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General (retd) Hameed Gul: “Afghanistan and Pakistan are two faces of one soul”

Keep dreaming then, I am sorry to have tried to wake you up. Return where the fairies are singing and the unicorns are dancing. Until then, its not your Arab brothers in the Middle East awarding citizenship to your countrymen, providing them with rights or allowing them to run for offices in their country, but the same infidel West. The reality on the God's blue earth is most different.
Yes you are right.
His views are of the old representatives of a certain elite. While it may seem he's just a has-been, people like this still have power in Pakistan, even through certain democratic parties.
Honestly, I think Pakistanis just focus on this point -- there is hope that they may wake from their slumber

Then you expect too much, because there is no shortage of Pakistanis in support of their pseudo Islamic brothers around the world or those considering the Taliban (be it Pakistani or Afghan) to be on the right path, if only even in their words and not deeds. Too much mess in the society to clear up fast, the extent of radicalization and extremism is much greater than what you think. Op.Zarb e Azb is just one part of the campaign, the factories which produce those militants and suicide bombers still exist in the mainland. The Afghan war brought two things very readily, first was the opiate diacetyl morphine or commonly heroin, the other was the opiate of the masses, hence the somnolence or slumber you see here and we see in everyday life.
I am dreaming about the unificataion of ummah.

When it comes time for it to happen, it will happen. Meanwhile however, our brothers are busy killing each other and us.
Money is King, interests are king, and sects and ethnicity are houses of war. Pakistan must soldier on.
Here's a video titled: Every Afghan hates Pakistan!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

There is a saying a good friend is like a mirror -- thank for you for holding a mirror to us Pakistanis.

Every Afghan Hates Pakistanis (yes this does not mean ALL of them -- there are actually 6 Afghans who have no opinion on Pakistan and 2 who love Pakistan)
When it comes time for it to happen, it will happen. Meanwhile however, our brothers are busy killing each other and us.
Money is King, interests are king, and sects and ethnicity are houses of war. Pakistan must soldier on.
Our enemies are laughing at us. We should work to maintain islamic brotherhood and unity.
His views are of the old representatives of a certain elite. While it may seem he's just a has-been, people like this still have power in Pakistan, even through certain democratic parties.

A remnant of a time long past, if I were to borrow a phrase from Star Trek. Even that was a long time ago, when he was a has-been. He's just a nobody now, who tries to keep the legacy of his era alive by insane and irrational statements every now and then. Some would even say that the General is seeing the effects of what he did back then, reversed gradually and hence the increase in frustration. Today, the state doesn't exactly differentiate between terrorists, its just dispatching them to hell with extreme prejudice. He cant influence the policies and the actions of the military today which have taken a 180 degree U-Turn since his days, the best he can do today is try to fool the gullible. That, he's doing to the best of his ability.
Our enemies are laughing at us. We should work to maintain islamic brotherhood and unity.

The most efficient way for the Muslim world to progress is to stop trying to correct itself, every individual should look inward, every country should look inward, improve and progress. Right now, GCC is busy building their own Ummah, Iran and allies have their own, ISIS and extremists want their own. Right now the Middle East is in turmoil, a spectacular number of government have been overthrown since 2010. No-one seems to want or care for outside influence.

In fact, you speak of our enemies, I'm 100% certain that in Syria certain nations are using the idea of this caliphate, greater Ummah against the Muslim world itself.

It's fine to wan't something like this, but the real pressing issue is how to get there, what's the best approach and where to be careful and draw the line.

A remnant of a time long past, if I were to borrow a phrase from Star Trek. Even that was a long time ago, when he was a has-been. He's just a nobody now, who tries to keep the legacy of his era alive by insane and irrational statements every now and then. Some would even say that the General is seeing the effects of what he did back then, reversed gradually and hence the increase in frustration. Today, the state doesn't exactly differentiate between terrorists, its just dispatching them to hell with extreme prejudice. He cant influence the policies and the actions of the military today which have taken a 180 degree U-Turn since his days, the best he can do today is try to fool the gullible. That, he's doing to the best of his ability.

