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France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

Which you agree is higher than the standards of muslim countries, hence you are holding them a higher standard. I understand, it makes sense.
I never said anything about who had the better standard. My issue is that France is calling itself one thing (freedom), calls others to be like that (freedom), and then doesn't apply it at home (no freedom in dress).

So, if anything, Islamists at least follow a standard, and they'll eat the consequences (e.g., sanctions), yet France can't walk its talk.

In other words, France doesn't even follow a real standard, so it doesn't deserve to even be in that conversation.

To put it another way... I have a problem with KSA. It would impose Islamist standards on dress, but never on citizenship (Islam doesn't recognize borders or nationalism, yet only 'Saudis' get citizenship, not South Asians or Africans). So, it never applied a real standard, but ran a fiefdom for the interests of its elites. It's the same in France, but the secular version.
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Here we go again!

"When White people leave the lands" hur dur...

How many countries in Africa became independent? What happened when the white man left? They fell to extreme poverty,dictatorships,civil war,little to no progress,still nothing.

The aboriginal people? What were the aboriginal people when before the British arrived? Uga-buga. What were the native Americans doing before the British,French and Spanish arrived? Slaughtering themselves in endless wars.

Don't try to give me hippie examples,Miss Greta.

Why would the migrant want to leave a far more advanced country and a more free society than the one he left? He gets more money,he gets social security,insurance,he sees women with less clothes. Imagine the sex-starved Afghani and the famished Somalian. Why would they leave? They got it nice there.

And you,the proud Pakistani and loudspeaker Muslim,what are you doing in Britain? Milking the cow. That's why you're not going back to Pakistan. That's why you don't go to any Muslim country in fact.

ah they were agents planted by the government and not random salafis who wants Islamic caliphates,eh? 🙄

No no no

Those were native lands,, they leaves in peace, they had wars just like any other place

You stole their lands, your murdered, you raped

You took, talk about toxic migration

The vast amount of migrants to Europe are from former colonial occupied states

BILLIONS IF NOT TRILLIONS were stolen to build up colonial countries like UK and France and Spain etc

During both world wars soldiers from.those colonies also fought to keep places like Britain free , including both my grandfather's and people from.the area we come from in Pakistan

So no we aren't going anywhere and as per the law we will practice our faith
This doesn't mean we become coconuts.or white people and just dress, talk and act like you in our private lives, professional expectations being different

And hear this properly

You want migrants out of Europe?

Then we want all white people out of places they shouldn't be, out of Africa, out of North and south America, out of aboriginal lands, Maori lands any native lands

No one is interested in listening to woe is me crap from Europeans when they spread across the world
It should be banned completely in the west.

Why the hell would it be banned

What law would it be breaking, to be banned

Muslims aren't coconuts that they need to be told how to dress and raise their children by the state in private or public

You want larp as white man, go for it, why would anyone else?
Why the hell would it be banned

What law would it be breaking, to be banned

Muslims aren't coconuts that they need to be told how to dress and raise their children by the state in private or public

You want larp as white man, go for it, why would anyone else?

Its a cultural dress and it looks ridiculous. Everyone has to have their face visible in public. Hijabs and other headgear are fine.
Its a cultural dress and it looks ridiculous. Everyone has to have their face visible in public. Hijabs and other headgear are fine.

Are you mixing it up with Burka?

The abaya doesn't look ridiculous, if some whore can walk down the street with a mini skirt and boob tube then our women can walk down the street in a abaya
No no no

Those were native lands,, they leaves in peace, they had wars just like any other place

You stole their lands, your murdered, you raped

You took, talk about toxic migration
Oh there we go again with your racist talk! White people bad,everybody else so good.

"You stole their lands"....I'm Greek. Check the bloody map



The vast amount of migrants to Europe are from former colonial occupied states

BILLIONS IF NOT TRILLIONS were stolen to build up colonial countries like UK and France and Spain etc

During both world wars soldiers from.those colonies also fought to keep places like Britain free , including both my grandfather's and people from.the area we come from in Pakistan
Oh the excuse. "I hate da West,so bad culture and people". Goes to West. Talks about Caliphates and how good things are in Muslim countries. You ask him why are you still there? "They owe us money,I'm exploiting them haha".

