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GAZA: Israeli soldier gave 74-year-old Palestinian woman water then shot her in the head


So your article points out that the Israeli soldier gave her water then shelled her residence versus giving her water then shooting her in the head.

You say tomato, I say tomato. :crazy:

My point is just don't distort the truth.

Pallywood has done more harm to the cause of Palestine than good.
It is so easy to swallow propaganda.
Primarily it is us the Muslims who are responsible for her death, for it is our own weakness that has emboldened apartheid Zionists to commit heinous crimes such as these.

Typical Islam/Muslim -hating ziondian response.

Think before typing some nonsense. It is nothing to do with Islam/Muslim hating. These terrorists can stoop to the lowest level. If they can kill 150 innocent kids for their so called holy war, I see no reason why they should have spared this old woman.
The Indians are desperate to prove Israel innocence becos their military heavily depend on Israel assistance for LSRAM, Barak 8 and AESA for destroyer and AEW/ AESA. They cannot afford to offend the Israeli. Without Israel assist, indian armed forces is as good as nothing :lol:
You want us to believe a israeli site ? Telling us not to buy this obvious propaganda from arab site which published it but you on the other hand readily bought what isreal site sold.

Nope you can google yourself to find out, if you don't want to believe the Israeli site. The points made in the Israeli blog would still stand.

Furthermore, there is no sign of blood or a wound as one would expect in the case of someone shot in the head from one meter as claimed.

Also, a Google search of her name reveals all the reports of her being shot at close range originate after Avichay Adraee posted on January 2nd the photo of the soldier giving her water. But her death supposedly occurred on August 3rd. Why the radio silence for 6 months?

The only earlier mention of her name I could find is here.

Khan Younis Governorate

Morning – Evening Paramedics and civil defence forces recovered 10 bodies, including Ghalia Abu Rida and nine resistance fighters from the rubble of destroyed houses in Khuza’a and Absan al-Kabira. They were killed following the shelling of the area.

Here, her death is reported in connection with an IDF shelling of Khan Younis on August 3rd, and not a deliberate execution-style killing as is now being claimed.

So what we seem to have here is another example of palestinians and Israel haters lying in order to demonize Israel. Assuming Ghalia was killed (which is also not certain), it would seem to have been due to a strike on an area from where rockets were launched (given the bodies of 9 terrorists were supposedly recovered with hers). Then after Avichay Adraee posted the photo, the story was changed to one of a close-range execution, as a way to counter the photo’s effectiveness.

The Indians are desperate to prove Israel innocence becos their military heavily depend on Israel assistance for LSRAM, Barak 8 and AESA for destroyer and AEW/ AESA. They cannot afford to offend the Israeli. Without Israel assist, indian armed forces is as good as nothing :lol:

If you really think the bilateral relationship of two nations depends on what is being said by random nincompoops (like us) on a random forum on the interwebs, then I have got nothing to say to you :lol:

I donno about other Indians, but am just playing the devil's advocate here. This opinions on this website is overwhelmingly anti Israel and with only a couple of Israelis here to put their point of view, .
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Sad thing is how ready people are to belive what is obviously propoganda.

When anyone claims all Muslims are alike the thread hits 50 pages of how dare you, yet when people claim all Israelis are murderers only a few rational minds provide any defence.

Is it so hard to belive that a soldier of any race or country would seeing an old lady in distress share his water?
what can we expect from zionists?? they are baby killers, how would they leave an old women??
During the Israeli bombardment and shelling of the Gaza Strip last summer, an Israeli soldier approached a 74-year-old Palestinian woman Ghalya Abu-Rida to give her a sip of water. He gave her the water, took a photo with her and then he shot her in the head from a distance of one metre.

In the morning, medical crews recovered the bodies of a woman and 9 members of Palestinian armed groups from the debris of destroyed homes in Khuza’a and ‘Abassan villages. The woman was identified as Ghalia al-‘Abed Abu Raida


Sick propagandist RFS reaches another low.


So your article points out that the Israeli soldier gave her water then shelled her residence versus giving her water then shooting her in the head.

You say tomato, I say tomato. :crazy:
A woman named Ghalia Abu Raida was killed in shelling together with 9 terrorists.