While what you're saying is true. Be mindful of some of the retired general class, they are a different breed, they're capable of a lot more than we might suspect.
@Jungibaaz and @Secur Excellent posts. But it's going to hurt some. Especially Gen Gul and his fans if they happen to be on PDF! Truth is a bitch!
Indeed, the delusion of the Muslim brotherhood is alive and kicking in the general Pakistani psyche. A prime cause of the current situation, you find yourself in and a prime reason, why the situation in this country wont return to normal, for a long period of time. The same brothers have been found involved in (literally) all sorts of anti social and anti state activities in this country. But no doubt, it doesn't bother the most because they are seen as Muslims and hence these little things like guns, drugs and women trade, provision of information and other resources to terrorists and involvement in many of the terrorist acts are seen as petty things and pardonable by the people who are termed with the most offensive of names, on the other side of the Khyber Pass. Come back to reality, the world isn't run on your fantasies.

P.S. The quote you just did so childishly dismiss and replied with little brownie points, is an actual one from the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan. It gives an insight into what Afghan population thinks about this country and its people, since the Taliban are/were considered as friends of this country. If this is what your friends think, imagine what would an enemy say and do.

It is the second time you are trying to impose your theory on me....
the delusion of the Muslim brotherhood is alive and kicking in the general Pakistani psyche. A prime cause of the current situation, you find yourself in and a prime reason, why the situation in this country wont return to normal, for a long period of time.
If we say Afghans are our brothers then how does you relate it with the current situation, did you mean to say that, all Afghans are involved in doing war against Pakistan....
You mention that why situation of Pakistan wont return to normal, you forgot the years (1995-2001) there were no foreign invasion and it is the most peaceful time of Pak Afghan Borders....

The same brothers have been found involved in (literally) all sorts of anti social and anti state activities in this country. But no doubt, it doesn't bother the most because they are seen as Muslims and hence these little things like guns, drugs and women trade, provision of information and other resources to terrorists and involvement in many of the terrorist acts are seen as petty things and pardonable by the people who are termed with the most offensive of names, on the other side of the Khyber Pass.
According to you, Afghans were spared because they were Muslims....
Then we should spare all criminals which are Muslims and dedicate jails for Non-Muslims only....
Or you are trying to say that only Afghans Refuge involved in guns, drugs, women, provision of intel, helping terrorist and involving terrorist involvement rest of us are saints and innocents....
In my previous posts i did not say any thing relate to spare criminals whether he is Muslim or Not....

Come back to reality, the world isn't run on your fantasies.
This sentence applied on you perfectly....
I didn't expect this kind of reply from such an experience person....
How the hell Muslim Brother Hood has to do any thing with the criminal act of individuals....

If you are a Muslim then just tell me are you agreed with Muslim Brother Hood (which is a concept of Islam and mentioned in Quran)....????
If you are not Muslim then tell me, i will not question you again on Muslim Brother Hood....
Afghanistan and Pakistan are two faces of one soul?? :woot: :rofl: This Gul guy needs to go ask the Afghans that!! :partay: I love these cliches that come out regularly from Pakistan.
There was another recently who said that 'Kashmir is Pakistan's jugular vein'!! :omghaha:
Souls, veins, body parts - biology and esoteric science! Then there's geography and culinary delights too - deeper than the deepest oceans, higher than the mountains, stronger than steel and sweeter than the sweetest honey etc etc....:sarcastic:
WTF is going on?? :cheesy:

Don't worry still you are unbeatable in every science because....

Plastic surgery and genetic science existed and were in use thousands of years ago in ancient india.....
Ancient Indians Practiced Plastic Surgery

Indian sage conducted nuke test lakhs of years ago....
Indian sage conducted nuke test ages ago: BJP MP

And also those famous unbeatable Alien Tech you created....
Big claps for your Scientific Discoveries....

