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Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

huh! did i miss something here!

hehe, I was talking about this:

if u get the chance read:
The Militarization of Mother India & How India lost all its wars by Ravi Rikhe and Fizaya - Pakistan Air Force by Pushpinder Singh.

i would say they are fore-runners to the names u have mentioned

These ARE articles written by Indians right, or are they books:what:?
I think there is a need to give the guy a fair chance to prove himself before he is condemned.

Unlike all before him, he has been pitchforked into prominence by destiny, he possibly has shot off his mouth prior to being briefed by all concerned.There are enough hawks on both sides to prevent permanent damage to their respective countries by loose comments .

He will either slip into the old rut or make a diff.

Sir that is what we are doing. Giving him time to prove himself but Sir for keeping one's mouth shut as long as he/she doesnt have anything positive about his country and for that he or she doesnt not need much time rather some brain to understand the situation and consequences of his or her below the belt statement.

In case of Zardari and madam sherry rehman and even Rehman malik, it is not the first time that they had harmed Pakistan and our stance by shoting off their mouths.

Islamabad (PTI): The US is expected to mount "intense pressure" on Pakistan to "shift its strategic focus" from its eastern border with India by redeploying "much of over 250,000 troops" to the frontier with Afghanistan to carry out counter-insurgency operations against Taliban and al-Qaeda.

At the trilateral meeting between Presidents of the US, Afghanistan and Pakistan in Washington, Barack Obama is also expected to ask Islamabad to grant "major concessions to India", including a trade corridor to Afghanistan through the Wagah land border, according to a media report on Tuesday.

"The US, which is eying a dominant role for India in the region, wants Pakistan to provide an overland trade route for Indian exports to Afghanistan," a diplomatic source told the Dawn newspaper on the eve of trilateral summit involving Mr. Obama, and his Afghan and Pakistan counterpart Hamid Karzai and Asif Ali Zardari respectively.

The Obama administration will also reiterate its demand that Pakistani institutions end their "alleged hobnobbing" with jehadis, who have long been seen by Islamabad as "strategic assets", the report said.

However, the Pakistani leadership has been opposing any concession for India, saying it would not be possible without a quid pro quo, particularly on the Kashmir issue.

"It is very significant for Pakistan. Traditionally it was our bargaining chip for the Indians to move on Kashmir.

Now they want us to do something without any movement, and are browbeating us," an official was quoted as saying.

In the run-up to the trilateral summit, the Obama administration has been making a concerted effort to tell the Pakistani leadership that its "obsession" with India as a mortal threat is misguided.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has expressed Washington's intentions for the meeting, saying, "We'll have some very intense sessions on the specifics of what we're trying to accomplish."

She also said there is "a very difficult environment" in Pakistan because of the "confusion among the civilian and military leadership" about prioritising the greatest threat to Pakistan.

India and Afghanistan have been asking Pakistan for a trade corridor via Wagah since 2003-04. There has been little progress on the issue so far. In the absence of the trade corridor, India currently exports goods to Afghanistan through Iran.

The report said Afghan charge d'affaires Majnoon Gulab had been working in Islamabad for the trade corridor. Gulab told Dawn he had met officials of the food ministry and requested a meeting with the commerce ministry in this regard.

He described conditions set by Pakistan for the trade route as "very harsh".

The Hindu News Update Service

Moving troops from the Indian border & a trade corridor through Wagah for India!!!!!!!!! :woot:

Boy oh boy! How is Zardari going to handle this pressure that too directly from Obama himself? :lol:
Moving troops from the Indian border & a trade corridor through Wagah for India!!!!!!!!! :woot:

Boy oh boy! How is Zardari going to handle this pressure that too directly from Obama himself? :lol:

:lol: Let the negotiations begin.

This won't be one sided, never is. If it was, Pakistan would have reoriented its forces and provided India that corridor already.

For movement to occur, there will be give and take, and whether that includes some sort of understanding (overt or covert) over Pakistan's concerns around aggression from India in case of a reorientation of troops we shall have to see.

None of this is last minute stuff -the proposals and counter proposals will be known to everyone, and preliminary discussions and groundwork on the negotiations will likely already have been done.
Zardari is smart he would agree. All he would ask for is his 10%
I'm actually all for allowing the trade coridoor we can make more money from them by charging transit fees
I'm actually all for allowing the trade coridoor we can make more money from them by charging transit fees

My dear
You agree but would pakistan govt (read army) agree. India would be more than happy to pay the transit fee because if they get this corridor then pakistan can forget any advantage over afghanistan in future, and also this corridor would be a big blow to pak economy because India would then go an extra mile and give more subsidy to exports to afghanistan and trust me pakistan doesnot have that kind of money to match Indian subsidies. But then if peace is gained between both countries it would be cheaper
I'm actually all for allowing the trade coridoor we can make more money from them by charging transit fees

You are absolutely right. Pakistan would make a lot of money. It would cost India less not to have to ship to Iran and then pay transit to Iran. It would be a win win situation for all. Pakistan would have to guarantee safety for the transit fees.
This is on the general topic of the US Pak Af summit meeting.

