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France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

Look,I'm against the dumb "expression of freedom" when it comes to stuff like certain magazines and the attitude the French politicians have about that. I'd also want a real Christian France like back in the days before the French Revolution,but I dislike this forced multiculturalism and this expansion of other religions on Christian Europe. Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism,I want Europe to remain Christian and with European culture.

Now,for me it's ridiculous when I see Muslims on PDF badmouthing France all the time,while they praise Britain which has basically the same "woke" culture,drunkards,slutty women,swinger couples and has supported the Americans in almost all their invasions of Muslim countries the last 30 years,

And especially when the same Muslims are Pakistanis and complain about France all the time and forget that Britain controlled all of the Indian subcontinent.
I agree..in of itself, the UK, US, etc, aren't examples of anything better. However, if our assessment criteria was, "states that profess in freedom also implementing freedom," we'd see that the U.S. and U.K are generally ahead, even at the cost of their internal problems. Those internal problems are precisely due to freedom, which exposes problems within the ideology itself as it can't solve core issues.

However, if France wants to take this route (of regulating dress), then it should stop championing freedom and human rights on the world stage. Just say it's a neo-classical European state or whatever, and eat the cost of it (incurring the ire of pro-freedom investors who drive the world's economy) and move on.
Yes, this has some merit to it.

So you are holding France and the West to a higher standard. Interesting
No, I'm holding France to its own standard. It says it believes in freedom, yet doesn't implement it properly, while still eating the fruits of being a "free" society (e.g., economic investment, leveraging the global financial system for trade, no sanctions, etc).

Now, if it wants to be like Baathist Iraq or Imperial Iran by becoming a regulated secular society, then go ahead -- their country, their rules. However, doing that in the open will come at a cost from an economic and geo-political standpoint -- and the French won't do it.

DeGaulle tried resisting the US' fiat exchange once upon a time, and American investors attacked the French economy. France walked back into line. If France openly stands up against freedom and becomes a beacon against freedom culture, the same will happen again.

So, the French are taking the convenient cowardly route...profess freedom in the open, but break its rules at home. I mean, to the Islamists' credit, they'll at least eat sanctions and condemnation for their beliefs (e.g., Afghanistan, Iran, etc).
It’s from prior to 1947

We kicked them out became independent and took their too
YOU kicked them out? They didn't leave on their own? 😂

And let me get this right,they were so bad that you kicked them out and now you're running behind them?
YOU kicked them out? They didn't leave on their own? 😂

And let me get this right,they were so bad that you kicked them out and now you're running behind them?

As a Greek should you not be more hurt you lost half of Cyprus and pretty much entire Anatolia
However, if France wants to take this route (of regulating dress), then it should stop championing freedom and human rights on the world stage. Just say it's a neo-classical European state or whatever, and eat the cost of it (incurring the ire of pro-freedom investors who drive the world's economy) and move on.
France is not tolerant,Muslims nag about dictatorship.

France is tolerant,Muslims demand more rights.

France gives more rights,Muslims mock them for being suckers and destroying their own culture.

France decides to protect its integrity,Muslims get angry and call them racist.

Again,the solution is simple: Don't demand from another culture to bow down to your culture when you decide to move and live there. Be thankful. If you don't like it,pack your things and get back to the Maghreb,Levant,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Turkey wherever you came from.

Not you personally,you know what I mean,right?

As a Greek should you not be more hurt you lost half of Cyprus and pretty much entire Anatolia
What does that have to do with the thread exactly?

Yes . To equate a school girls dress to these chumps shows you for who you are .

Nice .

We also have these


But I don’t equate children with skinheads and boots with these .

France is not tolerant,Muslims nag about dictatorship.

France is tolerant,Muslims demand more rights.

France gives more rights,Muslims mock them for being suckers and destroying their own culture.

France decides to protect its integrity,Muslims get angry and call them racist.

Again,the solution is simple: Don't demand from another culture to bow down to your culture when you decide to move and live there. Be thankful. If you don't like it,pack your things and get back to the Maghreb,Levant,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Turkey wherever you came from.

Not you personally,you know what I mean,right?

What does that have to do with the thread exactly?