And hear this properly

You want migrants out of Europe?

Then we want all white people out of places they shouldn't be, out of Africa, out of North and south America, out of aboriginal lands, Maori lands any native lands
Do you see white people in Nigeria? Why are Nigerians coming to Europe?

Do you see white people ruling Somalia? Why are Somalians coming to Europe? Why are Algerians,Moroccans,Tunisians, black Africans coming to Europe? They have their own countries,ruled by their own people.

Do you see white people in Pakistan? Why are Pakistanis coming to Europe? Is Bangladesh ruled by white people? Why are Bangladeshis coming to Europe?

60 years after the white man left Africa,Africans still haven't done anything good with their countries. "Oh it's the white man,he's the problem! He's sucking the wealth,we want to rule ourselves. If the white man goes,we will be rich!"

Well there you are. You've been ruling yourselves for 60 years,where's the progress? Germans lost WWI and their economy was destroyed and their country in almost civil war. In 20 years they made their country a world power again. They lost WWII and were divided. They rebuilt their country and in less than 30 years they were the one of the leading economies in Europe.

Africans had huge amounts of wealth and resources compared to the Germans or the British. There you go. Where is it? Oh corrupt leaders give cooperate with the "white man" to make a profit for themselves? Then it's not the white man's problem.

Now Abu Greta is crying about Native Americans and Aboriginals.

The bottomline is: You want to live in a Western country? Don't demand them to change their culture for you. You want to go to Saudi Arabia? Don't expect them to let your girlfriend drive around in a bikini in downtown Riyadh and drink beer in the street.

Try to pull this nonsense in Japan? You'll be kicked out.
But France has declared itself as a free and democratic society and always uses the word “inclusive society” in Europe

They stand for freedom of expression by words and actions

Yet Muslims are be singled out so blatantly ?

Then you wonder why everyone hates France and they insist on being humiliated at least once each century when the nation faces complete destruction by either UK, Germany or Russia

Worst thing about French is they are French

But why France declares itself as a free and inclusive society and labels itself as such

Is this not hypocrisy?

You do realize Muslims are not like Christians we don’t allow anyone to disrespect our religion and book

We actually stand for something

So you either take that into account for your calculations or else

Your freedom to wave your arms stops when your waving arm intrudes into my personal space.

The freedom to express your opinions and way of life stops when it intrudes into mine.

This holds true for right wingers, left winger and religious fundamentalists.

No democracy is absolute in that it gives you the right to do anything you please - and this is the core of democracy. It tends to freedom, not restrictions.

There are all kinds of humans and all kinds of religions. Hypocrisy is embodied by those who shout to the rooftops about the superiority of the religion but would die a hundred times before themselves moving to societies where their religion dominates.
Your freedom to wave your arms stops when your waving arm intrudes into my personal space.

The freedom to express your opinions and way of life stops when it intrudes into mine.

This holds true for right wingers, left winger and religious fundamentalists.

No democracy is absolute in that it gives you the right to do anything you please - and this is the core of democracy. It tends to freedom, not restrictions.

There are all kinds of humans and all kinds of religions. Hypocrisy is embodied by those who shout to the rooftops about the superiority of the religion but would die a hundred times before themselves moving to societies where their religion dominates.
Just curious - as a Hindu male, how is your freedom being intruded upon by a Muslim woman wearing a garment?
They're trying to set some limits. Of course the Muslims are taking advantage of this instead of respecting it. You see ultra-conservative Muslims moving to Western countries and then complain about the culture and how they don't like it.
I personally don't think anyone should force anyone else to wear or not wear particular clothing. As long as what they wear is decent and appropriate, why should it matter whether they exhibit their religion or not?

I am surprised that France didn't just instill a uniform for school children that'd accomplish their goal of liberty equality fraternity and just bypass such controversy
People on PDF are like:

-Afghanistan enforced burqa? Their country,their rules! F*ck off!

-France wants to ban the abaya at schools? Racist white European westerners hate Islam and want to destroy every muslim country,colonialists,full of hate,how dare they!

