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Gujarat tops (Indian) states in number of Muslim policemen


May 5, 2012
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Gujarat tops states in number of Muslim policemen

The data, shared by the home ministry in response to an RTI query filed by TOI, shows that 10.6% of Gujarat's cops posted in police stations are Muslims. This is higher than the proportion of Muslims in the state's population, which is 9.1% (2001 census).

The state has 5,021 cops from the community out of a total of 47,424 in its 501 police stations. On an average, Gujarat has 10 Muslim cops per police station — higher than any other state which shared data with the Centre.
A big slap to Pseudo Secularists and Modi Baiters. The conditions of Muslims in Gujarat is much better than any where else in India and the congress stooges keep on harping that Modi is communal.

I wonder what our dear neighbours will make of this news.
A big slap to Pseudo Secularists and Modi Baiters. The conditions of Muslims in Gujarat is much better than any where else in India and the congress stooges keep on harping that Modi is communal.

I wonder what our dear neighbours will make of this news.

Ha ha ha,go tell this joke somewhere else ,if you dono the ground reality please refrain,the number of muslim police is higher may be for the sake of protecting muslim from some hindu extremist or they would be really capable. Not because modi is muslim lover.:P
Ha ha ha,go tell this joke somewhere else ,if you dono the ground reality please refrain,the number of muslim police is higher may be for the sake of protecting muslim from some hindu extremist or they would be really capable. Not because modi is muslim lover.:P

Reasons might be many, taking steps in the right direction is what matters.. Intentions do not amount to jack if actions are contradictory.
This is a good start. Sachar committee made 20+ recommendations, and most of them were in the sphere of commercial or livelihood aspects. All this apart from the long years of Modi's govt trying to slow wheels of justice in the 2002 riots (appointing VHP sympathisers as public prosecutors, destroying evidences etc).

As an aside, if it were any other sickular party govt that had inducted muslim cops more than their share in the population, this same BJP would have termed it appeasement. Just pointing it out.

Goru Mere Juta daaan

I wonder why dont I see any of these Modi-brigaders from this thread offering any factual defense of why gujarat govt's own economic data and social indicators (like literacy, HDI etc) show a different picture as compared to what Modi and his PR machinery harps about! Let me guess - because there is no defense and Modi's lie stands exposed?
I am referring to the thread here: Why dont I prefer Modi?
......As an aside, if it were any other sickular party govt that had inducted muslim cops more than their share in the population, this same BJP would have termed it appeasement. Just pointing it out....
I have to disagree, the figures were release by Home ministry and there was no hoopla like the Cong had in its agenda a 5% quota for Muslims, according to me that is appeasement.

I wonder why dont I see any of these Modi-brigaders from this thread offering any factual defense of why gujarat govt's own economic data and social indicators (like literacy, HDI etc) show a different picture as compared to what Modi and his PR machinery harps about! Let me guess - because there is no defense and Modi's lie stands exposed?
I am referring to the thread here: Why dont I prefer Modi?
I read the last weeks Outlook and Gujrat does come on top of many things, including Agriculture. For me I do not care who becomes our PM, but I sure would like a person who can lead India and develop it further, unlike the scam ridden Congress!
I have to disagree, the figures were release by Home ministry and there was no hoopla like the Cong had in its agenda a 5% quota for Muslims, according to me that is appeasement.

I read the last weeks Outlook and Gujrat does come on top of many things, including Agriculture. For me I do not care who becomes our PM, but I sure would like a person who can lead India and develop it further, unlike the scam ridden Congress!

I dont understand you. How is 5% quota for muslims appeasement while employing muslim cops much more than their representation in total population not appeasement. Unless you are telling me that muslims are in general more qualified than general population. Is that what you are saying?

GDP encompassed all goods and services traded in all sectors, not just agriculture. So, its a better indicator than cherry-picking those sectors where there is growth and hiding the rest, which is what Modi machinery has been planting. Did you read that blog link in that other thread I quoted? You definitely should!
I dont understand you. How is 5% quota for muslims appeasement while employing muslim cops much more than their representation in total population not appeasement. Unless you are telling me that muslims are in general more qualified than general population. Is that what you are sayin
It was unconstitutional, SC previously has given a verdict on that already. Secondly, to include the illegal quota in their agenda plus banking on winning the elections on that plank is appeasement... Muslims in Gujarat police who's percentage is better than other states is in no way an appeasement because it was a present figure and the figures were obtained through RTI and were not bandied by Modi.

GDP encompassed all goods and services traded in all sectors, not just agriculture. So, its a better indicator than cherry-picking those sectors where there is growth and hiding the rest, which is what Modi machinery has been planting. Did you read that blog link in that other thread I quoted? You definitely should!
you should also read the outlook report... its not just about Gujarat...
It was unconstitutional, SC previously has given a verdict on that already. Secondly, to include the illegal quota in their agenda plus banking on winning the elections on that plank is appeasement... Muslims in Gujarat police who's percentage is better than other states is in no way an appeasement because it was a present figure and the figures were obtained through RTI and were not bandied by Modi.

you should also read the outlook report... its not just about Gujarat...

Ah so, appeasement is only in the legality point eh? If congress govts in other states have been unofficially reserving jobs for muslims and not publicizing it (ofcourse they cant, if such a thing is illegal), thats not appeasement? Thats clear hypocrisy!

I would love to read your argument! Please do quote figures from that article (along with the link/name of that article for verification) in the other thread where we are discussing the real economic facts behind Modi's false hype. If not, such vague references and asking people to go read this and that would be taken as escapism from facing or countering factual argument against Modi's development. From my side, I have quoted figures with fully linked official references in the blog cited there. See you in the other thread (Why dont I prefer Modi?)!
Ah so, appeasement is only in the legality point eh? If congress govts in other states have been unofficially reserving jobs for muslims and not publicizing it (ofcourse they cant, if such a thing is illegal), thats not appeasement? Thats clear hypocrisy![
That would be illegal and would amount to contempt of court. What are you getting at? Clearly you are going on a tangent here.

I would love to read your argument! Please do quote figures from that article (along with the link/name of that article for verification) in the other thread where we are discussing the real economic facts behind Modi's false hype. If not, such vague references and asking people to go read this and that would be taken as escapism from facing or countering factual argument against Modi's development. From my side, I have quoted figures with fully linked official references in the blog cited there. See you in the other thread (Why dont I prefer Modi?)!
Will when I have enough time..
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