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Featured General Qamar Javed Bajwa to visit Saudi Arabia next week

Notice ... no protocol for COAS this time ....


Not an issue Sir. Our time will come.
Bajwa should threat KSA that we will not provide any security n ur on ur own.
The move of UAE "openly" aligning itself with Israel should not be seen in isolation.
This is only another chapter in the implementation of New World Order (NWO), which started with first Gulf War in 1990.

It is now apparent that UAE and KSA have been offered (and they have accepted) a place on the table in the world that is envisaged as per paradigm of NWO.
India is the same, they are aligning themselves with US, even at the cost of Russia.

World is moving in two camps: pro-NWO and anti-NWO.

I agree with many points of @syed_yusuf and @batmannow.

My conclusion is that our high ups knew that this shift was coming.

Pakistan only needs another 10-years to become independent, provided it remains on current trajectory.

I don't see loss of working class from KSA and UAE as a problem for Pakistan.

We had bad times in 1990s, and with this loss we will not be more worse.

However, I can bet that without Pakistan these stupid Gulf leaders will not survive 10-years. Israel and US will eat them alive.
New aligns are in making ...Arabs and Non-Arabs. Oneside has money and otherside has skill and technology Arabs heading toward Western block and non Arabs heading toward Russia-China block. Iraq,Syria and Qatar are only nation still staying away from these blocks.
No, it is not that easy. Yes you can do that with manual labour very easy, but managment positions and senior positions it is much harder.

Let me give you just one example, there are hundreds, if not thousands of Pak personnel maintaining engines of F-15 and C-130 planes. These are ex PAF who have many years experience with these engines. India or Bangladesh can replace bricklayers but not these people, not even Egyptians cannot replace these people as they have their own skilled manpower issues. It will take more than a year and a lot of pain, and of course they can still go ahead and do it, I am just saying the pain will be a two way street to an extent
Oh, I completely agree that there will be two/way pain and pretty much a nuclear option for the Saudis because if they exercise this, there’s no going back. They’ll force our hand.
I don't think Arabs will help Pakistan's Kashmir cause.

The new Asian power block will be made and Pakistan will have to join it.

China+Pak+Iran+Turkey+IslamicEmirateofAfghanistan and other misc countries.

Russia will not intervene nor it has power to do so.

India with all its imported shiny military gadgets will be used as balli ka bakra to tackle China.

It is the prerequisites of Ghazwa-e-Hind that are being completed.

It could in start days, months, years or even decades. Only Allah knows.

Allah will choose best men among muslims to fight this battle. So there might be a detergent dhulai (spiritual and moral cleansing) before things get heated up.
Bajwa should threat KSA that we will not provide any security n ur on ur own.

This is suicidal approach to the say the least. Keeping working relations with gcc is a must notwithstanding how fragile it may become. The present situation is a reincarnation of the infamous, with us or against us, but without the cowboy accent, as Saudi foreign policy has been completely outsourced to the state department.
New aligns are in making ...Arabs and Non-Arabs. Oneside has money and otherside has skill and technology Arabs heading toward Western block and non Arabs heading toward Russia-China block. Iraq,Syria and Qatar are only nation still staying away from these blocks.

Yes, it seems like that....but I see the blocks through the prism of NWO; not arab and non-arab.

If the case was of arab and non-arab, then Israel had no reason to be part of the equation; let alone be the driver of the division.
Genral bajwa is expected to be back same night and that means, whatever the messeges were are exchanged already on military level which means the same rude mood of stupid and afraid prince MBS, who is too naive to be a gentleman to talk like a real man
And that's the best thing genral bajwa is doing, just to stand with pakistans realistic national intersts which isn't in accepting bullying by any friend and foe!
This is suicidal approach to the say the least. Keeping working relations with gcc is a must notwithstanding how fragile it may become. The present situation is a reincarnation of the infamous, with us or against us, but without the cowboy accent, as Saudi foreign policy has been completely outsourced to the state department.
Time to listen anyone's crap is over? instead it's time to test TIPU 8000 kms range?
and then see, how these foolish Arabs come begging that's what they understand only, yes the power and only power!
The problems for MBS and other (so called) Arab leaders is deeper than we think.