Here's a video titled: Every Afghan hates Pakistan!

Nice try but you failed....
These are stupid rogue commanders of Afghanistan....
Afghan Taliban already beat the sh** out of these rogue commanders these are useful idiots nothing else....
And Insha Allah after the success of Operation Zarb-e-Azb against TTP, there will be no Mulla Radio, or any rogue commander will be left for interview on the both sides....
If you are a Muslim then just tell me are you agreed with Muslim Brother Hood (which is a concept of Islam and mentioned in Quran)....????

And you are accusing me, of being imposing? Answer me a simple question, does this fantasy brotherhood of yours, exist in the real world? Forget the religion this time, which happens to be the last resort excuse of every person.

The present situation of Pakistan, all the militancy, radicalization, the influx of criminal Afghans with gun, drugs and rampant extremism which shows its ugly rear end almost every day, has its roots in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, in which Pakistan's involvement has roots in Islamic brotherhood this time for Afghans which happened to be a secondary factor, the Soviet threat and warm waters myth is another factor.

The year 1989 is when the Soviets leave the Afghan territory, the same year the Mujahideen bereft of an enemy to fight, fight amongst each other till 1992 when Peshawar accords are signed, ironically the pious Mujahids break the agreement the same year and another phase of civil war starts until 1996 when Taliban enter Kabul. What peace have you been talking about, in your post, if I may know in the years 1995-2001? The only relative peace which itself brewed out to another great conflict which continues to this day was seen after the establishment of Taliban Govt which harmed Pakistan in the long run when they sheltered OBL and refused to listen to the Pakistani delegation to hand him over. Most peaceful time seriously? What exactly did we gain by creating the Taliban and continuing the mistake of supporting militants/terrorists in another country, when they eventually came back to harm us? Who exactly do you think, today wage the war against the state of Pakistan? Look around you, these Uzbeks, Tajiks, Arabs, Afghans and Chechens along with a large part of Pakistanis are the descendants of the same ideology that was once imparted for Afghan Jihad and for Taliban. Foreign agents much?

And a greater part of the Afghan refugee population here in this country which exceeds three million today, is regularly found involved in anti social and anti state activities, to a large extent and in much greater numbers than any other nationality that has found refuge in this country, to give it a whirl again. Yes, the same people whom we invited to stay here and foolishly allowed them to settle in every part of the country, thats how they are repaying our hospitality and love. The same Afghans who's most friendly ambassador to this country uttered such words against us, the same Afghans who have been opposing this country since its inception and have been responsible for border skirmishes, creating troubles and funding insurgencies in this country. What brothers, do you speak of? And I will not go into the reason for the continued love and admiration and brotherly status for those people despite everything, I think we all know whats responsible there.

P.S The sole reason for replying to your earlier posts was the childish response shown to an actual quote from Mullah Zaeef.
This sentence applied on you perfectly....
I didn't expect this kind of reply from such an experience person....

Indeed, its me who thinks that running the country and specially the foreign policy on emotions and presumed brotherhoods is a good idea. A wise man who also happened to be the founding father of this nation, once said how there are no permanent friends or enemies in the worlds, only interests. Should have listened to him because had we done that, we wouldn't have found this country in this mess.
Afghan Taliban already beat the sh** out of these rogue commanders these are useful idiots nothing else....
And Insha Allah after the success of Operation Zarb-e-Azb against TTP, there will be no Mulla Radio, or any rogue commander will be left for interview on the both sides....

There's a reason why the state of Pakistan doesn't differentiate between terrorists any longer and targets everyone equally, ponder over it. The Afghan Taliban aren't our friend, they have collaborated with TTP in the past and condemned the death of Baitullah Mehsud.

Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing - World - DAWN.COM

And, if your answer to this part of the post is American/Jewish/Indian propaganda, please dont bother to reply.
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