But but but there french born french citizens or do you mean only people of white colour can be french .

Kick them out ? Too where ??
Yes . To equate a school girls dress to these chumps shows you for who you are .

Nice .

We also have these
How tough is it for you to understand?

I don't want to see Britain nor France nor Germany become Islamic Republics.

But but but there french born french citizens or do you mean only people of white colour can be french .

Kick them out ? Too where ??
France is drawing a line. They say "We gave you citizenship,we gave you freedom to worship,don't demand all the time".
You know it's funny,it's like that meme that circulated back in the mid-2010s. So many Muslims leave their countries because they don't like life there and go to the West and try to make it like the countries they left.
France has so many issues- unemployment, crime, anti colonialism in ex African colonies, the last thing they should be doing at this point is focussing on dress code.
For an outsider view, if Islam of any country needs to be folllwed, in my view, see how Malaysia and Indonesia has transformed their society with absorbing the best of religion and integrated it with their people.

How tough is it for you to understand?

I don't want to see Britain nor France nor Germany become Islamic Republics.

France is drawing a line. They say "We gave you citizenship,we gave you freedom to worship,don't demand all the time".
You know it's funny,it's like that meme that circulated back in the mid-2010s. So many Muslims leave their countries because they don't like life there and go to the West and try to make it like the countries they left.

There lies the problem…So basically there is a concept we vs them. Does French realize that those Muslim people who granted citizenship are clubbed with their “We” club?
For an outsider view, if Islam of any country needs to be folllwed, in my view, see how Malaysia and Indonesia has transformed their society with absorbing the best of religion and integrated it with their people.

There lies the problem…So basically there is a concept we vs them. Does French realize that those Muslim people who granted citizenship are clubbed with their “We” club?
They're trying to set some limits. Of course the Muslims are taking advantage of this instead of respecting it. You see ultra-conservative Muslims moving to Western countries and then complain about the culture and how they don't like it.
France can set their own policies and it's their country so you can't do a damn thing about it

Afghanistan and Iran can also set their own policies.

But there's obvious double standards, as people in the West cry about what Afghanistan and Iran does in their own countries LMAO.

The fact they were in support of removing Gaddafi shows they were obvious agents.
How tough is it for you to understand?

I don't want to see Britain nor France nor Germany become Islamic Republics.

France is drawing a line. They say "We gave you citizenship,we gave you freedom to worship,don't demand all the time".
You know it's funny,it's like that meme that circulated back in the mid-2010s. So many Muslims leave their countries because they don't like life there and go to the West and try to make it like the countries they left.

How can you give citizenship to a french born ? It is there right but they’re not white and that the bottom line to you .
Oh yes I see you for what you are allover what a child wants to wear .
Disgusting it’s a gown / dress luckily we don’t follow your archaic racist bigoted views in U.K. .
You can wear long dress or shirt dress you can wear trousers or skirts , Muslim children along with Sikh , Jewish children are not discriminated against for what they wear here .

This may hurt you but this is the U.K.


When white people leave the lands of the aboriginal people of the world, the Maori, the native Americans and give their lands back

I am sure migrants will leave Europe
Here we go again!

"When White people leave the lands" hur dur...

How many countries in Africa became independent? What happened when the white man left? They fell to extreme poverty,dictatorships,civil war,little to no progress,still nothing.

The aboriginal people? What were the aboriginal people when before the British arrived? Uga-buga. What were the native Americans doing before the British,French and Spanish arrived? Slaughtering themselves in endless wars.

Don't try to give me hippie examples,Miss Greta.

Why would the migrant want to leave a far more advanced country and a more free society than the one he left? He gets more money,he gets social security,insurance,he sees women with less clothes. Imagine the sex-starved Afghani and the famished Somalian. Why would they leave? They got it nice there.

And you,the proud Pakistani and loudspeaker Muslim,what are you doing in Britain? Milking the cow. That's why you're not going back to Pakistan. That's why you don't go to any Muslim country in fact.

The fact they were in support of removing Gaddafi shows they were obvious agents.
ah they were agents planted by the government and not random salafis who wants Islamic caliphates,eh? 🙄
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