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Ex-colonel part of spy network, AGP tells SC

People who start to question your loyalty when you stand against an illegal action taken by the Armed Forces are responsible for such rogue behaviour by out Intel. Agencies.

This ex-Colonel served his nation in uniform and is still serving for the rule of law. Nothing he is doing is illegal but he was abducted and his family was threatened until LHC took up the case.

This is scary, for an average citizen of Pakistan. What if tomorrow one of your family members go missing like this. I wonder if we will give lessons on patriotism then.
@Awan68 & @xyz007 you were both critical of my observation that the story is based on allegations and not evidence.

I hope you learn something from this episode. Posts from Irfan sb are very instructive. Patriotism is not running with any xyz story, it is in opposing the abuse of system of institutions.

I was very quiet about this story even as I suspected serious abuse of authority. Now that the retired Colonel has be 'punished' for being a vocal critic, the reputation of institutions has been compromised. Was this a display of patriotism or a circus?
This was a business as usual and almost expected response by a state that is unique in its constitution due to the fact that it is extremely strong externally yet equally weak internally.

I don't have to remind you how tons of TTP terrorists were set free by the same courts, how the PTM is given undue consideration, how BLA sympathizers roam freely at important positions, how national security threats like Nawaz and Zardari are given a free pass time and again, how the daughter of a sitting PM openly compromises national security yet she is not prosecuted, the list is endless mate so do u really expect me to take the usual certificate of innocence seriously??

The sword is only for the dirt poor foot soldiers of terrorist organizations in Pakistan, their handlers, financiers and shot callers are always given a free pass hence the sorry state of affairs. Pakistan is a country where every tom dick and harry can wake up and start vomiting against state institutions, try the same in the US without conclusive evidence and they throw u in a dark hole and toss the key.
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