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Four Afghans killed in Pakistani border strike: Afghan officials

even occupied/war torn we are better than you clowns owned by fatass choodhrees and waderas. ive lived enough years in your wretched country to know how litle ghairah your lecherous panjabee qaum has.

thts why ppl consider you kabulis as beghairat... u shit in the plate you eat..
26 countries invaded Afghanistan and pounded it into submission. They should be seeking knowledge on how to improve their country and reconcile with the world.

Instead they back child killers, drug barons, extortionists and RAW and make life a misery of a country who provided help in their hour of need. We barely have enough to feed our own and yet we took in 6 million Afghan refugees.

If history is an indicator, Afghanistan will never learn and will be invaded by the next world power who sees it as easy prey. I hope history does not repeat and they ask forgiveness and repent for their sins.
Bajaur Agency raid: Kabul put on notice after troops repel militants
By Our Correspondents / Mureeb Mohmand
Published: June 1, 2014

In NWA, a jirga warned that local tribesmen will migrate to Afghanistan, if the govt launched an operation in the region. PHOTO: EXPRESS/FILE

At least 14 militants were killed when Pakistani border guards repelled a pre-dawn cross-border attack on a military post in the Warra Mamond tehsil of Bajaur Agency. Subsequently, the Afghan charge d’affaires was summoned to the Foreign Office to protest the raid.

“Dozens of heavily-armed militants sneaked into Bajaur from Afghanistan around 5am and attacked the military post in the Nao Top area, 25 kilometres northwest of the agency headquarters of Khar,” an official of the security forces told The Express Tribune.

One border guard was killed and two others were critically wounded in the attack, he added. Security personnel manning the post fended off the attackers and called for aerial support. Shortly afterwards, helicopter gunships were rushed to the area. Some 14 militants were killed in the retaliatory action, forcing the remaining to flee across the border.

The injured border guards were shifted to hospital before reinforcements were sent to the region to comb the area for more attackers, the security official said.


In a statement, the Foreign Office put the number of attackers at 200-plus. “To repulse the terrorist attack, Pakistani troops responded with artillery and aviation support. Any allegations about shelling on Afghan civilians inside Afghanistan are incorrect. Pakistan aviation [forces] only fired on attacking terrorists,” it added.

An official of the local political administration said that security has been enhanced in the entire agency while tribal jirgas are being convened to seek support of the local tribesmen.

Islamabad formally lodged a protest with the Afghan charge d’affairs over the attack.

“A protest was lodged with the Afghan charge d’affaires and the matter was also taken up by our ambassador in Kabul with the Afghan foreign ministry,” said the Foreign Office statement.

“Pakistan’s concerns about miscreants and terrorists attacking from the other side of the border have been repeatedly shared with Afghan authorities. We hope effective steps will be taken to prevent recurrence of such incidents,” it added.

Earlier this month, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif had taken up the issue during his talks with his Afghan counterpart Sher Muhammad Karimi and International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) Commander General Joseph Dunford in Kabul.

Bajaur Agency shares a border with Afghanistan’s northeastern province of Kunar, where Mullah Fazlullah-led Taliban fighters have been sheltering since they were routed in a massive military operation from the scenic valley of Swat in 2008. Since then, militants have been using Afghan soil as a springboard for mounting cross-border attacks on Pakistani posts.

Over in North Waziristan Agency, a tribal jirga warned that local tribesmen will migrate to neighbouring Afghanistan, if the government launched a military operation in the region. The warning came a day after a powerful Taliban commander, Hafiz Gul Bahadur, accused the government of reneging on a peace agreement signed with his faction in 2007.

The Jirga was convened by Uthmanzai Wazir and Dawar tribes in the Darpa Khel Eidgah, Miramshah, the agency headquarters of North Waziristan.

Addressing the Jirga, Haji Sher Ali Khan, the successor of legendry Faqir of Api, said the Waziristan tribes have always voluntarily served as a bulwark against any aggression on Pakistan from western borders. “The Waziristan tribes don’t want war,” he said. “However, we have fought and will continue to fight ‘un-Islamic forces’ in the region.”

Another tribal elder, Malik Sher Wali Khan, said they would take up the issue of recurring curfews with the local political agent, provincial governor and federal government. “If they fail to normalise the situation, then we will migrate to Afghanistan,” he added. “This will be the only option for us, if the state fails to secure us.”

Malik Azmatullah Khan claimed that last week’s air strikes caused huge civilian casualties. “This kind of military intervention should stop,” he said, adding that tribesmen from several areas of North Waziristan, including Miramshah, Machis Camp, Darpa Khel and Mirali, continue to migrate to Afghanistan. “We are trying to stop the tribesmen but they continue to evacuate for fear of an impending military operation in the agency,” he added.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 1st, 2014.
looking after us? come again? UNHCR took care of us, if anything Pakistan ate more than half the funds that were meant for Afghan refugees for decades. Meanwhile we paid inflated rent in quetta, school fees, everything by working hard while your leaders ate it all. You people are clueless on reality.

speaking of harboring criminals - you are merely reaping what you sowed into our society by butting your ugly face in. now pay the price.

You're obviously quite young. The UNHCR wasn't even around when hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees poured through our border in 1979. They came a year later and opened up one crappy office in 1980. Funds only came through in the mid 80's. It was the generosity of many a Pakistani that aided Afghan refugees. People literally gave up land and dwellings for them. I have heard this "myth" plenty of times on Afghan forums that somehow the white knight of the UNCHR came to Afghanistan's aid and Pakistan did nothing. Anyone around at that time will tell you the polar opposite.

But you are right that many Afghans did work and have earned their keep.
Two nukes taught the japanese such a lesson that they forgot about war for the next 50 years , I'm sure out of the stock pile we have we can spare 10 for these indian-backed vermin hiding in afghanistan
thts why ppl consider you kabulis as beghairat... u shit in the plate you eat..

These so called ghairat mands offer prayers on the pile of narcotics..they choose a place to settle here in our country, make fake ID cards, and than get involved in every dirty filthy business you could imagine....and than they multiply like squirrels..without any gap, all nourishing with dirty money and resources, turning themselves into f***ing and earning machines without a smallest amount of texture of education, civilization...!!
Brothers I will implore you please to choose your words carefully. Please do not abuse Afghan people wholesale.
And the biggest irony is, if we opened up recruitment for Afghan refugees in our Armed Forces, we would get thousands lining up to kill ANA.
hilarious coming from a Pakistani. neither is your country mature or secure or stable. checkpoints every 20 feet. bomb blasts daily by ex army trained cons. enjoy your nation state.

what a joke.. want to hear another sad reality? we have donated over 1 billion $ to afghanistan.. built roads,dams,universities n hospitals.. even private companies have donated buses,machinery etc..

Your great country smuggles livestock,cement,tractors,wheat,vegetables etc from Pakistan costing us millions of $ in losses... your country used/still uses PKRs as currency... your people are involved in crimes,drug trade n illegal settlements... want more?
Rest in Peace. How long before Afghanistan responds ?

why don't you ( india ) man up and come protect your keep ( afghanistan ) , your keep is looking towards you

Together with your million billion year old history you should be able to handle it , no ?

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