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France may divert its order to meet India's demand for Rafale

225-280 are planned,but only 180 have been ordered,141 delivered as for now.... we wait for the 5th tranche. :yahoo:
What is the final number for France? 180 or more?
Don't you think 141 is an awfully low number for production, given that Rafale was ready for service in 1995 and has been in production since 2000?
What is the final number for France? 180 or more?
Don't you think 141 is an awfully low number for production, given that Rafale was ready for service in 1995 and has been in production since 2000?

The final number will be more than 180 (More likely 225 instead of 282,it depends on the next "Military Programming Law",though the MPL of 2014-2019 will be updated in June,i don't know if there will be any change concerning the Rafale)
The production of Rafale has been slowed since the govts are imposing budget cuts and so the number of Rafale acquired by year has been reduced and delayed.
What is the final number for France? 180 or more?
Don't you think 141 is an awfully low number for production, given that Rafale was ready for service in 1995 and has been in production since 2000?
Dude check your facts . They ordered 198 so for including Rafael More. May me from 2006 onward or so ... lol I also don't know about that :pop::lol: Am just saying cause am drunk :rofl:
The final number will be more than 180 (More likely 225 instead of 282,it depends on the next "Military Programming Law",though the MPL of 2014-2019 will be updated in June,i don't know if there will be any change concerning the Rafale)
The production of Rafale has been slowed since the govts are imposing budget cuts and so the number of Rafale acquired by year has been reduced.

Yea, 225 seems more plausible, 282 is a massive number, given the austerity hitting Europe these days and the need to have expensive toys eroding.
Lets wait & watch. Within next few months some concrete info will come in about follow up orders under G to G route for make in India.
France doesnt have any prominent immediate threats..and its operational capability is on par compare to its peers in Europe.....moreover, for you the more important is to keep your industry running...I read today, Areva's loss is more than its market capitalization ....so essentially it has become a sick unit ..and if there is no deal with India, its very survival would be a question!....Dassault too is not doing well, and if the orders dont flow in from big customers like India, it too will become a sick unit ..I read, Dassualt said, thanks India, we are grateful to you for your orders!

So if there was no Indian order, Dassault would have been dead? This is quite an amazing Indian bravado.
So if there was no Indian order, Dassault would have been dead? This is quite an amazing Indian bravado.
if there are Indian orders, chances of Dassault's profitability and survival increases!
Not a good news for our air force.
What are your threats? Very low compared to India. So its a wise decision on the part of the French government as your economy and jobs takes precedence over defence at the present juncture.
Our medias are saying that India is ready to buy more Rafale,but won't build it.
Since the Rafale built in India would cost more than a Rafale built in France. (Instead,India could build some components.)

L'Inde prête à acheter d'autres Rafale... mais plus à les fabriquer - L'Express L'Expansion

I'd say let's stick to India wants to acquire 36 Rafale and that there are currently talks between the two parts,let's wait and see for the rest. (I don't want to say something that will be wrong,or give some false hope to our Indian friends. :enjoy: )
A sensible position however once the deal for 36 is concluded (in 2-3 months) the Govt of India is locking itself into that platform and simply can't afford to go for a number as pitifully small as 36. As the DM of India has said, the Rafale is a nice jet and he would love to get 126+ but it is up to the talks between France and India's governments to see what the total number actually is. With the follow-on order for more jets one can be certain they will be pursued under "Make in India"- Modi would have it no other way ;)
sorry bro, i can only do one thanks or else for that statement even 100 is less. The ability of Rafale and Su30 MKI both capable to work under SFC for Nuclear strikes is the biggest force multiplier for IAF.
thats why DM MP keeps saying strategic strategic strategic
The Strategic Force Command STILL has an unfulfilled and open requirement for 40 of its own fighters purely for nuclear delivery.

The LCA is far too short-legged for this so it will have to be a foreign fighter- MKI or Rafale but long range, low level nuke delivery is the Rafale's bread and butter so it is quite clear which fighter the SFC/IAF would favour for that role.

Bro, they were supposed to modify 40 MKI for SFC. Don't know 'what happened'. :D Now here comes 36 Rafales... ;)
That was purely speculation to do with journalists putting together the fact the last batch of MKIs ordered was for 42 (40+2 for losses) and piecing this together with the SFC's requirement but I was never sold. The MKI as a nuclear delivery platform doesn't make sense, the Rafale on the other hand........
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