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Why do Iranians talk about Kurds?

Do Iranians know that larger minority in Iran that live that is even more suppressed that Kurds? They are called Azeri Turks. When Iran falls apart we will cease south Azerbijan!!

OK. Let me ask you this, if life in Iranian Azerbaijan is so bad, why hasn't there been any seperatist movements? Or at least a call for more autonomy.
Because just as you say "Azeris are your brothers", we say Kurds are our brothers... get it??

Lol Azeris are much more happy in Iran then Kurds are in Turkey... There are like 4 Iranians on this forum who are Azeri and have Iranian flags, go ask them. How many Kurds do you have representing Turkey here?

You're the reason of this discussion and you've no right to write even an answer to him. Now go and create a new thread or STFU and do not turn one more thread into a troll fest.

OK. Let me ask you this, if life in Iranian Azerbaijan is so bad, why hasn't there been any seperatist movements? Or at least a call for more autonomy.

Go create a new thread if you want to talk about it!
Because just as you say "Azeris are your brothers", we say Kurds are our brothers... get it??

Lol Azeris are much more happy in Iran then Kurds are in Turkey... There are like 4 Iranians on this forum who are Azeri and have Iranian flags, go ask them. How many Kurds do you have representing Turkey here?
Believe me in Iran minorities are more suppressed. I have talked to tons of Azeri and they say they can't even say they are Turkish of fear of Iranian scum. When Iran gets torn apart this will bite your *** and Azeri Turks will turn on you.
atatwolf, believe me we've tried to argue with these two so many times but there is no way to discuss with them. They are just trolls, i advise you to not take them seriously.
Then show me that you're against these applications, prove me that you're not a bigot but you're for everyone's freedom. You were the one who keep bringing the headscarf ban over and over again...

You retard TurAr when you gonna accept others opinions? Moaning whole time about freedom but when somebody uses his own opinion about ''so called'' freedom, its suddenly a bigot or whatever. Guys like you have more than 1 face and are really comedians.
atatwolf, believe me we've tried to argue with these two so many times but there is no way to discuss with them. They are just trolls, i advise you to not take them seriously.

Who argues with pigs will achieve nothing other than getting dirty and muddy!
If you don't like questions that point out Turkey's dishonesty, racism, atheist secularism, and genocidal history, then you can get out.

Of course i don't like idiotic questions, especially the ones that asked in a wrong thread.
Because just as you say "Azeris are your brothers", we say Kurds are our brothers... get it??

Lol Azeris are much more happy in Iran then Kurds are in Turkey... There are like 4 Iranians on this forum who are Azeri and have Iranian flags, go ask them. How many Kurds do you have representing Turkey here?

Are you a moron? Because it sure looks like it from where I look... If Pkk was supported like you said there wouldn't be Turkish soldiers and cops in Eastern parts of Turkey, do you really think that if PKK was supported by common people as much as you said that there woudn't be a full fludged upraising? There are around 10 miillion Kurds living in Eastern part of Turkey and but DTP (mouth piece of PKK) could only raise 21 parliamentarian, AKP wiped the floor with them... hell, even CHP took one their strongholds (Tunceli)

But I know that you are just here to troll, hell you even think that a person who calls Turks ''Torke Khar'' is a Turk and that really shows your intelligence...
I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Stop your name calling tournament

Are you seriously asking him why he's not respecting your opinion ? you ?

He's not respecting your opinion because your opinion based on restricting his freedom.


Turkey is evil, are you happy ? are you satisified ? now please stop bringing these out in every thread under that section
Your welcome to make a move. I even will welcome you with a nice cup of tea in Tabriz.

Voor de rest niet zo'n grote mond hebben.

Luister vriend. Hij begon met een grote mond hebben. Dan moet je eerst bij hem zijn. En maak je geen zorgen. Wij Turken hebben geen interesse in andermans land. Maar ik kan niks zeggen over de Azerbijaanse mensen die leven in Iran.
OK. Let me ask you this, if life in Iranian Azerbaijan is so bad, why hasn't there been any seperatist movements? Or at least a call for more autonomy.

It has but I don't think may Turks are that idiot to start a seperatists movement in Iran where crazy mullahs are in power... If you knew abything you would know that there are actually calls for more autonomy and even independence and unity with Azerbaijan and some with Turkey.
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