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Featured Ex-Israeli pilot: Our army is a terrorist organisation

White phosphorus
Banned for use over civilian populations.

Check mate and have a nice day.

keep in mind that this pilot can still share this sort of opinion while not having carried out any sort of criminal acts but rather he witnessed the organization as a whole and other IDF pilots committing the crimes. Which is just as bad of course ..
keep in mind that this pilot can still share this sort of opinion while not having carried out any sort of criminal acts but rather he witnessed the organization as a whole and other IDF pilots committing the crimes. Which is just as bad of course ..

Organisations such as breaking the silence are gaining momentum so perhaps the change will come from within.
Their Accord will be with Allah, They were warned by some of the greatest prophets and yet they transgress, they should make peace with Arabs and Muslims, as we both are at the forefronts of Monotheists religion.
I asked simple question which illegal orders he got. No answer. Not even one.

If you expect us to produced written orders you know it's not possible so what's your point? He did what everyone is supposed to do, kill and destroy everyone and everything. Bomb Palestinians to stone age over and over again.
Most of our so called Muslim heroes of subcontinent are thus terrorists.....Abdali, Ghauri, Ghazni, Taimur, Nadir Shah....all killed innocent civilians in heavily populated areas....and we named our missiles in their honour .......

Crux is....as Shakespeare said...Nothing is good or bad..your thinking makes it so. similarly, when it comes to defending your agenda (country, religion, power)....everything can be justified.

Point taken with a side note that those were different times with different ethics. Today we live in a world bound to international treaties that are meant to protect civilians and even pow's. Atrocities committed in pre WW era can not be repeated in a modern war without consequences. Unless you're Israel.
Point taken with a side note that those were different times with different ethics. Today we live in a world bound to international treaties that are meant to protect civilians and even pow's. Atrocities committed in pre WW era can not be repeated in a modern war without consequences. Unless you're Israel.

On side note, times have changed but I disagree ethics have changed (even for us).... We all look one side of picture to blame other and ignore that same shi*t is there on our side.....We support Taliban, Al Qaeda...they don't seem to be bound by any treaty and have history of killing innocent civilians in populated areas....We even don't condemn Hamas, Which with intent of killing innocent civilians in populated areas fired 3500 rockets (they too are not bound by any treaty)...but we do cry when the other side do it....So we expect organisations who give damn about human rights, behead their captives, kill innocent civilians without mercy should be dealt humanely considering international treaties.....isn't it hypocrisy?

And as I mentioned...everything can be justified.
If you expect us to produced written orders you know it's not possible so what's your point? He did what everyone is supposed to do, kill and destroy everyone and everything. Bomb Palestinians to stone age over and over again.
Even oral orders. Even orders were given to someone he knows. Something specific, not blah blah blah Israel is bad.

I asked it because I served myself in Israeli army and never got any criminal orders. On contrary I was taught that if I ever get such orders I must refuse.
Even oral orders. Even orders were given to someone he knows. Something specific, not blah blah blah Israel is bad.

I asked it because I served myself in Israeli army and never got any criminal orders. On contrary I was taught that if I ever get such orders I must refuse.

so what you trying to say is your orders are moral ... it just your soldiers behave badly on a individual basis? ..


so why no court martial?..
If Israel can do it, why can't Pakistan tolerate its own Yonatan Shapiras?

I don't see PAF fighters blowing up civilian targets ... or International news agency..

I asked simple question which illegal orders he got.

SS killed masses of jews.... they were following orders from Legal state ie Germany ie Hitler ie voted into power... hence legal .. so where is the problem?..

according to you as long as it is legal it is ok.

Bob Schieffer, CBS Evening News anchor: There’s been another horrendous turn of
events in the Middle East. Hundreds of men, women, and children, perhaps as many as a
thousand people in all, have been massacred in two Palestinian refugee camps in West
Narrator: Israel’s Lebanese allies, operating with the consent of the Israeli government,
had massacred several thousand Palestinian civilians in the refugee camps of Sabra and
Shatila. And American news media had the pictures to prove it.

Two years after the Lebanon invasion, the American Jewish Congress sponsored
a conference in Jerusalem to devise a formal public relations strategy – known in Hebrew
as “Hasbara.” Participants included PR and advertising executives, media specialists,
journalists, and leaders of major Jewish groups. According to a brochure from the Congress,
“No single event brought home the need for a more effective hasbara, or information
program, more persuasively than the 1982 war in Lebanon and the events that followed.”

As one conference participant put it, “Israel is no longer perceived to be ‘little David’, but
Goliath steamrolling across the map.”
The primary aim of the conference was to develop strategies to spin unpopular Israeli
policies and to counter negative press coverage by shaping the media frame in advance.

“News doesn’t just jump into a camera,” a conference delegate said. “It’s directed, it’s
managed, it’s made accessible.” Israel-based advertising executive Martin Fenton would put
it in even more blunt terms: “Propaganda is not a dirty word,” he said. “Face it. We are in
the game of changing people’s minds, of making them think differently. To accomplish that
we need propaganda.”
The conference was chaired by U.S. advertising executive Carl Spielvogel, the legendary
adman who created the highly acclaimed Miller Lite Beer ads in the 1970s.
Sut Jhally: The choice of Spielvogel makes perfect sense. He’s known as a master of image
inversion and re-branding … the ad man responsible for transforming Miller Lite, which
had been viewed before as a women’s beer, into a manly beer that tough guys would drink.


meme should read trained or paid, for some are on intern.

1) link doesn't work (PBS LINK)

2) I don't see any mass civillian deaths being caused from the bombings. I. E civillian high rises being leveled.
Can't answer for the PBS link but you can see the discussion in the thread: the Pakistan Army destroyed the homes of terrorists' relatives as well as the civilian structures terrorists were emplaced.

Maybe if you look around the PBS website you can find the documentary again.
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