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Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad slates Pakistan role in Afghanistan.

Lets sort out our issues in Afghanistan first, then we will take care of Iranians. Effing iraninas cant even break a vase and they talk big. mofos.
I hope the official Iranian policy would be to be at least neutral. This is the first time Afghanistan has a chance of real peace. Giving hopes to the likes of India to use Iran in Afghanistan, when virtually all other neighbors are for stability inside Afghanistan, is a very bad idea. Iran can do a lot of damage to disturb peace in Afghanistan. On the other hand, Iran gets to benefit a lot by a peaceful and globally connected Afghanistan.

We will have to see how things evolve. A couple of interviews here and there and one given to an Indian channel by an an ex-Iranian officials are not the redlines. But I am already disappointed that years of regional negotiations about Afghanistan and the hypes about China/Russia forming a local 'block' blah blah are being tainted.

Iranians should officially clarify their stance. It is one of the most important strategic position to be taken by anyone about Afghanistan.

Some Iranians are undecided, but the official stance is clear. The Iranian government has a backdoor channel with the Taliban.
Unbelievable, yesterday I was hearing the saudis and today we got Iranians with Indian news channel as well! You think these losers would be thanking us to get rid off there great Satan , obviously no , they are in cahoots with the Hindus. I hope Pakistanis Iranian fan club on here and back home are okay with this
This Saleem Safi video touches upon a lot but also, related to this thread, is about Iran. So Iran had been actually supporting the Taliban but after the conquest of the Panjshir Valley and after the announcement of the new Taliban govt, the Iranians are unhappy because those Afghans with Iranian backing have been basically sidelined. Safi's advice, no doubt in a well wishing and pragmatic way, is for the Taliban to show more flexibility about the 'inclusive' aspect. I will also post this video in the other thread about the Taliban govt formation but this should help about Iran.
I don't think there is, as of now, a big strategic divide between the Taliban/Pakistan vs Iran.

Lol. Funny persian clown.

Someone should ask him, how his own country so called "revolution" came into being. He should keep his "darh gaz" long tounge in check, and put a sock in his mouth.
A nuclear Iran will be a very dangerous prospect for all. This is not a Shia / Sunni thing, This is a Persian irrelevancy syndrome, similar in some ways to the Hinduvta grandiose pathology. Iran with its proxies can wreck havoc in Pakistan. Iran needs to be brought into the fold of a normal functioning, globally integrated country - otherwise its own pathology and victimized mindset will give greater rise to ultra-nationalism.

iranian dream of revival of persian empire and using cult following to achieve its goal!

that cult was never a religious it was always political from the start!
Iran worked for Israel and Nato in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and doing terrorism in Yemen, Lebanon and Pakistan. Playing dirty in Bahrain and Saudi Arab.
Says the @$$ clown who helped a ruthless dictator, and his minions stay in power against the will of their own people, kill thousands in the process, jailed even more, displaced even more, dropped barrel bombs on civilians, and when nothing else worked they got the russians to bomb the muslims of syria, but hay its all kosher.
This Saleem Safi video touches upon a lot but also, related to this thread, is about Iran. So Iran had been actually supporting the Taliban but after the conquest of the Panjshir Valley and after the announcement of the new Taliban govt, the Iranians are unhappy because those Afghans with Iranian backing have been basically sidelined. Safi's advice, no doubt in a well wishing and pragmatic way, is for the Taliban to show more flexibility about the 'inclusive' aspect. I will also post this video in the other thread about the Taliban govt formation but this should help about Iran.
I don't think there is, as of now, a big strategic divide between the Taliban/Pakistan vs Iran.

That's Talibans and Iran issue if Iran felt that their favorites are sidelined by the new regime change in Afghanistan. Why bitching about Pakistan through media ? They should sort this issue with Talibans themselves or can bark against Talibans as much as they want but involving Pakistan by using fake news, is troublesome and unnacceptable to us.
That's Talibans and Iran issue if Iran felt that their favorites are sidelined by the new regime change in Afghanistan. Why bitching about Pakistan through media ? They should sort this issue with Talibans themselves or can bark against Talibans as much as they want but involving Pakistan by using fake news, is troublesome and unnacceptable to us.

I agree.
Well, that's Iran--another Middle Eastern country for you. They all seem to do diplomacy via media.

Anyway, it's too early to say what's going to happen with Iran. But it is crucial that NOT ONE country in Afghanistan's neighborhood becomes hostile otherwise the potential for a foreign backed insurgency increases a lot. India has just been denied that space and it must be kept like that.
Dude I do not know, but war is never an answer
he didnt ask you for an answer, he asked you for a solution.
Iran will not do anything, as Afghanistan will join CPEC soon. otherwise they can say bye bye to Chinese Iran energy deal..
Afghanistan has the worlds largest Lithium deposits for battery powered cars, China will doninate global market in clean energy and Afghanistan is on top of their radar.
The same people who want Iran to be "humiliated and kicked in its behind" in Afghanistan are the same people who have no idea US planned for and expects civil war in Afghanistan as its alternative goal/aka final eternal revenge plan after it exits. Some people love irrelevant distractions.
Lets sort out our issues in Afghanistan first,
then we will take care of Iranians. Effing iraninas cant even break a vase and they talk big. mofos.
Dumb, and you know it cant+ wont work, because it never has.
this chicken najad is no one why you open a thread on him ?
How lucky I am to see this day ....How lucky I am to watch Iranians crying when they are about to get a dose of their own meds...How lucky I am to see Indians screaming on the waste of their own billions...
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