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Fakhri Pasha "The Defender of Madina"

Choose a side - Now ! :mad:

I'm on the Turkish side ! :smokin:

But I do have a crush on a certain Arab Lady which means I'm gonna have to be on the Arab side as well ! :undecided:

Damn - Whom do I support ? :unsure:

Do I support my Turkish brethren & risk loosing the love of my life or do I support the Arabs & risk loosing the love of the Turkish People - Why....oh God why do I have to make these decisions ? :hitwall:

Why couldn't I have fallen in love with an Albanian like @KingMamba or an Afghan like @EyanKhan ? Things would be much less complicated ! :(

LOL such a Butt I swear.
"Was" it was rotting for centuries when Ottomans conquered it, if Hagia Sophia remained as a symbol of city, thats because Turks didn't destroyed it.

Seems like you missed one of my older posts.
al hasani does not recognize istanbul as a muslim city. We dont care if it belongs to greece or not the fact is that it is in muslim hands but unfortunatly for al hasani the turks conquered it so it doesn't count.

But you are a Turkish nationalist that worships Ataturk a secularist that destroyed Muslim rule in Turkey and made it secular. The man that abolished your Caliphate. Who are you fooling? Most Turks care more about Turkish nationalism (false pride as I and others clearly demonstrated minutes ago) instead of Islam.
Yet Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire (Greek) for centuries and among the greatest cities. When the Ottomans captured it they destroyed most of it. So good for you that you rebuilt it. Its greatness was still during its Greek rule.

Even its symbol (Hagia Sophia) is Greek heritage. A Greek church.

Anyway that is similar to how your Mongol cousins behaved. Destroying and not building anything. Copying others. Just look how they destroyed Baghdad. The capital of the world back than and most developed city.
They built the Taj Mahal and countless other architectural wonders in india and central asia. Go to Istanbul and you will see the greatness of turkish civilization actually I hope you never come.
But you are a Turkish nationalist that worships Ataturk a secularist that destroyed Muslim rule in Turkey and made it secular. Who are you fooling? Most Turks care more about Turkish nationalism (false pride as I and others clearly demonstrated minutes ago) instead of Islam.
also you don't know my beliefs but apparently you are probably one of those guys that worships the king which is why you show more respect to him than the prophets grave which I learned from another thread.
They built the Taj Mahal and countless other architectural wonders in india and central asia. Go to Istanbul and you will see the greatness of turkish civilization actually I hope you never come.

Those were Mongols. Not Turks. Besides that is PERSIAN architecture. They were completely Persianized. They spoke Persian.

There is no greatness. It's all Greek heritage. Just look at Hagia Sophia. All the main attractions in Turkey is Greek heritage.

If you want to see real Turkic heritage you need to go to Kazakhstan and met Borat.
But you are a Turkish nationalist that worships Ataturk a secularist that destroyed Muslim rule in Turkey and made it secular. The man that abolished your Caliphate. Who are you fooling? Most Turks care more about Turkish nationalism (false pride as I and others clearly demonstrated minutes ago) instead of Islam.
Atatürk only replaced a allready destroyed caliphate thanks to arabs, so much to your knowlede about Turks...
also you don't know my beliefs but apparently you are probably one of those guys that worships the king which is why you show more respect to him than the prophets grave which I learned from another thread.

But that's the reality. Just look at this forum.
Those were Mongols. Not Turks. Besides that is PERSIAN architecture. They were completely Persianized. They spoke Persian.

There is no greatness. It's all Greek heritage. Just look at Hagia Sophia. All the main attractions in Turkey is Greek heritage.

If you want to see real Turkic heritage you need to go to Kazakhstan.
Actually they were turks. Look up the the Chagatai language which was spoken by the moguls and it is a turkish language same thing with urdu it has turkish words in it and that is because the moguls were turks.
Turks or Turkish women there is a big difference:azn::azn:

Turks, Turkish Women & Turkiye ! :smitten:

But Afghans :bad:

Which means unless you break-off your engagement with that Afghan lady from Jalalabad & @Khan_patriot breaks of his with that Afghan lady from Herat, I'd have you both walk over hot coal till you do ! :smokin:
Actually they were turks. Look up the the Chagatai language which was spoken by the moguls and it is a turkish language same thing with urdu it has turkish words in it and that is because the moguls were turks.

Mongols. Not Turks. Anyway they were Persianized and they did not invent anything. They relied on Persian culture and civilization. That's all.

Which again proves a well-known fact that you Turkic people's civilization are not even compared to that of Semitic and Indo-Iranian peoples in any way, shape or form.
As I guessed you either missed or ignored my post, I told you all civilizations are a collection of different cultural elements, not even a fairly isolated culture like Japanese is completely unique.

"The Umayyads adopted the construction techniques of the Byzantine and Sassanid empires, and often re-used existing buildings"

"Early Abbasid architecture was very similar to the architecture of the Sassanid Empire, as exemplified by the Palace of Ukhaidhir. It used the same techniques, the same materials of mud brick, baked brick and rough stone blocks set in mortar, and followed Sassanian designs."

In same logic, if you want to see real Arab culture, you should visit Badouins.
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