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French politician calls for ban on immigration from Bangladesh and Pakistan post violent protests calling for beheading of those who insult Islam

France is not in the top immigration destination countries - QUALIFIED PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO GO TO FRANCE AS AN IMMIGRANT! :omghaha: Which idiot wants to go to this 3rd grade, bast.ard country. Once a French Fry always a French Fry. :lol:

If France issues 100,000 immigrant visas at its embassy in Islamabad there will be a stampede
She's trying to pit BD against India in a subtle way too. Does she not know BD and India relationship?
French politician calls for ban on immigration from Bangladesh and Pakistan post violent protests calling for beheading of those who insult Islam

Freanch politician Marine le Pen (courtesy: Swarajya)

French opposition leader Marine Le Pen has called for a ban to be imposed on Pakistan and Bangladesh immigrants amidst largest scale protests in the two Muslim nations against France and its President Emmanuel Macron after he vowed to stand against Islamic terrorism.

Le Pen’s Tweet roughly translates to: “In view of the new ultra-violent demonstrations today in Bangladesh (demonstrators who called to behead our ambassador), and Pakistan, I call for an immediate moratorium on immigration from these countries, in the name of national security. MLP.”

Earlier, Pen had also thanked India for showing support to France and the French President Emmanuel Macron, whom Pakistan, Turkey, and many others have targeted for upholding the French people’s right to freedom of expression.

With a representational flag of both the countries, Pen tweeted on October 26, “Thanks to India and to its government who have just given their support to France facing intimidation to give up its values.”

French President’s resolute to tackle Islamic terrorism has infuriated many Islamic nations like Pakistan, Turkey, which took the lead to denounce the French President. Muslims in the Middle East and the Arab world also joined Pakistanis in their calls for boycotts of French products. Recently, Bangladesh also joined the other Islamic nations to protest against France and its president.

Bangladesh joins other Islamic nations protesting against France and the French President
Ten Thousands of Muslims hit the streets of Dhaka Friday, calling for a boycott on French products. The protest erupted after French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to stand firm to guard French values following knife attack in the city of Nice.

The crowd were seen carrying banners calling Macron “the world’s biggest terrorist”. One of the radical fundamentalists who was part of the protest said: “Macron is leading Islamophobia. He doesn’t know the power of Islam. The Muslim world will not let this go in vain. We’ll rise and stand in solidarity against him,” he furthered.

On October 27, the protesters had gathered in the morning in front of Bangladesh’s main Baitul Mokarram Mosque in Dhaka and later started marching toward the French Embassy, which is located a few kilometres away from the mosque.

The protesters belonging to the Islami Andolon Bangladesh (a group that advocates for the introduction of Islamic law in the Muslim-majority country), carried banners and placards reading “All Muslims of the world, unite” and “Boycott France.” They also carried a large cut-out of a photo of French President Emmanuel Macron and hung shoes around its neck.

In Pakistan, police briefly fired tear gas at protesters on Friday who broke through security blockades in Islamabad in a failed attempt to demonstrate at the French Embassy against the printing in France of images depicting the Prophet Mohammad.

Why has the French President come in the line of fire?
The attacks against French President comes days after Macron had made a sensational speech saying that “Islam is a religion that is in crisis today all over the world”,” plagued by radical temptations and by a yearning for a reinvented jihad which is the destruction of the other”.

Macron had made a historic statement following the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty’s killing, who was beheaded by an Islamic terrorist for showing Charlie Hebdo caricatures to his students.

After the barbaric beheading of teacher Samuel Paty on the streets of Paris by a terrorist for showing the cartoons of Prophet Mohammad to his students, support poured in for the deceased teacher across the French communities who took to streets to condemn the killing of Samuel Paty.

However, the historic speech by Macron and his pronouncements to tackle Islamic terror had infuriated many Islamic countries, with many Islamic countries, especially Turkey and Pakistan took the lead to denounce the French President.

Not just Muslims in Pakistan and the Arab world but even radical Islamic organisations in India such as Raza Academy had initiated a campaign demanding that Muslim countries issue a fatwa against French President Emmanuel Macron after cartoons on Prophet Mohammed by Charlie Hebdo were projected onto government buildings.

India expresses solidarity with France
As France continued to get attacked by Islamic countries over its resolve to fight the radical Islamic terror, majority of Indians stood in solidarity with France and its people earlier this week.

Several Indian social media users expressed their support to France and trended #IStandWithFrance. Several social media users tweeted with this hashtag people to convey their support to Macron’s strong decision to take a stand against extremism in France.

The government of India also in an official statement said that it “strongly deplores the personal attacks in unacceptable language on President Emmanuel Macron in violation of the most basic standards of international discourse”.

The Ministry of External Affairs, also condemned “the brutal terrorist attack that took the life of a French teacher in a gruesome manner that has shocked the world”.

The Modi government also offered its condolences to the family of the deceased and the people of France. “There is no justification for terrorism for any reason or under any circumstance,” the MEA statement added.

