.

it's in the general nature of the hindustanys to point there fingers and flap their arms in frustration, when they achieve another milestone (failure) in protecting their own citizens

it's a psychological complex they suffer from -- one for which we have no cure or herbal remedy.
Whether there is such a thing will we ever know? I mean the whole purpose is to maintain secrecy otherwise what is the point of having intelligence agencies in the first place.

But history and even Mushy has said in the past the ISI did create groups for waging proxy war in Kashmir that is a known fact.

I don't recall Mushy ever saying that. I believe he said that the Kashmiris used to get support from people living across the border...nothing more, please enlighten me to this alleged assertion.
what the ISI does is same as CIA- that's the logic you want me to debate. CIA has been designated as terrorist group supporting organization. That is the mental mindset you want me debate again?

the ISI is called out by American leadership as supporting those who attack and kill Americans. and that's the group you are equating to an American establishment? yeah - right not a terrorist sympathizer.

You keep bringing Indians into the American bounty . As I said , you sold out form an amerikan experience and trying your hardest to play all sides of the field. No self respect. heh
But history and even Mushy has said in the past the ISI did create groups for waging proxy war in Kashmir that is a known fact.

hindustan has also created groups that waged proxy war in Pakistan (as well as in Sri Lanka and other countries)....for example, the mukti bahini (and of course your LTTE buddies, or whats left of them)

crying when you get burnt back? Shouldnt have played with fire in the first place.

youre trying your luck @ UN to put pressure on Sri Lanka --- seems that's getting a good burn-back effect as well.(http://adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17572&mode=beauti) I wonder how many more enemies these bhartis feel they need to create :laugh:

one day they will regret it whole-heartedly --but now we're going off on tangents so i'll leave it at that
what the ISI does is same as CIA- that's the logic you want me to debate. CIA has been designated as terrorist group supporting organization. That is the mental mindset you want me debate again?

the ISI is called out by American leadership as supporting those who attack and kill Americans. and that's the group you are equating to an American establishment? yeah - right not a terrorist sympathizer.

You keep bringing Indians into the American bounty . As I said , you sold out form an amerikan experience and trying your hardest to play all sides of the field. No self respect. heh

Or the Americans realized that their moronic gung-ho attitude to dealing with the perpetrators of 9/11 led them to an ailing economy, a despise for Americans in the Muslim World, a much needed distraction for China to quietly grow in power and nothing to show for the War in Afghanistan. And that they do need a scape-goat for all their farce and Pakistan with gullible basterds like Gillani and Zardari in Govt., fits the bill quite nicely.
hindustan has also created groups that waged proxy war in Pakistan (as well as in Sri Lanka and other countries)....for example, the mukti bahini (and of course your LTTE buddies, or whats left of them)

crying when you get burnt back? Shouldnt have played with fire in the first place.

youre trying your luck @ UN to put pressure on Sri Lanka --- seems that's getting a good burn-back effect as well.(After Sri Lanka now India in trouble,UN asks to repeal AFSPA - report) I wonder how many more enemies these bhartis feel they need to create :laugh:

one day they will regret it whole-heartedly --but now we're going off on tangents so i'll leave it at that

lol buddy thats a whole can of worms you opened up :D yes RAW did help create the LTTE and look how that turned out

I don't recall Mushy ever saying that. I believe he said that the Kashmiris used to get support from people living across the border...nothing more, please enlighten me to this alleged assertion.

He said that those groups were created by the security services ill try finding his statement for you
He said that those groups were created by the security services ill try finding his statement for you

Thanks, I'd appreciate it ! But I'd probably not be around because I'm going to have an 'Earth Hour' in about 3 minutes. :cheesy:
hindustan has also created groups that waged proxy war in Pakistan (as well as in Sri Lanka and other countries)....for example, the mukti bahini (and of course your LTTE buddies, or whats left of them)

crying when you get burnt back? Shouldnt have played with fire in the first place.

youre trying your luck @ UN to put pressure on Sri Lanka --- seems that's getting a good burn-back effect as well.(After Sri Lanka now India in trouble,UN asks to repeal AFSPA - report) I wonder how many more enemies these bhartis feel they need to create :laugh:

one day they will regret it whole-heartedly --but now we're going off on tangents so i'll leave it at that

Hindustan this bharati that. the news is done by US , the act is done by US. No world powers have come at India and they only come at you guys.

go ahead it's time for your chorus line : Hindustan this, bharati that - followed by some racist comment about Indians.

