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Getting ready for offensive against Taliban, Afghan General tells Indian media

Let's see if ANA manages to evict Taliban and its regressive ideology.

Sadly, I think the Taliban is going to rule, either by forming an exclusive government like in the 1990s or by being a major element in the current government. NATO is leaving the country knowing this fully.

It would've been better if US hadn't intervened in the 80s and allowed Soviets to install a communist government @jamahir .

Well, when the USSR came into Afghanistan the country was already being governed by socialism. The country was called Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

Secondly, NATO / USA intervened in Afghanistan because the country was being governed by socialism. Any socialist country, especially a Muslim-majority one, is always a target for NATO intervention. This is what in 2011 happened in Libya and Syria. Or in Iraq in 2003.

For once, I agree that communism might've been better for Afghanistan. The other 'stans' of Central Asia were doing quite good under Soviet Union and are still doing good now that they are independent.

Agreed. In the 1980s, Afghanistan under socialist governance sent a cosmonaut - Abdul Ahad Mohmand - to the Soviet space station Mir. He even won the Hero of the Soviet Union award for putting out a fire in the space station. The women of the country, at least in the cities, were free too.

Of course, democracy is better than communism but communism is any day better over regressive theocracy.

True Communism is supposed to bring True Democracy through one of its aims where the State dissolves and the people begin ruling themselves, without any party or the Western-style parliament. Such a political system existed in Libya until 2011 and has been adapted in Venezuela by the followers of Hugo Chavez. Please read this my post where I describe in simple words how that political system works and also there is the interview of a Venezuelan activist who is participating in the implementation of the system.

Afghan women carry guns in streets, protest Taliban as country struggles
By Peter Aitken, Fox News
July 9, 2021 | 1:13pm | Updated
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Afghan women cadets handle an AK-47 rifle during a training program at the Officers Training Academy in Chennai on February 18, 2021.

Afghan women cadets handle an AK-47 rifle during a training program at the Officers Training Academy in Chennai on February 18, 2021.Arun Sankar/AFP via Getty Images


Women have taken up arms in heavily-contested regions of Afghanistan as the Taliban continues to make nationwide gains during the US military’s withdrawal.
The US continued its drawdown of troops, keeping to President Biden’s promised deadline, which aims for a full withdrawal by Sept. 11 – a date he said Thursday would now be Aug. 31. However, Afghanistan has already struggled to stand on its own.
Government forces have already withdrawn from seven districts, focusing troops and resources around holding the capital province of Badakhshan.
In response, hundreds of women have taken to the streets carrying guns and protesting the Taliban, The Guardian reported.
“There were some women who just wanted to inspire security forces, just symbolic, but many more were ready to go to the battlefields,” said Halima Parastish, head of the women’s directorate in Ghor. “That includes myself.”
“I and some other women told the governor around a month ago that we’re ready to go and fight,” Parastish said.
The Taliban have already introduced severe restrictions against women’s rights in areas they control, including education, freedom of movement and attire, activists and residents claim.
Women have joined the country’s security forces over the past two decades, including training as helicopters pilots, though they face similar discrimination that exists in other countries preventing women from serving on the frontlines.
Abdulzahir Faizzada, the Ghor provincial governor, told The Guardian that some of the women protesting the Taliban have already engaged them in battle and endured violence at their hands.
“The majority of these women were those who had recently escaped from Taliban areas,” Faizzada said. “They have already been through war in their villages, they lost their sons and brothers, they are angry.”
Faizzada supports efforts to train women lacking experience with weapons, but only if the government in Kabul approved it.
Former President George W. Bush warned in April that the decision to withdraw troops from the country would provide opportunities to the Taliban that he hoped the US would not come to regret.
“My first reaction was, wow, these girls are going to have real trouble with the Taliban,” Bush said. “A lot of gains have been made and so I’m deeply concerned about the plight of women and girls in that country.”
He added: “I think the administration hopes that the girls are going be OK through diplomacy. We’ll find out. All I know is the Taliban, when they had the run of the place, they were brutal.”
Former President Donald Trump initiated a plan to withdraw US troops from the country, intending to complete the withdrawal of all regular troops by May 2021. President Biden changed that timeline when he took office.
The decision has drawn bipartisan criticism, with proponents saying the withdrawal will only increase the problems within the country. Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai claimed that extremism is at its “highest point” ahead of the planned drawdown of US forces from his country and that the US had failed to live up to its promises.

@Bilal., will you also call these women as "irrelevant" ?
@Bilal., will you also call these women as "irrelevant" ?
You didn’t answer my question in the last thread. Go back and answer it. Or answer it here.

As for these ladies, are they claiming to be SPA that you keep harping about? Even they don’t find them relevant to talk about. That’s how irrelevant SPA is. A party that exists on Wikipedia and a website and in the wild imagination of some people.
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You didn’t answer my question in the last thread. Go back and answer it. Or answer it here.
And who betrayed first progressive presidents Tarakai and Amin? The later being murdered in his underwear while running towards his saviors for having to come to his rescue.

I don't know much about that incident except that the USSR's military's Alpha special forces group had something to do with it.

As for these ladies, are they claiming to be SPA that you keep harping about? Even they don’t find them relevant to talk about. That’s how irrelevant SPA is. A party that exists on Wikipedia and a website and in the wild imagination of some people.

