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Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad slates Pakistan role in Afghanistan.

I agree.
Well, that's Iran--another Middle Eastern country for you. They all seem to do diplomacy via media.

Anyway, it's too early to say what's going to happen with Iran. But it is crucial that NOT ONE country in Afghanistan's neighborhood becomes hostile otherwise the potential for a foreign backed insurgency increases a lot. India has just been denied that space and it must be kept like that.
Exactly! Because all these regional countries HASHED THINGS OUT with the Taliban WHile America was securing freedom in Afghanistan all this while!! If Taliban doesnt follow the gameplan, regional countries will work together to frustrate their leadership and control of Afghanistan!
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This Saleem Safi video touches upon a lot but also, related to this thread, is about Iran. So Iran had been actually supporting the Taliban but after the conquest of the Panjshir Valley and after the announcement of the new Taliban govt, the Iranians are unhappy because those Afghans with Iranian backing have been basically sidelined. Safi's advice, no doubt in a well wishing and pragmatic way, is for the Taliban to show more flexibility about the 'inclusive' aspect. I will also post this video in the other thread about the Taliban govt formation but this should help about Iran.
I don't think there is, as of now, a big strategic divide between the Taliban/Pakistan vs Iran.

Man I am fearing this too, they have to be flexible

This panjsheer was their right tbh, rebellions need to be crushed but the actual government part

THEY HAVE TO INCLUDE NON-TALIBAN and PEOPLE FROM EVERY ETHNICITY, 90s was a failed policy, do not repeat that mistake, I think every Pakistani leader has stressed the importance of an inclusive government

But Taliban do what Taliban want...
Man I am fearing this too, they have to be flexible

This panjsheer was their right tbh, rebellions need to be crushed but the actual government part

THEY HAVE TO INCLUDE NON-TALIBAN and PEOPLE FROM EVERY ETHNICITY, 90s was a failed policy, do not repeat that mistake, I think every Pakistani leader has stressed the importance of an inclusive government

But Taliban do what Taliban want...

The shock of the recent fall of Kabul will be over soon and very soon the newly unemployed thousands of people people and the warlords who are no longer being bribed by the Americans will start looking for external support to get some $$ and power back. Even one country's land can become a strong launchpad for insurgencies. Afghanistan has many internal fault lines; probably more than any other Asian country. Those lines are easy to exploit by foreign backers with $$.

Afghan leadership, with the possible exception of the Taliban, are notoriously easy to be bought and sold--it is in their history. Go back to the mid 1970s onward to see how different leaders wanted foreign powers to help them gain or stay in power. Since the sacking of King Zahir Shah in 1973, the govts in Kabul has never been through purely domestic political processes: The leadership always changed hands because of foreign intervention/backing and/or because of bloody civil wars, and I am including those so-called communist Parcham and Khalq factions in that glorious history.

I am hoping the Taliban would learn from the past and be accommodating toward others. It would be a bitter pill to swallow for them but without the required flexibility they will doom their long term chances. And if they would be too stubborn to compromise then I wished we had some impenetrable border with Afghanistan and forget about them. Honestly, a land border with even India is better manageable then with Afghanistan!
Tally up Pakistanis, I'm sure the list in your black book is getting bigger and bigger. :lol:

Its an old saying you know who your friends are with how they celebrate your success. Beyond Greece its a sea of snakes.
Irrelevant what Ahmadinejad says or thinks.
Why a nobody is given importance here ? He even doesn't deserve a thread.

Exactly. Ahmadinejad has practically turned into an anti-IR activist ever since he and his aides were sidelined by the system. One of his closest advisers, Hamid Baghai, was sentenced to a heavy prison term, hence his bitterness. A few months ago, he even gave an interview to an anti-Hezbollah TV channel in Lebanon.

If people aren't familiar with Iran's internal politics, their comments on topics like these can go off track. First thing to remember is that the Islamic Republic is a diverse polity, with factions whose views can be completely opposed to one another.

Interesingly Tajiks makes a reasonable population of Afghanistan yet we are not discussing what Tajikistan, Turkeministan etc are saying but anything coming out from Iran is being discussed to death.

Agreed. The focus on Iran is striking. You had Saudi Arabian media such as Al Arabiya rehashing reports of supposed Pakistani intervention in Panjshir, yet hardly a protest. Some (not all) Iranian media do the same, a storm is unleashed.

Fact is that many hidden hands along with naive patsies are working to engineer a crisis between Iran and the Taleban, hoping to draw in Pakistan as well. Needless to say, this would not be to the interest of any of the three sides mentioned. Chief among these spoilers are NATO, the US and the zionist entity, and they are being assisted by India, western-apologetic liberals inside Iran, but also by Iran's enemies and rivals in the region as well as some extremist sectarianist elements. You can see all this crowd literally drooling at the prospect of a deterioration of ties between Iran and the new Afghanistan government.

There's currently a lot of domestic pressure on the Raisi administration, the IRGC and the Supreme Leader to change their stance on the Taleban and start acting against them. This pressure emanates from the liberal factions ie from reformists and centrists, who are orchestrating a huge media campaign to this effect, going as far as enlisting films stars and other so-called "celebrities" to influence public opinion. In order to accommodate the public, the administration therefore needs to make a few Taleban-critical statements here and there, but for the time being the revolutionary core of the Islamic Republic (revolutionary political factions plus IRGC plus Supreme Leader) are resisting the pressure, and the statements or media articles you see are just that: statements not followed by concrete policy steps.

Pakistan should get in touch with the Raisi administration and with Esmail Qaani, commander of the Quds Force, and support them in their internal struggle against liberal forces.
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Pakistan should get in touch with the Raisi administration and with Esmail Qaani, commander of the Quds Force, and support them in their internal struggle against liberal forces.
You want Pakistan to interfere in your country's internal affairs?
Exactly! Because all these regional countries HASHED THINGS OUT with the Taliban WHile America was securing freedom in Afghanistan all this while!! If Taliban doesnt follow the gameplan, regional countries will work together to frustrate their leadership and control of Afghanistan!

Why don't you make those hashed out commitments public?

Iranians are welcome to dictate Afghan matter. you are but Nigerian American.
Why don't you make those hashed out commitments public?
Why doesnt your country also make its HASHED OUT COMMITMENTS with Taliban public? Pot calling kettle black bra.
Why doesnt your country also make its HASHED OUT COMMITMENTS with Taliban public? Pot calling kettle black bra.

I demand that they should do that.

Transparency is key to building trust.
I mean Iran should be the last country on the planet to accuse anyone of using proxies. I mean the world knows who supports non-state actors in ME.
I mean Iran should be the last country on the planet to accuse anyone of using proxies. I mean the world knows who supports non-state actors in ME.
whats your point relevant to? Seems like a random rant.

Onto to the subject, everyone has to be cautious with these comments by Ahmadinejad...what are his motives and timing for making such comments about Afghanistan? we might have to wait to get the bigger picture.
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