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Go Nawaz Go show in Karachi

Lighting in middle and far end wasn't good thus the people at back ain't much visible.
Such a crowd at four days notice reflects graph of ik popularity is only going up.
From intelligence Bureau: 5.25 Lakh people joined this march in Karachi

کمزور دل پٹواری حضرات مت دیکھیں

More than 500K people are present in PTI Jalsa
Lighting in middle and far end wasn't good thus the people at back ain't much visible.
Such a crowd at four days notice reflects graph of ik popularity is only going up.
Found one helicam shots of PTI coverage. This drone camera can travel upto 1.5 KM.
There were 6 Big screens in this jalsa. I can see two screen in this video.



Anyway, here is one video of heliccam shots.

Helicam shots of PTI Karachi sit-in
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One of the biggest blunders NS continues to make is lynching of Musharraf. It is NS's stupid ego to seek vengeance against a has-been entity like Musharraf. The people of Karachi (and in general Urdu speakers) perceive singling out Musharraf as unfair. Some months ago MQM publicly decided to support Musharraf. The lynching of Musharraf--and 'lynching' is the right word to describe it--is also pi$$ing off Army top brass. NS is going out of his way to deny Musharraf any reprieve, even temporarily to allow Musharraf to see his ailing mother overseas.
Nawaz needs to let Musharraf go. But if 1999 or the 2007 Emergency is to be tried for then don't single out Musharraf.

If anything happens to Musharraf then the Urdu speakers will have their own Bhutto or Bugti.
One of the biggest blunders NS continues to make is lynching of Musharraf.
No, his biggest blunder is to crush the opponents by force. I.e personal enmity with TUQ, model town incident, then Islamabad massacre, & Now political revenge with PTI, kidnapping them, stealing their wallets & mobile, & beating them mercilessly. I remind you his latest blunder is dragging Army in politics then Lie in front of army & maligning the institution including army & ISI.
Sorry I don't use FB! Everyone have right to make his own estimate according to their sources, I'm not saying it was bad gathering but hard to believe more than 60 thousands. Peace

In your opinion and you can see this video without even having an FB account thats why embedded it :)
No, his biggest blunder is to crush the opponents by force. I.e personal enmity with TUQ, model town incident, then Islamabad massacre, & Now political revenge with PTI, kidnapping them, stealing their wallets & mobile, & beating them mercilessly. I remind you his latest blunder is dragging Army in politics then Lie in front of army & maligning the institution including army & ISI.

You are confusing cause and effect. There wouldn't be a need for the Model Town and TuQ had stupid NS not needled the Army needlessly over Musharraf.

Regardless, I certainly don't buy the argument that SS or NS ordered or wanted the Model Town 'massacre'. I think those incidences need to be investigated but I also think the course of action IK/TuQ were on could have used some 'martyrs' along the way. It's not a far-fetched idea to say that both these two thugs wanted (and still want) violence and disruptions--having no legal way to remove NS--and so Model Town was in their own thuggish interests.
Correct phrasing would be 'PTI losing support because of Imran Khan's stupidities'. The PTI morale has sunk so low that they had to ask for MQM's help in making a credible show in Karachi. Just before the 2013 elections PTI had a massive rally on their own in Karachi.
Numbers don't lie. The @Aether poll in this forum and another similar one on Express Tribune (with approx. 10,000 votes) some days ago shows PTI lost almost half its support since the marches of thuggery started.
yeah we saw the lost support in karachi jalsa . Wait a little longer it will spread in all pakistan.
MQM dont pull the kinda crowd PTI do . Im sure that prevez rashid is the source of Info for u. They just did a jalsa against PTI yesterday.

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