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Government to include Keti Bunder, FATA in CPEC: Senator Mushahid

China can set up industrial parks in FATA after reforms.
FATA first needs to have the necessary infrastructure in place i.e. Technical colleges, electricity, connectivity with major areas providing both materials as well as labor. Industrial zones would automatically follow with the economic infrastructure.
Chill out dude, did you read the heading of the thread. Is FATA and Keti Bandar (Sindh) in Punjab ? Balochistan has highest 16 projects, Sindh has 13, Punjab has 12 and KP has 8. Punjab is third in terms of provinces when it comes to CPEC projects. The first Chinese convoy used Western route to reach Gwadar and that route is already ready and will be used despite lies from certain parties to get a few votes. Here is a province wise breakdown released by Chinese embassy


For transparency purposes www.cpecinfo.com has been established carrying details of all projects. Dont get too influenced by election driven propoaganda of certain parties. NFC Award 2009 and 18 th amendment are manifestations of provincial economy and resourse division among provinces, ANP a Pukhtun nationalist govt even supported it. One should always review the actual facts before launching a barrage of insults.

@DJ_Viper @Horus
Is there a cost wise breakup?
Is there a cost wise breakup?

I believe Chienese and Pak govt have opened up a website for transparency purposes www.cpecinfo.com Chinese diplomat wrt CPEC can be reached on twitter @zlj517 . Chinese embassy spokesman has been pretty vocal and vehemently opposed propoaganda by opposition parties , here is what DAWN says about him

It is sad our people play into the hands of these politicians who only seek a few votes
Chinese delegation met Imran Khan and asked for consensus of all political parties in CPEC, hopefully Khan sahab will pay heed to the advice.


Thank you for the tag. Glad this is happening. This is the need of the hour. I know many of our Indian friends don't like Modi. But to the world, they stand together without a crack and show one nation on all major issues. Its time that Pakistani friends followed that too and really came out together as a nation on all major issues.

Time to bicker and dispute every good thing is about to end. The Pakistani voters should focus on who changed their lives, vs. the gossip (and who will change their lives in the future for better). Performance should be the only voting criteria so the country can grow.

Sad part is, a Chinese Minister and myself (an American person) are urging this. I think Pakistani nation should realize even that's sad. Supporting your country's growth should not meet gossip and fact-less resistance.
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Thank you for the tag. Glad this is happening. This is the need of the hour. I know many of our Indians friends don't like Modi. But to the world, they stand together without a crack and show one nation on all major issues. Its time that Pakistani friends followed that too and really came out together as a nation on all major issues.

Time to bicker and dispute every good thing is about to end. The Pakistani voters should focus on who changed their lives, vs. the gossip (and who will change their lives in the future for better). Performance should be the only voting criteria so the country can grow.

Sad part is, a Chinese Minister and myself (an American person) are urging this. I think Pakistani nation should realize even that's sad. Supporting your country's growth should not meet gossip and fact-less resistance.

Sorry Pakistan is not China that whatever the government says has to be accepted at face value and you cannot question it. The Chinese our are greatest friends but that doesn't mean we adopt their form of government and way of life. Even our creator Muhammad Ali Jinnah said something along the lines of "be very close to the Chinese people, but be very far from their system of government".

And since you being an American, I'm highly astonished that you are asking for the dissenting voices to be quietened. Isn't freedom of speech and democracy the core value on which America is built?

Why can't we ask for our rights? Why can't we ask that the federal government treat all provinces equally and not just focus on one province? Why is it is that a local metro project of a city in that same province is being given billions in tax exemptions? (its in the papers today)
Sorry Pakistan is not China that whatever the government says has to be accepted at face value and you cannot question it. The Chinese our are greatest friends but that doesn't mean we adopt their form of government and way of life. Even our creator Muhammad Ali Jinnah said something along the lines of "be very close to the Chinese people, but be very far from their system of government".

And since you being an American, I'm highly astonished that you are asking for the dissenting voices to be quietened. Isn't freedom of speech and democracy the core value on which America is built?

Why can't we ask for our rights? Why can't we ask that the federal government treat all provinces equally and not just focus on one province? Why is it is that a local metro project of a city in that same province is being given billions in tax exemptions? (its in the papers today)

Sir, you've obviously not read my post properly and gotten the logic. Asking for your rights, vs. the national interest and unity are two very different things. Both you and I know that. I read that there were sit-ins at the time of Turkish Premier and the Chinese President a few years ago. Why and what did that accomplish? It just delayed the progress that a poor country like Pakistan, needed desperately. Were those sit-ins asking for rights? Why did that had to happen right where the foreign Presidents were coming and not in a different city, to respect the national interest?

I am giving you an example of how political parties fvck the national interest and unity for their cheap politics. This post is by no means to start any political discussion. Another dude now calls for annexation of parts of your country to build a greater "Afghanistan or Pashtunstan", do you see where I am going with this? On another thread, someone said no to a big controversial dam a couple of days ago. I asked that person why are you saying no to the Dam that would only bring you a better life? He hasn't answered and its been tree days. Someone else explained to me the historical logic that people think it would drown their state or another state gets all the benefits and they lose.

Then there are some military lovers who think that being a dictator and taking $ 200 millions out of the national treasure to build your own empire in the US and elsewhere, is the right thing to do and Pakistan doesn't have the democratic fabric (well no shiit, if the dictators run a country for 50 years out of 70, there wasn't the democracy for 50 years to the system was damaged).

All these examples tell you one thing, the national interest and unity, aren't practiced in Pakistan. The silliest examples I gave you, are a testament to that fact.

This isn't about "your rights", this is about leg pulling and how do others stop anyone who is moving forward.
India will always be ready to assist brothers in Pakistan's smaller provinces militarily and financially against the PUNJAB. We need more people like you brother , our prayers will be with you brother.

Aap ka churan idhar nahe bikna. I agree we have some issues. but beta g issues har gar me hotay hay. they can be resolved by different means.

KP is Pakistan and will remain so. Mark the words of a KPian.
FATA first needs to have the necessary infrastructure in place i.e. Technical colleges, electricity, connectivity with major areas providing both materials as well as labor. Industrial zones would automatically follow with the economic infrastructure.

Pakistan need to improve FATA image for foreign investors. Like changing name, merging or making new province. Tax free zones with cheap labour, electricity, gas etc And most important thing security by slaughtering every TTP member on spot and controlling movement of people between Pak-Afghan border. Even petty kidnappers shouldn't feel safe in FATA anymore.
Pakistan need to improve FATA image for foreign investors. Like changing name, merging or making new province. Tax free zones with cheap labour, electricity, gas etc And most important thing security by slaughtering every TTP member on spot and controlling movement of people between Pak-Afghan border. Even petty kidnappers shouldn't feel safe in FATA anymore.
Merely image improvement wont help, manufacturing setup requires qualified and cheap labor (available domestically), access to the markets of both inputs and outputs via roads and mass transit. If the security situation improves and the pre-requisites are in place, investors would automatically start pouring in. KPK and FATA have been declared tax free zones by Federal government but the exemption was abused by the businessmen and companies rather than making use of it and setting up business units.
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