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Geert Wilders tells Turks: Turkey not welcome in Europe

i wodner what all this muslems are doing in europe no freedom and economic option in there country?
My ancestors (grandfather) have been greeted with red carpet on the trainstation when they came here, they have been offered jobs es they came out of the train, Europeans owe these people a lot of their prosperity but today some 12 year olds in forums talk as if they knew shyte.

1 millionth guest workers from different regions being greeted with flowers and gifts in Germany of 60's/70's.






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Turkey should long know that Europe doesn't welcome them, US doesn't like them, Russia distrusts them and China is wary of them. Probably where Turkey really belongs is Middle East, gradually it will become another average ME country.
Ahh that is why his got that weird look. Explains everything. Thanks !

Yep his genetics betray him, no matter how much he bleaches that awful hair style of his. The real power of the right was Pyn Fortuyn who was assassinated quite a few years back. Had he been around I'd say things would have been much worse.
Anyway the Dutch are still a very tolerant and jolly bunch, some of the best Europeans I have have come across, aside Swedes, Norwegians and Finns.
Geert Wilders isn't even taken seriously in his own country. All he can do is beg to like-minded racists all over Europe to join his bandwagon. He once shouted fewer Moroccans in Holland. LOL He is still on trial LOL

By the way, Wilders has black hair in real life. He is ashamed and bleaches his hair. He also has Indonesian roots, but likes to conceal these details. That should tell you about his identity crisis and mental health.

Geert Wilders is a f*cking ''achterlijke mongool'' (pardon my french), as some of us Dutch would say.
Turkey should long know that Europe doesn't welcome them, US doesn't like them, Russia distrusts them and China is wary of them. Probably where Turkey really belongs is Middle East, gradually it will become another average ME country.

Awful lot of butt-hurt at Turkey dude I see.:(

Turkey has the full support of over 1 billion Muslims all over the world - that is dozens of countries in Europe(Bosnia), Africa, ME and Asia.

It's living standards are on par with W EU countries live Portugal and GDP is growing at 7% a year.

It has already bagged billions of dollars of weapons exports to Pakistan which is China's only single ally in the whole planet. Next decade it's weapons industry will go head to head with the likes of the UK and France.

Go take your butt-hurt out of this thread loser.
Yep his genetics betray him, no matter how much he bleaches that awful hair style of his. The real power of the right was Pyn Fortuyn who was assassinated quite a few years back. Had he been around I'd say things would have been much worse.
Anyway the Dutch are still a very tolerant and jolly bunch, some of the best Europeans I have have come across, aside Swedes, Norwegians and Finns.

Pim Fortuyn, although having some controversial statements about the multicultural society himself, was intellectually more refined than Wilders. I don't think he would have actively called to ostracize migrants on a continental scale, like Wilders and other rightwing parties are trying to do now. As a somewhat nationalist Dutch, he also saw the multicultural issue in the Netherlands as a solely Dutch issue.

Personally, I don't agree with anything he was propagating, but I do think that his assassination gave the more extremist elements of the right, the excuse they needed to constantly hammer this fcking issue on the political agenda. Politically, Fortuyn's party was an example of the one-issue party, there wasn't exactly a broad and comprehensive political or ideological agenda. Had he lived, I think he would have just faded into obscurity. His party, ''Lijst Fortuyn'' however became instantly the largest party after his assassination, but faded into obscurity as well after just 3 years.
Turks in Europe are basically lower class workers and yet they feel like they are as good as the central or northern europeans!

How the fak do you now what we feel? Why should i have problems with inferiority complex? Are chinese feeling like that in Europe? What are the feelings of Chinese in Europe, are they less then European?
Pim Fortuyn, although having some controversial statements about the multicultural society himself, was intellectually more refined than Wilders. I don't think he would have actively called to ostracize migrants on a continental scale, like Wilders and other rightwing parties are trying to do now. As a somewhat nationalist Dutch, he also saw the multicultural issue in the Netherlands as a solely Dutch issue.

Personally, I don't agree with anything he was propagating, but I do think that his assassination gave the more extremist elements of the right, the excuse they needed to constantly hammer this fcking issue on the political agenda. Politically, Fortuyn's party was an example of the one-issue party, there wasn't exactly a broad and comprehensive political or ideological agenda. Had he lived, I think he would have just faded into obscurity. His party, ''Lijst Fortuyn'' however became instantly the largest party after his assassination, but faded into obscurity as well after just 3 years.

Good post.
Turks in Europe are basically lower class workers and yet they feel like they are as good as the central or northern europeans!
Use your brain check and out what Turks contribute to Europe's economy,start with Germany.
Btw,your people only work in Chinese restaurants in Europe,very high class.

Pim Fortuyn, although having some controversial statements about the multicultural society himself, was intellectually more refined than Wilders. I don't think he would have actively called to ostracize migrants on a continental scale, like Wilders and other rightwing parties are trying to do now. As a somewhat nationalist Dutch, he also saw the multicultural issue in the Netherlands as a solely Dutch issue.

Personally, I don't agree with anything he was propagating, but I do think that his assassination gave the more extremist elements of the right, the excuse they needed to constantly hammer this fcking issue on the political agenda. Politically, Fortuyn's party was an example of the one-issue party, there wasn't exactly a broad and comprehensive political or ideological agenda. Had he lived, I think he would have just faded into obscurity. His party, ''Lijst Fortuyn'' however became instantly the largest party after his assassination, but faded into obscurity as well after just 3 years.
Wilders also lost much at the last elections,i think people have had enough of him,even many party leaders left or were sent away.
On the other side,DENK wont survive either.

Geert Wilders is a f*cking ''achterlijke mongool'' (pardon my french), as some of us Dutch would say.
Je moet echt eens praten met je ''landgenoten'',ze denken dat wij Turken terroristen opleiden en naar China sturen.
Je moet echt eens praten met je ''landgenoten'',ze denken dat wij Turken terroristen opleiden en naar China sturen.

Ja ik weet de opmerkingen van sommigen (van zowel Turken als Chinezen) met betrekking tot terrorisme in zowel Turkije als China. Ik heb mezelf sowieso verteld ervan te weerhouden van zulke discussies omdat je er simpelweg niks mee opschiet. Volgens mij werd ik een keer een ''kankerchinees'' genoemd door ene atatwolf(?) in een dergelijke discussie lol (Hij is blijkbaar ook Nederlands?). Daar staat trouwens tegenover dat er veel redelijke Chinese leden bij zitten zoals @TaiShang die wel het grotere belang inzien van betrekkingen tussen Turkije en China (met Pakistan als mediatoor).

In ieder geval, ik geef als advies mee dat je je niet van je voet moet laten stoten door iedere generaliserende opmerking. Als je je druk maakt om wat iedere gozer zegt, kan je wel eeuwig door blijven discussieren. Ik geef je daarom ook het advies om gewoon niet op zulke opmerkingen in te gaan.

In plaats daarvan hou ik mijzelf liever bezig met de betrekkingen tussen onze beide landen, die vrij goed zijn ondanks de situatie met de Oeigoeren in China en Syrië. En wat terrorisme betreft, zitten de Turkse en Chinese regeringen ook op een lijn betreffende terroristische organizaties zoals TIP en Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Wilders also lost much at the last elections,i think people have had enough of him,even many party leaders left or were sent away.
On the other side,DENK wont survive either.

The Hague is a fucking mess right now, and the fact that the VVD won the majority seats again, because there was simply no better alternative, is just telling of the sad state of affairs of the political parties here.
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