CIA, MI6, Mossad and others have the evidence against them, which is of very damaging and immoral + unethical nature.
Whenever these leaders have tried to breakaway from the shackles, these agencies use media to start a propaganda war.
I have seen programmes on BBC, this was the time when KSA did not allow US to attack Iraq from Saudi basis - in the second gulf war, after 9/11.
Since US and allies achieved their objectives from an alternative route, the campaign fizzled out.
The problems for MBS and other (so called) Arab leaders is deeper than we think.

CIA, MI6, Mossad and others have the evidence against them, which is of very damaging and immoral + unethical nature.
Whenever these leaders have tried to breakaway from the shackles, these agencies use media to start a propaganda war.
I have seen programmes on BBC, this was the time when KSA did not allow US to attack Iraq from Saudi basis - in the second gulf war, after 9/11.
Since US and allies achieved their objectives from an alternative route, the campaign fizzled out.
friend ... MBS and others are murdering thugs.

there is enough evidence to have them executed if shariah law is applied.
Indeed New World Order is being formed where US lead group including Israel, India, Egypt and GCC against China and Russia to a lesser extent in shape of Cold War 2.0. The third block though smaller one is Turkey and Iran like minded countries who are some extent against US lead hegemony as well against Middle east kingdoms. The Arab crowns are afraid of the rise of military power of Turkey as well as proxies of Iran. They need security guarantee from US which in turn has arm twisted them to accept Israel. The recent UAE normalising relation with Israel is part of the US security guarantee and more arab state will follow including SA. On the other hand there is quite understanding forming between China and Iran which Arabs are not seeing in very enthusiastically.

Pakistan has traditionally brotherly relationship with Turkey and some degree with Iran due to being neighbour. It used to be in camp of US during the previous cold war along with arabs and Turkey but at the same time have close relation with China. The Pak-US relationship has diminished due to US tilting toward India due to its bigger market as well as growing anti muslim sentiments after 911 happening and WOT. Another factor is Pakistan's any major arms deals from US will have condition to accepts Israel. This Israel accepting condition used to raise its head before as well but it was suppressed due to urgency of Soviet-Afghan war or WOT. On the other hand its relationship with China has grown many folds in recent years in form of BRI/CPEC as well as military and strategical partnership. It got renewed vigour after US announcing Indo-pacific strategy in order to containment of China. Another life line China offers to Pakistan for Kashmir cause in UN SC. The only hope for Pakistan to regain Kashmir from Indian yolk if it can somehow able to convince China to open many overt and covert fronts against India along the Himalayan border and North-Eastern regions and force it a two front war situation. Otherwise through dead organizations like UN and OIC there is not much hope left as west is more succumb to Indian narrative due to giving preference to commercial interest over peoples sufferings.

It seems it will be very troublesome for Pakistan to keep balances among these three blocks. If it want to keep everyone happy, it will have crisis popping up time to time. The recent trouble of Pak-Saudi relation is due to SA want to pull Pakistan away from China or Turkey/Iran block using its dependency on loans and migrant workers remittances. Though this trouble came in surface due to foreign minister's loose talk in public but the under current was going on for some time. But next big trouble will arrive when SA will ask for their return of investment in Pak nuclear if Iran goes to nuclear in near future. I think the recent conference of current and retired generals was most probably around these subjects. It was better that Pakistan could take the firm stand now but it should not break the SA relationship totally to the point of no return as it will have severe economic costs. But it should mind its language in public and do not let SA or US divide the public and politicians to take benefit of it. So the current government should explain the underlying issues, challenges and take in confidence of the parliament, intelligentia and media in close door briefings. I would say CPEC and overall China relation should be given preferences to others but not breaking them openly.
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