If people continue down this path you are looking at continent wide ban on immigration
Le Pen has plenty of support - heads of Poland & Hungary and right wingers across the continent
She's trying to pit BD against India in a subtle way too. Does she not know BD and India relationship?

You expect someone of Le Pen's mindset to know the nuances of foreign policy. She is mini-clone of Trump
If people continue down this path you are looking at continent wide ban on immigration
Le Pen has plenty of support - heads of Poland & Hungary and right wingers across the continent

They probably need that due to Covid + boycott, their jobless people will have to do the labor currently done by Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalis. But will they be willing to compromise on their quality of life? If this was US the clear answer would be No. But idk about French quality of life.
Let France do it , what's the matter?

Why should we care , French people made modern day France so let them be them

How about we develop our own third world shîtholes first before we hate on France.

Cause this type of shît doesn't happen in Japan or Korea

This is the shit i am talking about bro , why don’t just pakistan bangladesh and these arab nation people developed their country ? Or became atleast lyk modern Malaysia that would be a close to france , if Bangladesh Pakistan was rich lyk France she wouldn’t dare to say shit lyk this or embrass lyk this , france is a shitty country anyway i would rather be in Dubai Qatar those are more beautiful than her old age structure france
If France issues 100,000 immigrant visas at its embassy in Islamabad there will be a stampede

"IF" there were Fairies in the World, I would have married one ! "IF" .... :lol:
I am not eligible to talk on behalf of Pakistan, but Bangladesh should stop allowing its people to non-Muslim countries. It should send people only to the ME where they can enjoy life by being regularly abused and bullied by the local Arab Muslims. After all, both groups are brotherly Muslims!!

The best course of action is of course to build up the country's economy where people can be effectively employed and will not feel the urge of going abroad, especially to alcohol-drinking and pork-eating Christian countries, to earn money.

Well said my friend. The problem is the extremely Corrupt Establishments installed by British when they left in 1947, and this Corrupt Establishment deliberately does this to ensure Talented people from BD, Pakistan have to go overseas as cheap labour. The people from BD and Pakistan are extremely intelligent. The problem is that they are exploited by these corrupt baboons.
Typical islamist arguments of asking western nations to respect freedom of speech, secularism and all the western ideals whereas in almost all Muslim nations, non Muslims are systematically opressed and these same notions are seen as "Unislamic", secularism is a very bad word, a western value that never had any real place in Islam.
Lol, this is a women who probably don't know who her own father is, her niece recently found out the man who raised her isn't her father. A bastard country through and through -- but don't worry ban Bangladesh and Pakistan, we have enough Afro brothers to court their women.
But, is it your own personal problem if that woman does not know who her father is? Why do you guys interfere with other people's affairs instead of minding your own business that include also to build up your Muslim country?

Develop your own country and do not go to Christian countries where people have no fathers. You should be ashamed of saying something that you just do not know. It is Haram.
Why you in Japan Sir? you like japanese p+×n?
Just like another ignorant fanatic Muslim why do you care why I am in Japan? It is certainly not your personal business. Please, refrain from spying what other people are doing or talking. It is not anyone's problem.
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"IF" there were Fairies in the World, I would have married one ! "IF" .... :lol:

the last time I checked - Pakistanis line by to settle down in USA, Canada, Australia and Western Europes of the world. it ain't a fairy tale
Well said my friend. The problem is the extremely Corrupt Establishments installed by British when they left in 1947, and this Corrupt Establishment deliberately does this to ensure Talented people from BD, Pakistan have to go overseas as cheap labour. The people from BD and Pakistan are extremely intelligent. The problem is that they are exploited by these corrupt baboons.

You are telling me the Pakistani Muslim League of 1947 was corrupt. it is high time you grew up and took responsibility for your actions
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Typical islamist arguments of asking western nations to respect freedom of speech, secularism and all the western ideals whereas in almost all Muslim nations, non Muslims are systematically opressed and these same notions are seen as "Unislamic", secularism is a very bad word, a western value that never had any real place in Islam.

Brother if I said that they would get pissed , again it's extremely difficult to teach these people basic logic when all they care about is trying to go against the west.

If these terrorist minded people didn't exist in my nation , we would of become developed already or at least on a social level.

When you mix religion and culture or especially politics , then you get chaos
French politician calls for ban on immigration from Bangladesh and Pakistan post violent protests calling for beheading of those who insult Islam

Freanch politician Marine le Pen (courtesy: Swarajya)

French opposition leader Marine Le Pen has called for a ban to be imposed on Pakistan and Bangladesh immigrants amidst largest scale protests in the two Muslim nations against France and its President Emmanuel Macron after he vowed to stand against Islamic terrorism.

Le Pen’s Tweet roughly translates to: “In view of the new ultra-violent demonstrations today in Bangladesh (demonstrators who called to behead our ambassador), and Pakistan, I call for an immediate moratorium on immigration from these countries, in the name of national security. MLP.”

