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GAZA: Israeli soldier gave 74-year-old Palestinian woman water then shot her in the head

So what is the author's evidence for this news ? seems like another lie-propaganda to me. Because I have read different stories about this woman, the worst one is this one. So terrorist state Israel soldiers give her water first, then shot her in the head, I dont say its not likely to occur but you have to provide evidences for your claims.
any other prominant source?
if true its shame of humanity..
are we so fuking *** holes that came to this level of cruelty...
what diffrent betwen IS and these scum ..
those who can change things or can direct change... ple ple do it..
this is not the way anyone should live or die ..
RIP ..to her ..
as you may have real picture.. ple clear whether its real
any palestine member here can prove that isreal force did all above ?
One again. A woman named Ghalia Abu Raida was killed in shelling together with 9 terrorists:

Evening Paramedics and civil defence forces recovered 10 bodies, including Ghalia Abu Rida and nine resistance fighters from the rubble of destroyed houses in Khuza’a and Absan al-Kabira. They were killed following the shelling of the area.


In the morning, medical crews recovered the bodies of a woman and 9 members of Palestinian armed groups from the debris of destroyed homes in Khuza’a and ‘Abassan villages. The woman was identified as Ghalia al-‘Abed Abu Raida


Its also very possible that they used fake name and this 74 year old woman simply died half year later from natural causes (because her dead pic emerged only half year later and there is no signs of violence). Anyhow its 100% fake story.
any other prominant source?
if true its shame of humanity..
are we so fuking *** holes that came to this level of cruelty...
what diffrent betwen IS and these scum ..
those who can change things or can direct change... ple ple do it..
this is not the way anyone should live or die ..
RIP ..to her ..
as you may have real picture.. ple clear whether its real
any palestine member here can prove that isreal force did all above ?
It's pally propaganda
One again. A woman named Ghalia Abu Raida was killed in shelling together with 9 terrorists:

Evening Paramedics and civil defence forces recovered 10 bodies, including Ghalia Abu Rida and nine resistance fighters from the rubble of destroyed houses in Khuza’a and Absan al-Kabira. They were killed following the shelling of the area.


In the morning, medical crews recovered the bodies of a woman and 9 members of Palestinian armed groups from the debris of destroyed homes in Khuza’a and ‘Abassan villages. The woman was identified as Ghalia al-‘Abed Abu Raida


Its also very possible that they used fake name and this 74 year old woman simply died half year later from natural causes (because her dead pic emerged only half year later and there is no signs of violence). Anyhow its 100% fake story.
Thanks for detailed reply..
please do post same link to source website commets section if possible..
this is worst degree of reporting as well as tactics use in so call fredom strugle war. xyz...
you think its fake ? ok no problem. do you think this will change how we feel about israelis ? nope
if you only know the things we will do to those rats. so dont bother yourself trying to prove that this story is false cuz its not going to change shit. :butcher:
you think its fake ? ok no problem. do you think this will change how we feel about israelis ? nope

if you only know the things we will do to those rats. so dont bother yourself trying to prove that this story is false cuz its not going to change shit. :butcher:

Yup exactly.Arab Muslims and Muslims in general will continue to hate Israel and Jews no matter what

So what purpose does this propaganda serve then, other than undermining the cause of the Palestinian people? Anyone with an IQ in double digits and.or anyone who doesn't have a deep ingrained hate for the Jewish people for religious or political reasons, can see through this propaganda.
() babri turks & other ethnics of pakistan & bangladesh are sunni (hanafi maturidi nakshibandi). what is the religion of china & chinese.

() the enemy of sunnis are china, israilistan, russia, europe, america, hindistan & others.

() israilistan & israilistanis literally own china & chinese.

secular ideology of communism is an ethnic yahudi invention.
who ruled secular communist russia. hint: not russians.
who rules secular communist china. hint: not han chinese.
the money for chinese development came from american & european banks. who owns these banks.
american & european corporations are moving to china. who owns these corporations.
why are american & european banks & corporations weakening america & europe and strengthening china.

() if u can believe it, chinese, a third rate computer science power, hack into american defence corporations. not europeans, russians or hindistanis. who owns these american defence corporations.

() china & chinese should stick to hiding behind pakistan & bangladesh flags and propagating anti-sunni & anti-turk & pro-china & pro-chinese material.

propaganda is a christian/secular european invention.
hasbara is a yahudi invention.

shiites, local seculars, khawarij(wahabis,salafis), interfaith-dialoguers have their versions.

sunnis do not have "propaganda".