By the way, I am not sure thats real name of that old woman. Since her dead pic emerged only in january 2015, half year after the incident, its very possible that this 74 old woman simply died from natural causes. Then some sick propagandist remembered that its a woman from twitter half year ago. So he took a pic and launched a propaganda story with fake name.

Anyhow thats sick and disgusting fake.
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Pallywood has slowed down. It does not take 6 months to come up with such a story, true or false. Infact a true story which a television reporter witnesses in August would have been aired in August no?

Very easy to ascertain. I mean only for normal folk, those with black flags and torches and shovels may continue.

74-year-old Palestinian woman Ghalya Abu-Rida being given water by Israeli troops, minutes before she was executed

During the Israeli bombardment and shelling of the Gaza Strip last summer, an Israeli soldier approached a 74-year-old Palestinian woman Ghalya Abu-Rida to give her a sip of water. He gave her the water, took a photo with her and then he shot her in the head from a distance of one metre. He then watched as she bled to death, the Palestine Information Centre reported.

This is how Ahmad Qdeh, a journalist in Al-Aqsa TV, described the scene that he witnessed during the latest Israeli aggression. The spokesman of the Israeli army, Avichay Adraee, shared the photo of an Israeli soldier holding the water bottle and helping the old woman drink as an example of the "humanity" of the Israeli army towards the civilians in the Gaza Strip.

The field executions were among the stories Qdeh reported during the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip. He said: "Ghalya Ahmad Abu-Rida lived in the Khuza'a area in the east of Khan Younis city. I live in that area too and I made a television report on her story after the Israeli soldiers executed her during the aggression."

"During the aggression, an Israeli soldier approached the old woman and took a photo for another soldier while giving her water. They then executed her by shooting her in the head from a distance of one metre and let her bleed until she died," he added.

Ghalya was born in 1941. She lived by herself in a room near her brothers' house in the Abu-Rida neighbourhood of Khuza'a. She had no children. Her neighbourhood was one of the first places invaded by the Israeli army during the aggression.

Field Execution
Majed Abu-Rida, Ghalya's nephew, confirmed to the media that his aunt was visually impaired and could hardly see. He said that the Israeli army had falsely claimed humanity while executing his aunt in cold blood.

Ghalya, with her weak body and white hair, refused to leave her house after the Israeli army ordered the residents of Khuza'a to evacuate. She thought her old age would protect her from being a target so she stayed in her home and refused to join the majority of the residents who left the area as the invasion began.

On 3 August, the Israeli forces announced a truce and allowed medical staff to reach the Khuza'a area. Ghalya was found dead after she bled to death as she was shot in the head near her house, Al-Aqsa TV confirmed to MEMO. Her brother confirmed that the photo shared by the Israeli army supported the family's belief that Ghalya was in the hands of the Israeli army. The family also believed that the area in which Ghalya appeared in the photo and in which she was found asserted that the Israeli forces killed her after taking the photo for the media.

Professor of media at the universities of Gaza, Ahmad Al-Farra, said: "The photo the Israeli army spokesman shared is misleading propaganda by the Israeli army to present a humane portrait of its soldiers. It can enhance the opportunity to pursue the Israeli army's soldiers as war criminals before the International Criminal Court."

"This photo proves the confusion of the Israeli army spokesman in defending his army. It proves that they killed civilians," he added.

He continued: "The Israeli occupation lies and misinforms in an attempt to affect international public opinion. It exploits the Arab media and Palestinian diplomacy in exposing the Israeli occupation's crimes." He demanded launching a large campaign to expose the Israeli lies and falsifications.

Al-Farra stressed the need for a media enlightenment campaign to go side by side with the field battles to correct the false image that Israel presents about its army and the resistance.

Israel carried out a 51-day war that claimed the lives of around 2,200 Palestinians and wounded around 11,000 others.


Israeli soldier gives 74-year-old Palestinian woman water then shoots her in the head
any other prominant source?
if true its shame of humanity..
are we so fuking *** holes that came to this level of cruelty...
what diffrent betwen IS and these scum ..
those who can change things or can direct change... ple ple do it..
this is not the way anyone should live or die ..
RIP ..to her ..
as you may have real picture.. ple clear whether its real
any palestine member here can prove that isreal force did all above ?

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