Earlier, Pen had also thanked India for showing support to France and the French President Emmanuel Macron, whom Pakistan, Turkey, and many others have targeted for upholding the French people’s right to freedom of expression.

With a representational flag of both the countries, Pen tweeted on October 26, “Thanks to India and to its government who have just given their support to France facing intimidation to give up its values.”

French President’s resolute to tackle Islamic terrorism has infuriated many Islamic nations like Pakistan, Turkey, which took the lead to denounce the French President. Muslims in the Middle East and the Arab world also joined Pakistanis in their calls for boycotts of French products. Recently, Bangladesh also joined the other Islamic nations to protest against France and its president.

Bangladesh joins other Islamic nations protesting against France and the French President
Ten Thousands of Muslims hit the streets of Dhaka Friday, calling for a boycott on French products. The protest erupted after French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to stand firm to guard French values following knife attack in the city of Nice.

The crowd were seen carrying banners calling Macron “the world’s biggest terrorist”. One of the radical fundamentalists who was part of the protest said: “Macron is leading Islamophobia. He doesn’t know the power of Islam. The Muslim world will not let this go in vain. We’ll rise and stand in solidarity against him,” he furthered.

On October 27, the protesters had gathered in the morning in front of Bangladesh’s main Baitul Mokarram Mosque in Dhaka and later started marching toward the French Embassy, which is located a few kilometres away from the mosque.

The protesters belonging to the Islami Andolon Bangladesh (a group that advocates for the introduction of Islamic law in the Muslim-majority country), carried banners and placards reading “All Muslims of the world, unite” and “Boycott France.” They also carried a large cut-out of a photo of French President Emmanuel Macron and hung shoes around its neck.

In Pakistan, police briefly fired tear gas at protesters on Friday who broke through security blockades in Islamabad in a failed attempt to demonstrate at the French Embassy against the printing in France of images depicting the Prophet Mohammad.

Why has the French President come in the line of fire?
The attacks against French President comes days after Macron had made a sensational speech saying that “Islam is a religion that is in crisis today all over the world”,” plagued by radical temptations and by a yearning for a reinvented jihad which is the destruction of the other”.

Macron had made a historic statement following the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty’s killing, who was beheaded by an Islamic terrorist for showing Charlie Hebdo caricatures to his students.

After the barbaric beheading of teacher Samuel Paty on the streets of Paris by a terrorist for showing the cartoons of Prophet Mohammad to his students, support poured in for the deceased teacher across the French communities who took to streets to condemn the killing of Samuel Paty.

However, the historic speech by Macron and his pronouncements to tackle Islamic terror had infuriated many Islamic countries, with many Islamic countries, especially Turkey and Pakistan took the lead to denounce the French President.

Not just Muslims in Pakistan and the Arab world but even radical Islamic organisations in India such as Raza Academy had initiated a campaign demanding that Muslim countries issue a fatwa against French President Emmanuel Macron after cartoons on Prophet Mohammed by Charlie Hebdo were projected onto government buildings.

India expresses solidarity with France
As France continued to get attacked by Islamic countries over its resolve to fight the radical Islamic terror, majority of Indians stood in solidarity with France and its people earlier this week.

Several Indian social media users expressed their support to France and trended #IStandWithFrance. Several social media users tweeted with this hashtag people to convey their support to Macron’s strong decision to take a stand against extremism in France.

The government of India also in an official statement said that it “strongly deplores the personal attacks in unacceptable language on President Emmanuel Macron in violation of the most basic standards of international discourse”.

The Ministry of External Affairs, also condemned “the brutal terrorist attack that took the life of a French teacher in a gruesome manner that has shocked the world”.

The Modi government also offered its condolences to the family of the deceased and the people of France. “There is no justification for terrorism for any reason or under any circumstance,” the MEA statement added.

Where is freedom of speech now France? As your French President say they respect it. Is this only applied to French? Please taste your own medicine and also tell us the taste
Let France do it , what's the matter?

Why should we care , French people made modern day France so let them be them

How about we develop our own third world shîtholes first before we hate on France.

Cause this type of shît doesn't happen in Japan or Korea
Are you talking about Bangladesh or USA?
Where is freedom of speech now France? As your French President say they respect it. Is this only applied to French? Please taste your own medicine and also tell us the taste
Only applied to White French, we have the same issue in the UK , only applies to white and English.
Where is freedom of speech now France? As your French President say they respect it. Is this only applied to French? Please taste your own medicine and also tell us the taste

their country their immigration rules
They probably need that due to Covid + boycott, their jobless people will have to do the labor currently done by Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalis. But will they be willing to compromise on their quality of life? If this was US the clear answer would be No. But idk about French quality of life.

if people are unemployed and cheap immigrant labor was cut off the wages would rise and people would do the work

in any case France does not have a huge South Asian community

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