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Gravitas: Can India use G20 presidency to make China pay?

Indian can always speak loudly with your foul mouths with delusions all the time, think you are righteous should dictate to China how to handle its economy and society to suit you, think you should dictate the region affairs and the world, and blame your 6 millions deaths, shitty world economic performances and world problems on China , I think you people have too much cow piss to be that high that you are completely detached from reality. When push comes to shove, China will not attend the G20 in the slum country, think you can blackmail China using G20, dream on. India is the spoiler of the neighbourhood and Asia, no doubt, but still has the gall to accuse China of your fabricated wrongs, you think you respresent Asia and the world at large eventhough you are an insignificant nation, just wait until your GDP approaches that of China, imagine what outrageous things your slum country will claim and do on the world. Know your place when dealing with China, fools, otherwise another 1962 war is very likely.


"Churchill, explaining why he defended the stockpiling of food within Britain, while millions died of starvation in Bengal, told his private secretary that “the Hindus were a foul race, protected by their mere pullulation from the doom that is their due.”[2]"
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All signs show Indians are really delusional. No. You can not be bossy around just because of g20 presidency
lol, there must be something really potent in their diet.
Interesting thread. Waiting for some Bhakts to contribute. :lol:
Is that Indian understanding of what G20 is for?

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