No issues with the ban ------ but the French govt could have easily provided govt sanctioned attire choices for women like North Korea . Its becoming confusing by the day .
Just curious - as a Hindu male, how is your freedom being intruded upon by a Muslim woman wearing a garment?

One, it does not intrude upon me at all. I find it perfectly acceptable in the context of Indian society.

Two, I’m not talking of the hijab, but the culture and worldviews that seem to clash.

Three, I was talking of the opinion that anything goes in a democratic system. In other words, democracies give one the right to do anything, be anything. That’s not true, really.

So a democracy can enforce the removal of a garment that (again there’s a lot of debate here, but let’s go by generalities) ‘seems’ to restrict personal freedoms, even if that act of enforcement itself seems non democratic. And if one doesn’t like it, it can be opposed within the democratic system.
Oh there we go again with your racist talk! White people bad,everybody else so good.

"You stole their lands"....I'm Greek. Check the bloody map

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View attachment 949407

Oh the excuse. "I hate da West,so bad culture and people". Goes to West. Talks about Caliphates and how good things are in Muslim countries. You ask him why are you still there? "They owe us money,I'm exploiting them haha".

Do you see white people in Nigeria? Why are Nigerians coming to Europe?

Do you see white people ruling Somalia? Why are Somalians coming to Europe? Why are Algerians,Moroccans,Tunisians, black Africans coming to Europe? They have their own countries,ruled by their own people.

Do you see white people in Pakistan? Why are Pakistanis coming to Europe? Is Bangladesh ruled by white people? Why are Bangladeshis coming to Europe?

60 years after the white man left Africa,Africans still haven't done anything good with their countries. "Oh it's the white man,he's the problem! He's sucking the wealth,we want to rule ourselves. If the white man goes,we will be rich!"

Well there you are. You've been ruling yourselves for 60 years,where's the progress? Germans lost WWI and their economy was destroyed and their country in almost civil war. In 20 years they made their country a world power again. They lost WWII and were divided. They rebuilt their country and in less than 30 years they were the one of the leading economies in Europe.

Africans had huge amounts of wealth and resources compared to the Germans or the British. There you go. Where is it? Oh corrupt leaders give cooperate with the "white man" to make a profit for themselves? Then it's not the white man's problem.

Now Abu Greta is crying about Native Americans and Aboriginals.

The bottomline is: You want to live in a Western country? Don't demand them to change their culture for you. You want to go to Saudi Arabia? Don't expect them to let your girlfriend drive around in a bikini in downtown Riyadh and drink beer in the street.

Try to pull this nonsense in Japan? You'll be kicked out.

Many of those places were colonies weren't they

Nigeria was a colony of the British empire wasn't it

Again, the laws that enshrine freedom of dress, speech, thought etc you know the humans rights, democracy bullshit these states normally espouse which is these laws are religious people breaking when they choose to dress and live in accordance with their personal values

The state is trying to force people to act and dress like the common skank
This is not the states responsibility

Pointing out the hypocrisy when it comes to accusations against Iran and what France is doing is the least we can do
One, it does not intrude upon me at all. I find it perfectly acceptable in the context of Indian society.

Two, I’m not talking of the hijab, but the culture and worldviews that seem to clash.

Three, I was talking of the opinion that anything goes in a democratic system. In other words, democracies give one the right to do anything, be anything. That’s not true, really.

So a democracy can enforce the removal of a garment that (again there’s a lot of debate here, but let’s go by generalities) ‘seems’ to restrict personal freedoms, even if that act of enforcement itself seems non democratic. And if one doesn’t like it, it can be opposed within the democratic system.

France takes the moral high ground on all issues in the World

the rightful democratic nation which decides whats right and whats wrong

they say they are inclusive of all religions and specially to the minority

Saudi and Iran have bad habits but I dont see anyone of them presenting themselves as the champion of human rights

France has to take into account the choices of the minority, why is a women wearing a headscarf in school so threatening to French ?

I can understand they have a terrible track record in wars and surrendering immediately as the natural reaction but why are French so afraid of women in scarfs ?

I know French are softy but so soft that they feel threatened by head scarfs?

no wonder the French get owned In every war

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