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French professor calls to "assassinate" Erdogan

Why are Europeans whining over Erdogan and Turkish referendum results like this?

  • Because Europe genuninely care for turkey and the love is oozing out.

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French professor calls to "assassinate" Erdogan

Philippe Moreau Defarges says killing Turkey's president in the context of a civil war would be a legitimate way to remove him from power.


A French political scientist has caused outrage in Turkey after calling for the assassination of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on live television.

Professor Philippe Moreau Defarges, a researcher at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), suggested the method after Erdogan-backed constitutional reforms were approved by the the Turkish public in a referendum last week.

The referendum paved the way for Turkey to transform its parliamentary system to a presidential system, having gained 51.4 percent of the votes.

Defarges said on French broadcaster BFM on Saturday that Erdogan's strengthened powers would lead "only to catastrophe".

"There will either be a civil war or another scenario... his assassination," he said.

Speaking on French broadcaster BFM, Defarges also insisted that the assassination of Erdogan in the context of a civil war would be a legitimate move.

Following his comments, many Turkish citizens living in France tweeted that they were going to launch complaints to the relevant authorities.

Defarges was criticised by Feiza Ben Mohamed, the ex-spokesman of the Federation of Muslims of the South of France, who tweeted that the former French diplomat’s call was “an incitement to a terrorist attack, no more and no less.”

International law professor Masut Hakki Casin told TRT that Defarges’ comments were “a crime” against both UN and EU legal agreements.

He also called on the French authorities to launch an investigation, pointing out that Germany also started legal proceedings for a similar incident last year when a German satirist insulted the Turkish president on a state broadcaster.

“If the French state does not act on this professor, in the future whenever there are attacks targeting President Erdogan, the French state will be held accountable under international law,” Casin said.

Casin asked if Defarges would use the same language if French far-right politician Marine Le Pen won the French presidential elections, or if the same solution would be proposed to prevent the Brexit.

“Calling for the assassination of a president who was democratically elected is very dangerous,” he added.


NOTE- Defarges later apologized on Sunday after several complaints were also made on social media and to the French Radio and Television Supreme Council.

"On Saturday, April 22, I was invited to '7 Days in the World' [BFM Business] to discuss my views on the situation in Turkey. Some of my statements were inappropriate and misunderstood," Defarges tweeted in his message in French.

"I want to express my deepest sadness and sincerely apology to the people and groups I might have hurt. My words are not binding to IFRI in any way and are completely personal," his tweet read


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Where exactly does this professor call for Edogan's assassination? (pls quote the relevant portion, preferably on an original source)

ps: what a bullshit poll.
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Hey don't be be mean just because he was adopted.
I respect his parents for taking him and giving him a good life in Europe, he should just be grateful and not feel superior towards others, in the end it could also have been the kid next to him who gets adopted and Markus would fell superior in a slum somehere in Manila. :)
I respect his parents for taking him and giving him a good life in Europe, he should just be grateful and not feel superior towards others, in the end it could also have been the kid next to him who gets adopted and Markus would fell superior in a slum somehere in Manila. :)

Well its just lottery, he was the lucky one. I heard that many Italian couples adopt kids from poor countries to give them a better life in Europe, they all turn out to be spoilt, I mean just look at Balotelli. :disagree:
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