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Featured Ex-Israeli pilot: Our army is a terrorist organisation


Feb 21, 2016
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Ex-Israeli pilot: 'Our army is a terrorist organisation run by war criminals'

A former Israeli Air Force pilot, Yonatan Shapira, has described the Israeli government and army as "terrorist organisations" run by "war criminals."

Captain Shapira who had resigned from the Israeli army in 2003 at the height of the Palestinian Second Intifada explained in an exclusive interview with Anadolu News Agency why he realized after joining the army that he was "part of a terrorist organisation".

I realised during the Second Intifada what the Israeli Air Force and Israeli military are doing are war crimes, terrorising a population of millions of Palestinians. When I realised that, I decided to not just leave but to organise other pilots that will publicly refuse to take part in these crimes,
he said.

"As a child in Israel, you are being brought up in very strong Zionist militaristic education. You don't know almost anything about Palestine, you don't know about the 1948 Nakba, you don't know about ongoing oppression," Shapira said.

OPINION: Do the Palestinians not have the right to defend themselves?

Ever since leaving the Israeli army, Shapira has launched a campaign that encouraged other military members to disobey orders to attack Palestinians.

The campaign has led 27 other army pilots to be discharged from their posts in the Israeli Air Force since 2003.

In the last week, Israeli warplanes have waged hundreds of airstrikes against the Palestinian civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip, killing at least 188 Palestinians including 55 children and 33 women and wounding 1,230 people.

Bla bla. Can he tell any criminal orders he was ordered to do during his service?
Y.S.'s bs has been discussed at PDF before:
Hunkarim, Sultan AbdulHamit Han was the answer. We cannot answer them unless we stop being apologetic in the faces of European policing organizations.
Bla bla. Can he tell any criminal orders he was ordered to do during his service?
Bla bla. Can he tell any criminal orders he was ordered to do during his service?
Ah the nazi supporter of SS Jews speaks venom again.
He jew. Why hide behind isreal come out and face people hand to yo hand..man to man...coward. you child killers are brave behind tanks...but hamas made you run like chickens this time and next time it won't be just your air bases hit. Your aircraft will be taken out on the ground and in the air. You don't have the man power to sustain casualties and you won't die for Israel. Long run you are doomed and yoh know it

Ah the nazi supporter of SS Jews speaks venom again.
He jew. Why hide behind isreal come out and face people hand to yo hand..man to man...coward. you child killers are brave behind tanks...but hamas made you run like chickens this time and next time it won't be just your air bases hit. Your aircraft will be taken out on the ground and in the air. You don't have the man power to sustain casualties and you won't die for Israel. Long run you are doomed and yoh know it
Bla bla. Can he tell any criminal orders he was ordered to do during his service?
One of the gems.
IDF ignores Supreme Court decision, destroys Iqrit on Christmas day, 1951
However, on Christmas Day in 1951, Israeli Defense Forces destroyed the village. According to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Israeli soldiers took the mukhtar of Iqrit to the top of a nearby hill to force him to watch as Israeli troops blew up every house in the village.[17]

In his book Blood Brothers, Father Elias Chacour, who was a child away at school at the time, records the story of what happened, as told to him by his brothers:

For the second time, the village elders marched across the hill and presented the order to the Zionist soldiers...Without question or dispute, the commanding officer read the order. He shrugged. 'This is fine...We need some time to pull out. You can return on the 25th.'
On Christmas! What an incredible Christmas gift for the village. The elders fairly ran across the hill to Gish to spread the news. At long last they would all be going home. The Christmas Eve vigil became a celebration of thanksgiving and joyful praise. On Christmas morning...bundled in sweaters and old coats supplied by the Bishop's relief workers, the villagers gathered in the first light of day...Mother, Father, Wardi, and my brothers all joined in singing a jubilant Christmas hymn as they mounted the hill...At the top of the hill their hymn trailed into silence...Why were the soldiers still there? In the distance, a soldier shouted, and they realized they had been seen. A cannon blast sheared the silence. Then another—a third...Tank shells shrieked into the village, exploding in fiery destruction. Houses blew apart like paper. Stones and dust flew amid the red flames and billowing black smoke. One shell slammed into the side of the church, caving in a thick stone wall and blowing off half the roof. The bell tower teetered, the bronze bell knelling, and somehow held amid the dust clouds and cannon fire... Then all was silent—except for the weeping of women and the terrified screams of babies and children.
Mother and Father stood shaking, huddled together with Wardi and my brothers. In a numbness of horror, they watched as bulldozers plowed through the ruins, knocking down much of what had not already blown apart or tumbled. At last, Father said—to my brothers or to God, they were never sure—'Forgive them.' Then he led them back to Gish.
If killing innocent civilians in heavily populated area isn't a crime then what is? He could no longer follow such orders hence he quit.
I asked simple question which illegal orders he got. No answer. Not even one.
If killing innocent civilians in heavily populated area isn't a crime then what is? He could no longer follow such orders hence he quit.

Most of our so called Muslim heroes of subcontinent are thus terrorists.....Abdali, Ghauri, Ghazni, Taimur, Nadir Shah....all killed innocent civilians in heavily populated areas....and we named our missiles in their honour .......

Crux is....as Shakespeare said...Nothing is good or bad..your thinking makes it so. similarly, when it comes to defending your agenda (country, religion, power)....everything can be justified.

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