Give those ladies a choice : Taliban rule or SPA governance.

BTW SPA exists also offline.
I don't know much about that incident except that the USSR's military's Alpha special forces group had something to do with it.
It’s very convenient that a claimed communist tend not to know things when it suits him. First you didn’t know anything about Trotsky and now you are unwilling to admit the treacherous nature of communists.

Give those ladies a choice : Taliban rule or SPA governance.
Not possible as the fact is SPA is non-existent and irrelevant.
Not possible as the fact is SPA is non-existent and irrelevant.

The party exists offline. From its Wiki page :
The SPA boycotted the 2004, 2009, and 2014 Afghan Presidential elections as the party alleges that an individual cannot be elected without the approval of the US government. The party does, however, take part in provincial elections as it believes these elections to be more democratic and harder for central government to control or rig. No SPA members ran in the 2013 provincial elections, although the party did support certain candidates

It’s very convenient that a claimed communist tend not to know things when it suits him. First you didn’t know anything about Trotsky and now you are unwilling to admit the treacherous nature of communists.

I don't even remember the exact postulations of Marx even though I had read a translation of The Communist Manifesto. Should this non-remembrance make me not a communist ?
I don't even remember the exact postulations of Marx even though I had read a translation of The Communist Manifesto. Should this non-remembrance make me not a communist ?
Do you support imposing your ideals through force… the proletarian revolution?

Then why do you want democratic process when it suits you?
Do you support imposing your ideals through force… the proletarian revolution?

Certain societies needed a "communist" governance by force ( Russia, China, Albania, Somalia etc ). Other societies need another way. Perhaps technological and business.

Then why do you want democratic process when it suits you?

I don't know if this suits your question but True Communism is really True Democracy, the idea of "Withering away of the State and then coming the direct rule of the People". Libya until 2011 had Direct Democracy guided by leftist thought which really is what Communism desires, though Gaddafi and his comrades seemed reluctant to call their political system as Communism perhaps because of its association with Atheism ( though one can believe in God yet be a Communist ). Please read this post of mine about how the Libyan system worked in simple words and an interview of a woman activist in Venezuela who is part of a movement that has adapted the Libyan system to Venezuela.
He is getting ready for an American Visa.

I am certain, the application is already made.
The decision certainly would be in his favour. Because Biden already said day before, "America will stand by those, who stood by with America".
Certain societies needed a "communist" governance by force ( Russia, China, Albania, Somalia etc ). Other societies need another way. Perhaps technological and business.

I don't know if this suits your question but True Communism is really True Democracy, the idea of "Withering away of the State and then coming the direct rule of the People". Libya until 2011 had Direct Democracy guided by leftist thought which really is what Communism desires, though Gaddafi and his comrades seemed reluctant to call their political system as Communism perhaps because of its association with Atheism ( though one can believe in God yet be a Communist ). Please read this post of mine about how the Libyan system worked in simple words and an interview of a woman activist in Venezuela who is part of a movement that has adapted the Libyan system to Venezuela.
Then don’t lament when others are forcefully imposing themselves in Afghanistan. You are the one who was calling them criminal for using force and here is what one of the most iconic communist leader has to say about use of force. Don’t cry when someone beat you in your game:

Every Communist must grasp the truth, Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Mao Tse Tung
lu jeee as if Pakistan and China were not enough for them, they want to take panga wahan par jahan USA chadi utarwa kar bhagga hai lol
Then don’t lament when others are forcefully imposing themselves in Afghanistan. You are the one who was calling them criminal for using force and here is what one of the most iconic communist leader has to say about use of force. Don’t cry when someone beat you in your game:

Every Communist must grasp the truth, Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Mao Tse Tung

You are seeking to win an argument by equating minor technicalities : Mao's army being an armed force and the Taliban also being an armed force. Just that. But is there no difference between the Taliban and say the Russian revolution ? Is there no difference of ideology ?
You are seeking to win an argument by equating minor technicalities : Mao's army being an armed force and the Taliban also being an armed force. Just that. But is there no difference between the Taliban and say the Russian revolution ? Is there no difference of ideology ?
Minor technicalities? Buddy armed “revolution” is the cornerstone of communist ideology.

Dont cry when the others won in the same game. Either both are criminals for using gun to forward their idea or none is.
Minor technicalities? Buddy armed “revolution” is the cornerstone of communist ideology.

Dont cry when the others won in the same game. Either both are criminals for using gun to forward their idea or none is.

Taking forward your idea of "none is criminal" what is your sympathy for the Taliban's thought process ? Let's critique Taliban's thought process.
Taking forward your idea of "none is criminal" what is your sympathy for the Taliban's thought process ? Let's critique Taliban's thought process.
Again when you don’t have answer. Start NKVD type interrogations. The point is you failed to make any point. Your conjectures:

- Taliban are criminals because they use force. Communists do the same and it’s good.

- SPA is relevant. Can’t prove except websites claiming they have a few thousand membership.

- Dostum is not a model communist as he is a betraying opportunist. No answer for the history full of commie on commie betrayal. Stalin to Trotsky, Soviets to Amin, etc

- Take your word communism is best. Chinese disagree and have transformed into something. Also no answer when reminded of history full of atrocities and massacres of people living under communists that will put Hitler and ISIS to shame.

- Want to critique others without answering that the alternative being proposed has been nothing short of catastrophic.
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