Ties with India are in interest of Afghanistan: Karzai

Washington (PTI): Visiting Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday said "relationship" with India is in the interest of Afghanistan and would continue to build on it despite the strong objections to it by neighbouring Pakistan.

Stating that Afghanistan is a sovereign and independent country, Mr. Karzai said his Government has its own right to decide what is in the best national interest of the country and no one can and none so far have been able to dictate those terms to the people of Afghanistan.

"We fought the Soviets. We fought the British. We fought everybody else because we wanted to keep this sense that we are independent, our sovereignty. For that reason, we are requesting our friends in Pakistan that we will have relations with India because we are sovereign, and we will have relations with India because it's in our interest," Mr. Karzai said at the prestigious Brookings Institute.

However, Mr. Karzai said Afghanistan's relations with India will never be against its relations with Pakistan or at the expense of relations with Pakistan.

"It will be a contribution of relations to Pakistan," he said responding to a question from Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official, and co-chair of the US interagency panel that formulated the new ****** policy of the US in March.

Pakistan, in particular its army and the ISI, has been wary of increasing relationship between India and Afghanistan.

In no uncertain terms, its officials have told the US and also the Karzai Government that it does not want Indian presence in Afghanistan as Islamabad feels that such a scenario would be a threat to the security of Pakistan.

Both Afghanistan and the United States have rejected the Islamabad's contention in this regard.

Praising India's contribution in development of Afghanistan post-Taliban, Karzai said: "India has contributed to the reconstruction of Afghanistan over USD 1 billion in significantly important projects, in transmission lines for electricity, a very important road, the building the Afghan Parliament and all that, a very powerful relationship."

Identifying India as an old Afghan friend for many, many years, Mr. Karzai said New Delhi has contributed massively to Afghanistan in the past seven years.

"It gives us 1,000 scholarships each year for Afghan graduates, 500 graduates in higher studies, 500 vocation trainings. We have had as a result of that, in the past five years, hundreds of Afghans return to serve their country," Mr. Karzai said.

Mr. Karzai is in the US to attend the tri-lateral summit along with his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari and US President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday. PTI
My dear
You agree but would pakistan govt (read army) agree. India would be more than happy to pay the transit fee because if they get this corridor then pakistan can forget any advantage over afghanistan in future, and also this corridor would be a big blow to pak economy because India would then go an extra mile and give more subsidy to exports to afghanistan and trust me pakistan doesnot have that kind of money to match Indian subsidies. But then if peace is gained between both countries it would be cheaper

Why? In most open economies international trade benefits both parties. Simplest model of this here Ricardian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You don't have to oppose everything a poster says just because he is a Pakistani, you know.

Pakistan does have benefits over Afghanistan when it comes to trade, they have a bunch of industries over there which are more developed than Afghanistan and which are either labour-cost-prohibitive or seasonally maladjusted in India like Cement, Leather/Textiles, Vegetables etc. Afghanistan has no Leather/Textile sector to speak of and they actually import vegetables and grains. So a route to Afghanistan will be used by Pakistan to sell stuff to India too.

To your point -- If India subsidizes Afghan imports, all Pakistan would have to do is to route all their produce through Afghanistan and then they too would get the subsidies. Or if Pakistan imposes a Tariff and India imposes a subsidy, the price in Indian markets would be exactly as it would have been without Tariff/Subsidy -- which is equivalent of India simply paying Pakistan some money.

Anyway shall we cross the bridge once we get to it ? The trade route is not even open and you are talking about hurting Pakistan through trade. Amazing!!
Moving troops from the Indian border & a trade corridor through Wagah for India!!!!!!!!! :woot:

Boy oh boy! How is Zardari going to handle this pressure that too directly from Obama himself? :lol:

Who said Zardari has to handle the pressure?? :lol: That would be the case if it were only up to him. :angel:
My dear
You agree but would pakistan govt (read army) agree. India would be more than happy to pay the transit fee because if they get this corridor then pakistan can forget any advantage over afghanistan in future, and also this corridor would be a big blow to pak economy because India would then go an extra mile and give more subsidy to exports to afghanistan and trust me pakistan doesnot have that kind of money to match Indian subsidies. But then if peace is gained between both countries it would be cheaper

You are making the case for Pakistan! All very valid concerns for Pakistan thus our reluctance to give India a free hand. We would be stupid (any nation would be) to give up our economic interests in such a way or should we?
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My dear
You agree but would pakistan govt (read army) agree. India would be more than happy to pay the transit fee because if they get this corridor then pakistan can forget any advantage over afghanistan in future, and also this corridor would be a big blow to pak economy because India would then go an extra mile and give more subsidy to exports to afghanistan and trust me pakistan doesnot have that kind of money to match Indian subsidies. But then if peace is gained between both countries it would be cheaper

LOL well India has that kind of money and we are sure India will heavily subsidize it.
Good news is we have the right to charge per tonnage fee that above the tolls and border crossing fees that fee can be set up to make sure our exporters are fairly compensated by Indian tax payers.:enjoy:

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