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General bajwa explains what happened

So basically i.k after inital refusal asked bajwa to appoint gen faiz as c.c and then issued a statement against his appointment- ------ consequently bajwa rightfully felt betrayed and left i.k to his own devices.
Bajwa jhota hy. IK only mistake was that he didn’t remove Bajwa.

So basically i.k after inital refusal asked bajwa to appoint gen faiz as c.c and then issued a statement against his appointment- ------ consequently bajwa rightfully felt betrayed and left i.k to his own devices.
Jhoota hy, There are pictures of US embassy staff meeting lota politicians. Defense policy expert Rebecca Grant admitted regime change on Tv. Bajwa samjta hy Pakistan main Sab chootiya hain.
Bajwa jhota hy. IK only mistake was that he didn’t remove Bajwa.

That wasn't the only blunder he made. Arranging a safe exit for navaz on whoever's insistence , over relying on bureaucracy/peeri mureedi and keeping his self distant from his party members/allies played a vital role in his down fall
Bajwa mentioned this in April May during his conference with retired military personnels.

That’s when most of the retired military personnels showed him the finger and went overdrive into condemning him on YouTube and several other media.

Bajwa needs a visit to the HR department. Either the duffer does not understand his job scope or he is a scoundrel acting all bravado that he can do anything without any blowback.
So far he's gotten away with it, with full backing of his chor commanders and army brats here. He must've correctly anticipated the fickle and compliant nature of the masses.
Well, hindsight is 20/20.

But yes, it was Imran Khan’s mistake to give extension to Bajwa. Same with appointment of Anjum on DG ISI post.

Giving Nawaz safe exit was also a big disaster. Letting him rot in jail would have been better.

They think Pakistan is their personal property. Inko aur gaaliya parni chahiye.
Idk this voice. But it actually confirms establishment's story of absolute neutrality. People here are abusing military for not getting into politics, while i think its a good thing. Our politicians will mature and start to make laws to prevent these types of situations again.
In the Army Sop's the junior ranks are destined to take orders from seniors and obey it at any cost, even if the rank is just one slot higher.

This hierarchical regime of army based on British Raj to control the masses and awam, cantonments were used as power centers in British Raj, and here now the pak Army is masquerading as a British Raj Army, with same rules and regulations.

Utterly, absolutely pathetic and shameful.

IK was incompetent
Buzdar was incompetent
IK didn't know how to keep his MNA in line
Nawaz sharif knows how to keep his MNA in line
So the supreme court takes order
Lets get things in perspective.
A. Bajwa extension- wrong policy by IK although the logic at the time was to have the Chief support the new government. For this 1 yr extension should have been enough.
B. Foreign aid- I dont know how much of a role Bajwa played but seems logical as he had the clout and a political role.
C. Help with National assembly motions and budget--- Bajwa is telling the truth.
D. Russia--- Bajwa admits IK asked before he went but wanted him to play a quieter role rather than an open adversarial role. This also seems logical as even the later admission of IK going without support from army was face saving as they wanted to pacify the US. Whether this was essential knowing the US xesigns in the region need further analysis.
E. Faiz Hameed. Part of it is truth as Faiz needed to be out of that role. However it is the PM'S prerogrative to appoint the ISI chief so why was announcement made from Army quarters. It should have been pushed back towards the PM's officeto make the announcement. This is the thorny issue and actually mired in controversy.
F. Buzdar and Aleem Khan. Buzdar was incompetent so there is no doubt in this fact. Part of this stems from his inability to speak in public. There was strife within the party which was why IK could not appoint Aleem Khan. More importantly IK' s tendency to helicopter control Punjab and KPK via weak CMs was counter productive and the sooner we acknowledge this the better. Aleem Khan had baggage on his side and there is talk of Bajwa's father in Law involved in shady deals with him. So why was Bajwa interfering in political matters? So on analysis half and half.
G. Disenchantment of MPs and allies with IK is a fact. He has heen shy around people and possibly has not listened to his MPS AND ALLIES. This bit sounds true although to what extent remains to be seen.
So a lot of truth in what Bajwa has said although it is probably not the whole truth. The neutrality came at the worst possible time and the economic tail spin has caused serious damage to the country. Letting him rule on till March 23 and then calling elections might have been better. Even maneouvering an elections instead of NCM would have been better than allowing these crooks into power.
From IK'S perspective the critical bit is what has he learnt from all of this. We have now had a weak and dependent PM who has essentially run the country into the ground with his idiotic decisions. So how has this decision been better than the earlier one? Why are elections been avoided till the Nov changeover even though the country is suffering. There are a lot of things in this conundrum that need answering. One thing has been known--- Banwa has not been a happy bunny for at least since the controversy over ISI CHIEF change over.
So far he's gotten away with it, with full backing of his chor commanders and army brats here. He must've correctly anticipated the fickle and compliant nature of the masses.

On the contrary to what you are saying he didn't get away with it by any imagination, look round you the love and respect enjoyed by Army stand at the lowest and for the first time in history of Pakistan, the people of Pakistan are openly blaming the Pakistan army for all the ills that facing Pakistan today and that's his legacy...
Now Rauf Klasra will be in a problem after posting this internal conference.
Look DG ISPR miscalculated

They know people don't love IK but they forgot that everyone in Pakistan loves a martyer...

Hence people fell in love with martyer.

Other people hated IK.

So it's not DGISPR fault..it's people fault who till IK was booted out were saying "hum ko maryum Nawaz chayay"

Well zardari is old and may die soon
Where as Nawaz sharif is mostly going to retire

So untill my grandchildren enjoy bilawal Maryum and mualana asad mehmood (deisel son)

Don't cry you guys deserve it..

:pop: :pop: :pop: :pop:

Most of you who follow me know that 18 months ago I saw this coming..why because on Street everyone hated IK and loved Nawaz sharif...even if Ik wasn't booted out 2023 election Nawaz sharif would have been back.

So what's so bad if he comes a year earlier?????

From my general survey 7/10 people hated IK. 5/10 loved Nawaz sharif. Only 3/10 wanted to stay with him
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