() hazreti abdullah ibn salam radiallahu anh & hazreti safiyya bint huyayy radiallahu anha are sahaba(companions) & beni israil (1450 years ago).

() golden age of yahudis is sunni andalus (spain).

() civilised christians expelled yahudis. yahudis found sanctuary in sunni hanafi mamluk turk state in masr(egypt) and sunni (hanafi maturidi nakshi) othmani turk state in turkiye.

() sunnis ruled yahudis for 1400+ years. polytheism is worse than yahudism. sunni (hanafi maturidi nakshi) turks ruled hindistan (& china) for 1000+ years. not mongols not persians. there are polytheists in hindistan (& china). sunni turks didnt even touch devil worshipping yezidis. compare civilised christian/secular european rule in north & south america.

() shiite, secular, khawarij(wahabi,salafi), interfaith-dialogue regimes rule 1.5 billion sunnis. this includes masr(egypt) & pakistan. these regimes use israilistan to distract sunnis. since erdogan, sunnis rule turkiye.

the analogy is wrong. babri turks & other ethnics of pakistan & bangladesh are sunni. for sunnis, arab & non-arab are equal.

chinese are more israilistani than bibi is one correct analogy.

Ever heard of pallywood? Check it out...Besides, as I said, we are used to pakistani lies and propaganda so we know how the whole thingy works.
you think its fake ? ok no problem. do you think this will change how we feel about israelis ? nope
if you only know the things we will do to those rats. so dont bother yourself trying to prove that this story is false cuz its not going to change shit. :butcher:

seems last 4 rear whopping had little effect. try again !

() babri turks & other ethnics of pakistan & bangladesh are sunni (hanafi maturidi nakshibandi). what is the religion of china & chinese.

() the enemy of sunnis are china, israilistan, russia, europe, america, hindistan & others.

() israilistan & israilistanis literally own china & chinese.

secular ideology of communism is an ethnic yahudi invention.
who ruled secular communist russia. hint: not russians.
who rules secular communist china. hint: not han chinese.
the money for chinese development came from american & european banks. who owns these banks.
american & european corporations are moving to china. who owns these corporations.
why are american & european banks & corporations weakening america & europe and strengthening china.

() if u can believe it, chinese, a third rate computer science power, hack into american defence corporations. not europeans, russians or hindistanis. who owns these american defence corporations.

() china & chinese should stick to hiding behind pakistan & bangladesh flags and propagating anti-sunni & anti-turk & pro-china & pro-chinese material.

propaganda is a christian/secular european invention.
hasbara is a yahudi invention.

shiites, local seculars, khawarij(wahabis,salafis), interfaith-dialoguers have their versions.

sunnis do not have "propaganda".

() hazreti abdullah ibn salam radiallahu anh & hazreti safiyya bint huyayy radiallahu anha are sahaba(companions) & beni israil (1450 years ago).

() golden age of yahudis is sunni andalus (spain).

() civilised christians expelled yahudis. yahudis found sanctuary in sunni hanafi mamluk turk state in masr(egypt) and sunni (hanafi maturidi nakshi) othmani turk state in turkiye.

() sunnis ruled yahudis for 1400+ years. polytheism is worse than yahudism. sunni (hanafi maturidi nakshi) turks ruled hindistan (& china) for 1000+ years. not mongols not persians. there are polytheists in hindistan (& china). sunni turks didnt even touch devil worshipping yezidis. compare civilised christian/secular european rule in north & south america.

() shiite, secular, khawarij(wahabi,salafi), interfaith-dialogue regimes rule 1.5 billion sunnis. this includes masr(egypt) & pakistan. these regimes use israilistan to distract sunnis. since erdogan, sunnis rule turkiye.

the analogy is wrong. babri turks & other ethnics of pakistan & bangladesh are sunni. for sunnis, arab & non-arab are equal.

chinese are more israilistani than bibi is one correct analogy.

take some cold water. it may help/!
seems last 4 rear whopping had little effect. try again !

take some cold water. it may help/!
try again ?! you must be working in a call center. with 3 dollars il have 3 indian 3 rats eat you alive. so mind your business curry boy
try again ?! you must be working in a call center. with 3 dollars il have 3 indian 3 rats eat you alive. so mind your business curry boy
so called has no effect! try inserting your head in a bucket of cold water.
you think its fake ? ok no problem. do you think this will change how we feel about israelis ? nope
Nevertheless, I think it's important that you go through life realizing that you're supporting murderous falsehoods and evil rather than justice and good. And it's important that the people around you realize the same thing about you - that your claims to act in the name of justice are phony and you're really a very nasty person who should be shunned and rejected rather than accepted and followed.

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