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Failed coup general Hafter is looking for an exit after heavily defeated in southern Tripoli.

The GNA team that intercepted LNA exit route ^ from video above
Sometime money is not the reason. Do you think Indonesia invaded East Timor in 70's is because of money ?

Indonesia-Timor is obvious. Turkey getting involved in Libya isn't.
The Arabs wanted no part of the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago. Nothing has changed.
Indonesia-Timor is obvious. Turkey getting involved in Libya isn't.
The Arabs wanted no part of the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago. Nothing has changed.

What would you know about strongholds ?
Libya: GNA-aligned forces announce takeover of Tripoli airport

Airport was closed in 2014 and overrun by troops loyal to eastern-based military commander Khalifa Haftar last year.

19 hours ago

The airport had been under Haftar's control since last year when he launched his campaign to capture Tripoli [File: Hani Amara/Reuters]
more ABOUT Libya
Troops loyal to Libya's internationally recognised government have taken control of Tripoli international airport, military spokesman for the Government of National Accord said.

"Our forces have fully liberated Tripoli international airport," spokesman Mohamad Gnounou said on Wednesday.


The airport has been closed since 2014 and had been held by the eastern-based renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar since last year when he launched his assault on the capital.

Since 2014, Libya has been split between rival factions based in Tripoli and in the east, in a sometimes chaotic war that has drawn in outside powers and a flood of foreign arms and mercenaries.

Haftar's self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA), backed by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Russia, has been unable to make significant progress since early on in its campaign.

It still controls eastern and southern Libya, including most of the country's oil facilities, and the city of Sirte, at the centre of Libya's Mediterranean coastline.

Earlier on Wednesday, Russia's RIA news agency said several senior Libyan officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Maetig, arrived in Moscow before talks.

The announcement came a day after the UN announced that the country's warring sides agreed to resume ceasefire talks.

The UN Mission in Libya said it hoped the new round of negotiations would "mark the beginning of calm on the ground", especially to allow the country's war-scarred health system to cope with a coronavirus outbreak.



Yup, the news has been confirmed by major news outlet. Another huge blow to Haftar forces.

Haftar only want to get ceasefire when his troops was under pressure. No need to get cease fire if there is no significant political peace solution ever signed.
What would you know about strongholds ?

I do not know of any Arab in conflict ridden Syria or Iraq who wants anything to do with merging with Turkey
All this meddling in Libya is a reflection of the fact Libya is a weak war torn society
Wow. Its just like yesterday that LNA are on its way to crush GNA and now its the exact opposite. At least in tripoli
Anyone know what GNA strategy is now that they got Turkish support? To regain control over whole Western coast of country or they plan to go into the east? Or two sides will negotiate for a political settlement?
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