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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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Not much as you think, and the main reason of it is PKK, people had no problem with Kurds until PKK beginned its terrorist acts, think about that, lets say Persians has generally no racist attitude againts Azeris but Azeris established a seperatist terrorist organization and started killing people, isn't it would cause a hate among the common people againts Azeris ?

But you have to go to the root of the problem. Why is their a separatist group? Why are so many Kurds unsatisfied with life in Turkey? Why is the economy of Kurdish populated areas so poor compared to rest of Turkey and the education as well...

Once you understand the root cause of a problem then you can go about fixing it...
There is indeed mistakes of state, although by trying to solve it with killings, they caused that hate and prejudice among the Turks which is blocking the empathy between Turks and Kurds, Turkish people will never give compromises to PKK, the most important thing to solve that problem is Kurdish people should look for their rights in democratic ways and deport the PKK from their life.
They drank outside of the festival area and entered after that.

Çağı 300-400 yıl geriden takip eden adam bi de sözde Avrupa da yaşıyor ya ben asıl buna gülüyorum.
Lol looks like Turkey is becoming another Islamic Republic... Welcome to the club...
:oops: Sorry...my bad ! I thought that he was.

I confess that I haven't been exposed to the Turkish-Kurdish issue that much because living here in Pakistan I've got enough spicy current affairs to sift through as it is but if I had to think something off the top of my head : The Turks on this forum, Deno, Quasar, Zulkarneyn, Selim, Legionaire, TurAr and Targon etc. - they're a pretty...pretty decent bunch of people and I find it hard to believe that they'd be racist towards to the Kurds. Come to think of it...isn't one of the members from Turkey here on PDF also an ethnic Kurd ?

A reasonable person wouldn't have anything against any ethnic group, let it be Kurd, Arab, Turk or European. We are all conciouss human beings.
It is very nice to see that bigots are being bigot and keeping their silence about this idiot ^

I will remind this thread whenever someone start to bark and whine about 'Evil' Kemalists, headscarf ban etc...
As one secular women daid "If forge the ban on the headscarf today, we will be forced to wear it the next day" Never trust yobaz mentality.

Get a life people, turar what is the difference between you an him if you call people bigots, if not yours is worse, since you indirectly call others bigots because of him. Good job
Get a life people, turar what is the difference between you an him if you call people bigots, if not yours is worse, since you indirectly call others bigots because of him. Good job

Then show me that you're against these applications, prove me that you're not a bigot but you're for everyone's freedom. You were the one who keep bringing the headscarf ban over and over again...
Why do Iranians talk about Kurds?

Do Iranians know that larger minority in Iran that live that is even more suppressed that Kurds? They are called Azeri Turks. When Iran falls apart we will cease south Azerbijan!!
Why do Iranians talk about Kurds?

Do Iranians know that larger minority in Iran that live that is even more suppressed that Kurds? They are called Azeri Turks. When Iran falls apart we will cease south Azerbijan!!

Because just as you say "Azeris are your brothers", we say Kurds are our brothers... get it??

Lol Azeris are much more happy in Iran then Kurds are in Turkey... There are like 4 Iranians on this forum who are Azeri and have Iranian flags, go ask them. How many Kurds do you have representing Turkey here?
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