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Ghaher 313 fighter

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please don't talk about something you don't knew anything.
there was no spare part for F-14 in market as only USA navy and Iran Had those planes and it was twenty years that USA allowed sale of any part for those planes . they were destroyed in fear that if they were sold to third party then maybe the third party sell them to Iran.

how about you learn to read before accusing me of knowing nothing about the issue.

F-14 Parts, Anyone? - Businessweek
Iran Receives Smuggled Surplus F-14 Parts | Arms Control Association

after incidents like the above, the US decided to shred the f-14s to prevent parts from going to iran, EXACTlLY what i wrote before
how you learn to read the articles they are belong to incidents before the retirement of the Airplane.

nitpicking because you got no point i see.

i posted those article to show that parts were being bought by iran illegally, whether that is before the f-14 retired is irrelevant

or are you saying that the us shredded the f-14 not because it was worried iran might get more parts from the US illegally?
nitpicking because you got no point i see.

i posted those article to show that parts were being bought by iran illegally, whether that is before the f-14 retired is irrelevant

or are you saying that the us shredded the f-14 not because it was worried iran might get more parts from the US illegally?
it seems you still cant read , its my answer to the a query about the issue
you don't have a functional f-14d and no we like f-14a ,it fly faster it fly higher. And its strange ,you didn't knew that after retiring f14 from your navy because you feared those spare fell in the hand of Iran you destroyed all the remaining f14 and all the spare you had even when Taiwan asked you to sell those plane and spare to them you refused .

Source: Ghaher 313 fighter | Page 75

then you come and claimed this
they were mothballed, then they discovered ppl trying to sell(illegally) parts to (probably)iran and decided to shred the rest.

Source: Ghaher 313 fighter | Page 75
which was wrong at the time of retiring the airplane we were not in the market for spare , as we had our reverse engineering program on the plane and even we show the restored planes that even if we bought all spare of USA army we could not restore those planes as our F14-A have parts that your F14-D lacks
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Basic physics will support that claim. Its called fluid dynamics.. Those intakes will take in less and less air(as if they are not tiny enough) as the angle of attack increases till they can no longer provide sufficient air for the engine which will flame out. So essentially , unless Iran wants a fighter that can only fly like a airliner(much more limited in certain regimes than that).

And enough space to load what!!?? :o:
Where will the engine go then? Do you even have an idea of size?

I mean there is patriotism to try and defend something but you guys sound worse than this fellow
There are two kinds of intakes on the Qaher fighter plane, the ones you see at the front, and others on top of the mid-back. It is innovative and has a lot of fluid mechanics science behind it.

See the two red spots on the Back top? They are air intakes too.
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Perhaps, but Iran also has more fake propaganda weapons. That's where the joke is. Something brought on Iran by its own leadership, and that hurt credibility where it concerns other, real achievements.

Iran, can not afford to have fake propaganda weapons in its actual situation that you do not seem to understand. All its weapons are real, Iran can not afford exaggeration either, you should believe what you see, and most of the time there are videos confirming the capabilities they claim. New scientific achievements are streaming almost monthly, as an indication of hard work and scientific endeavor. Complex and very advanced Projects take the time it takes for their planning, designing, testing (X times), approval and mass production, which is another project of its own, with adapted or new machinery, new materials, engineers ,technicians and qualified labor, and so on...
So I am confident that in time the Qaher as shown or another improved version of it will come to be mass produced.
It is a mockup !

I can only tell you , you are trying to analyze the wrong stuff !
If you do not show them the real thing, than it is propaganda, fake, laughing stock...etc
Don't you see, they want to revisit a military site that has nothing to do with the Geneva talks, if you don't want, next thing they 'll claim is that the Iranian missiles have nuclear warheads. It is their game, claiming to be scared while they have a stockpile of 10 000 nuclear warheads and the potential to make another 10 000 if they want to.
What is really hurting them for now are the Iranian secrets, since according to one of Iran's top generals, the US and NATO know(!?) about the 10% of the capabilities of Iran and that is what the latter wants to show them as a sample. .
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If the dimensions, let's assume them to be close to those of the F-5 which is small and already very hard to detect, and add to it some potent stealth technologies and design, than you get something very stealthy indeed. Meaning that the idea behind the Qaher-313 is sound and smart.
Iran, can not afford to have fake propaganda weapons in its actual situation that you do not seem to understand. All its weapons are real, Iran can not afford exaggeration either, you should believe what you see, and most of the time there are videos confirming the capabilities they claim. New scientific achievements are streaming almost monthly, as an indication of hard work and scientific endeavor. Complex and very advanced Projects take the time it takes for their planning, designing, testing (X times), approval and mass production, which is another project of its own, with adapted or new machinery, new materials, engineers ,technicians and qualified labor, and so on...
So I am confident that in time the Qaher as shown or another improved version of it will come to be mass produced.
I would not be so presumptuous with respect to what other people do and don't understand. Ships are often called corvettes with a view to getting government funding or approval (e.g. Japans 16DDH and 22DDH, which are really not destroyers but rather ASW carriers ), but are called destroyers to impress the neighbours. We've been through the corvette v destroyer terminology before. Remember the discussion on the new Iranian destroyer (which turns out to be a training ship)? It is valid to point those kinds of things out and it does not detract from any legitimate achievements. Pls contain the (hurt) pride thing (< not directed at you personally, but at a collection of posters here).