Indians were not written down in history as having slaughtered and raped thousands of Bangladeshis. Nobody in the world accused India of crimes against humanity- even secret US memo's showed , your pals then ' Americans' saying this slaughter and rape by Pakistani army needs to stop.

But I digress- you have shown that you bring Indians, 71 war into this bounty news because you sold out to an amerikan experience! ;)

what the ISI does is same as CIA- that's the logic you want me to debate. CIA has been designated as terrorist group supporting organization. That is the mental mindset you want me debate again?

the ISI is called out by American leadership as supporting those who attack and kill Americans. and that's the group you are equating to an American establishment? yeah - right not a terrorist sympathizer.
Or the Americans realized that their moronic gung-ho attitude to dealing with the perpetrators of 9/11 led them to an ailing economy, a despise for Americans in the Muslim World, a much needed distraction for China to quietly grow in power and nothing to show for the War in Afghanistan. And that they do need a scape-goat for all their farce and Pakistan with gullible basterds like Gillani and Zardari in Govt., fits the bill quite nicely.

our demise? I love how people from underdeveloped countries talk about people in US not being able to afford their 4th car and 8th TV. Yes , we all strive for your standard of living or worse yet that's where we are headed. with our family per capita being 15x or closer - more than the Chinese , omg we may go down to being 12x. yeah death to Amerika is coming. Keep piggy backing off china's did this and that going..
Hindustan this bharati that. the news is done by US , the act is done by US. No world powers have come at India and they only come at you guys.

go ahead it's time for your chorus line : Hindustan this, bharati that - followed by some racist comment about Indians.

Indians were not written down in history as having slaughtered and raped thousands of Bangladeshis. Nobody in the world accused India of crimes against humanity- even secret US memo's showed , your pals then ' Americans' saying this slaughter and rape by Pakistani army needs to stop.

But I digress- you have shown that you bring Indians, 71 war into this bounty news because you sold out to an amerikan experience! ;)

what the ISI does is same as CIA- that's the logic you want me to debate. CIA has been designated as terrorist group supporting organization. That is the mental mindset you want me debate again?

the ISI is called out by American leadership as supporting those who attack and kill Americans. and that's the group you are equating to an American establishment? yeah - right not a terrorist sympathizer.

you're either innocently naiive, or incredibly stupid
our demise? I love how people from underdeveloped countries talk about people in US not being able to afford their 4th car and 8th TV. Yes , we all strive for your standard of living or worse yet that's where we are headed. with our family per capita being 15x or closer - more than the Chinese , omg we may go down to being 12x. yeah death to Amerika is coming. Keep piggy backing off china's did this and that going..

I'd suggest you to reread Armstrong's post and amend your doodle accordingly. Nowhere he pointed out what you are addressing to. Come out of the stupor given to you by AZ.
I'd suggest you to reread Armstrong's post and amend your doodle accordingly. Nowhere he pointed out what you are addressing to. Come out of the stupor given to you by AZ.

Did it ever occur to you that you may have serious comprehension issues ? ;)
I'd suggest you to reread Armstrong's post and amend your doodle accordingly. Nowhere he pointed out what you are addressing to. Come out of the stupor given to you by AZ.

he amended his post before just before I quoted. and his whole bit about how china is taking over and our demise bit was gone. I often go into a stupor after reading posts by your lot, why how did you know? I have shake myself to shake it off to post.

you're either innocently naiive, or incredibly stupid

Our MBA institutions are accepting anyone nowadays to make money on the high tuition payers. Bad amerika.
And instead you quote my amended bit and give a reply based on the previous one ! Very Good...!

And no where did I previously mention demise...simply the rise of China. I forgot to add Russia and had, in a hurry, committed some grammatical mistakes - Hence the amendment.
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