If you do not show them the real thing, than it is propaganda, fake, laughing stock...etc
Don't you see, they want to revisit a military site that has nothing to do with the Geneva talks, if you don't want, next thing they 'll claim is that the Iranian missiles have nuclear warheads. It is their game, claiming to be scared while they have a stockpile of 10 000 nuclear warheads and the potential to make another 10 000 if they want to.
What is really hurting them for now are the Iranian secrets, since according to one of Iran's top generals, the US and NATO know(!?) about the 10% of the capabilities of Iran and that is what the latter wants to show them as a sample. .
If only our adversaries acknowledged all our secret capabilities.... I could tell you a thing or two about Dutch secret capabilities but that would hurt that nation's national interest and they would have to silence me. Meanwhile, rest assured our Eastern and Southern neighbours no longer dare to invade, due to the uncertainty . :coffee:

For reference (on proportions, as Quaher 313 mock up is clearly smaller than a life size F-5E or derivative)




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I would not be so presumptuous with respect to what other people do and don't understand. Ships are often called corvettes with a view to getting government funding or approval (e.g. Japans 16DDH and 22DDH, which are really not destroyers but rather ASW carriers ), but are called destroyers to impress the neighbours. We've been through the corvette v destroyer terminology before. Remember the discussion on the new Iranian destroyer (which turns out to be a training ship)? It is valid to point those kinds of things out and it does not detract from any legitimate achievements. Pls contain the (hurt) pride thing (< not directed at you personally, but at a collection of posters here).

If only our adversaries acknowledged all our secret capabilities.... I could tell you a thing or two about Dutch secret capabilities but that would hurt that nation's national interest and they would have to silence me. Meanwhile, rest assured our Eastern and Southern neighbours no longer dare to invade, due to the uncertainty . :coffee:
Yes and we found out that the terminology for ships is not universal, and sometimes translation can be very difficult too.
I was talking about the situation with the sanctions and threats that Iran has been facing for more than 30 years, and said you do not seem to understand it because of your opinion that I respect. I can not say the same thing about other technologies of Iran like its missiles, when we talk about , solid or liquid fuel, range, precision...etc, those are universal. and if Iran wants to impress someone than it would have inflated the range of the missiles for instance.
I did not mean any personal insult, and should have said "that many people seem or fail to understand, instead of you seem .... so take it like that please. There are so many Iranian achievements that are worth mentioning , but the list is too long, for the purpose of this thread, just take the other example of Fuel rods for a nuclear reactor or the own 40 and 350 MW nuclear reactors designs and production.
I would not be so presumptuous with respect to what other people do and don't understand. Ships are often called corvettes with a view to getting government funding or approval (e.g. Japans 16DDH and 22DDH, which are really not destroyers but rather ASW carriers ), but are called destroyers to impress the neighbours. We've been through the corvette v destroyer terminology before. Remember the discussion on the new Iranian destroyer (which turns out to be a training ship)? It is valid to point those kinds of things out and it does not detract from any legitimate achievements. Pls contain the (hurt) pride thing (< not directed at you personally, but at a collection of posters here).

If only our adversaries acknowledged all our secret capabilities.... I could tell you a thing or two about Dutch secret capabilities but that would hurt that nation's national interest and they would have to silence me. Meanwhile, rest assured our Eastern and Southern neighbours no longer dare to invade, due to the uncertainty . :coffee:

For reference (on proportions, as Quaher 313 mock up is clearly smaller than a life size F-5E or derivative)




No European country should be underestimated, NATO is quite powerfull and all its members can feel relatively strong and safe. I lived in the Netherlands for a couple of years and know that it has a good army.

The dimensions of the "real" Qaher-313 should be the same as the F-5X it is just a bit smaller than the F-22. you can easily Google the announced dimensions and compare with the F-5s and F-22.
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47 ft 4¾ in (14.45 m)
Wingspan: 26 ft 8 in (8.13 m)

Length: 47 ft 4 in (14.4 m)
Wingspan: 27 ft 11.9 in / 8.53 m; with wingtip missiles (26 ft 8 in/ 8.13 m; without wingtip missiles)

Length: 15.89 m
Wingspan: 8.13 m

Length: 56 ft 0 in (17.0 m)
Wingspan: 35 ft 0 in (10.5 m)

Length: 56 ft (17.1 m)
Wingspan: 40 ft (12.3 m)

Length 51.4 ft (15.7 m) 51.3 ft (15.6 m) 51.5 ft (15.7 m)
Wingspan35 ft (10.7 m)35 ft (10.7 m) 43 ft (13.1 m)

Length: 62 ft 1 in (18.90 m)
Wingspan: 44 ft 6 in (13.56 m)
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There are two kinds of intakes on the Qaher fighter plane, the ones you see at the front, and others on top of the mid-back. It is innovative and has a lot of fluid mechanics science behind it.

See the two red spots on the Back top? They are air intakes too.
Thats not intake but red "chek" band.


If u had half of brain u would realize:

1) That intake cant be behind a compressor.
2) That pin size intake is joke.
3) That whole this "plane" is joke.
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I still cant understand why a Subsonic airplane which its main operation would be CAS , need Large intake or high attack angle .

by the way its clear that the mockup is a rushed work and a little on shitty side , but the concept is proven for a Subsonic jet. but f you want break mach 1 then the situation will be a little tricky

This from Bird of Pray article in Wiki . as you see the design is stable enough not to need computer to fly
The shape is aerodynamically stable enough to be flown without computer correction. Its aerodynamic stability is in part due to lift provided by the chines, as used in other aircraft including the SR-71 Blackbird. This provided lift for the nose in flight. This configuration, which can be stable without a horizontal tailplane and a conventional vertical rudder, is now a standard in later stealth unmanned aerial vehicles such as the X-45 and X-47, tailless aircraft which use drag rudders (asymmetrically-used wingtip airbrakes) for rudder control.
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Thats not intake but red "chek" band.


If u had half of brain u would realize:

1) That intake cant be behind a compressor.
2) That pin size intake is joke.
3) That whole this "plane" is joke.

You can't judge from a mockup... You don't think patience is the only option!?
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