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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

having bad leaders nowadays doesn't make Egypt a bad country.

I really hope other nationalist Arabs have guts like you to accept that they are being ruled by bad leaders, You got my respect.

On topic, its not a bad Idea presented by Erdogan but the problem is the Muslim world is way to divided, Shia/Sunni Arab/Turk/Non Arab, so its hard for Muslims to agree on something, yes everyone knows the value and importance of Aqsa Mosque but the thing is no one can do anything about it. last 2 centuries belong to the West and for now, I don't see the tilt towards Asia or anywhere else, America will remain a Super Power with full backing of the European Union, Middle East, East/South Asia, and South America, even without any help America alone can stop any action or alliance in its tracks to protect Israel, they are way to committed to protect Israel and Now its not even just the Jewish Lobbies (yes they are very strong and control most of US congress) but this battle is between 3 Abrahamic religions which are at each others throat for centuries.

-Jews want to destroy Al-Aqsa to build their 3rd Temple so their Messiah can return with all the perks they are waiting for.
-Evangelical Christians, Deep down don't like Jews but when to choose between Islam and Jews they pick Jews over that because they have clashed with Islam in past to control the Birth and Death place of Jesus Pbuh.
-Muslims on the other hand, just want to take back the third holies place from the Occupiers to pray and worship in peace which in today's world is too much to ask.

It is hard to accept but the reality is there is nothing no one can do, Pakistan or Turkey, Iran or KSA without them all uniting and making a single voice there is nothing these individual countries can achieve, if any strong leader rises up near Israel, they will just pay opposition to start rebellions, and Civil war and eventually that leader will be either killed by his own people or in a Drone strike from America. If the Muslim world really wants to make a difference with Palestinian issue then first they have solve their own issues first.
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I really hope other nationalist Arabs have guts like you to accept that they are being ruled by bad leaders, You got my respect.

On topic, its not a bad Idea presented by Erdogan but the problem is the Muslim world is way to divided, Shia/Sunni Arab/Turk/Non Arab, so its hard for Muslims to agree on something, yes everyone knows the value and importance of Aqsa Mosque but the thing is no one can do anything about it. last 2 centuries belong to the West and for now, I don't see the tilt towards Asia or anywhere else, America will remain a Super Power with full backing of the European Union, Middle East, East/South Asia, and South America, even without any help America alone can stop any action or alliance in its tracks to protect Israel, they are way to committed to protect Israel and Now its not even just the Jewish Lobbies (yes they are very strong and control most of US congress) but this battle is between 3 Abrahamic religions which are at each others throat for centuries.

-Jews want to destroy Al-Aqsa to build their 3rd Temple so their Messiah can return with all the perks they are waiting for.
-Evangelical Christians, Deep down don't like Jews but when to choose between Islam and Jews they pick Jews over that because they have clashed with Islam in past to control the Birth and Death place of Jesus Pbuh.
-Muslims on the other hand, just want to take back the third holies place from the Occupiers to pray and worship in peace which in today's world is too much to ask.

It is hard to accept but the reality is there is nothing no one can do, Pakistan or Turkey, Iran or KSA without them all uniting and making a single voice there is nothing these individual countries can achieve, if any strong leader rises up near Israel, they will just pay opposition to start rebellions, and Civil war and eventually that leader will be either killed by his own people or in a Drone strike from America. If the Muslim world really wants to make a difference with Palestinian issue then first they have solve their own issues first.
forget about the arabs. their leadership is gutless & beyond feminine. they won't do anything.
Bitter reality:
Whatever they do it's not gonna harm/stop the zionism.

Yes a strait punch can!!! But who will do it???

We see people saying we are the best then

Suddenly they say "HM GHAREEB HO JAEIN GY".(we'll be poorer)

Mark my words Turkey will not harm Israel.
It's all about point scoring in the end.

If you want to do something then what are you waiting for???

We all are responsible for it ( I mean 51 countries).

Sorry Palestine 😭
forget about the arabs. their leadership is gutless & beyond feminine. they won't do anything.

Bro with statements like this you are inviting others to ask: where is the Pakistani leadership on this issue? You are a nuclear power with one of the strongest militaries, so what's your excuse??
Bro with statements like this you are inviting others to ask: where is the Pakistani leadership on this issue? You are a nuclear power with one of the strongest militaries, so what's your excuse??
our excuse is that we are far away from that theater of operations so if the arabs in that neighborhood need our help, sau bismillahs but they'll have to take the initiative.
our excuse is that we are far away from that theater of operations so if the arabs in that neighborhood need our help, sau bismillahs but they'll have to take the initiative.

That's weak. All Muslims have ownership of this issue, no one needs initiative of others to act.

The parallels with Kashmir also are hard to ignore.
How is it viable? Israelis are blocking even food and cement exports to the Gaza Strip. Do you think they will agree to a peace keeping force then?
Do you wonder why Israelis are destroying residential buildings in Gaza? Because they know Gazans do not have enough construction materials to rebuild them. They even count the calories of foods that enter Palestine. They call it putting Palestinians on a diet.

Erdogan is only after fake heroism as usual.
How is it viable? Israelis are blocking even food and cement exports to the Gaza Strip. Do you think they will agree to a peace keeping force then?
Do you wonder why Israelis are destroying residential buildings in Gaza? Because they know Gazans do not have enough construction materials to rebuild them. They even count the calories of foods that enter Palestine. They call it putting Palestinians on a diet.

Erdogan is only after fake heroism as usual.

jewish tactic from the past diet calorie control, they have corrupted american diet.
That's weak. All Muslims have ownership of this issue, no one needs initiative of others to act.

The parallels with Kashmir also are hard to ignore.
you answered your own question. as you can see, other so called "brothers in Islam" did not bother to take any initiative on Kashmir. The initiatives that we are taking are both diplomatic & military, both open & clandestine. China stepped up which we were able to capitalize on by forcing india to restore the 2003 ceasefire agreement that they unilaterally broke. so called "brothers in Islam" not including Turkey did not do anything. But just like Turkey can't do much in Kashmir militarily due distance, we can't do much in Palestine militarily due to distance. the situation in iiok & Palestine are completely different, Kashmiris, as per the goi admittance, have a virtually unabated flow of Mujahideen that keep getting pushed in from Pakistan which the indians can't challenge even after bogging over a million indian army soldiers down on the street of Kashmir, they can't even think about crossing the loc, they tried in 2019 and got their butts handed to them on a silver plate. Palestine is the exact opposite the Palestinians in Gaza & West Bank are stranded with no supplies or manpower getting in with the isrealis attacking anyone across their borders at will.
Has anyone seen Islamic Military alliance headed by Gen R Raheel Sharif
it's a glorified security agency just to protect the saudi rulers, nothing more, nothing less. it's high time Pakistan pull all of its forces out and let the saudis crumble & fresh. Hijaz is near & dear to us all so at most, keep a continent in Mecca & Madina. the rest of the kingdom can go up in a puff of smoke for all I care.
you answered your own question. as you can see, other so called "brothers in Islam" did not bother to take any initiative on Kashmir. The initiatives that we are taking are both diplomatic & military, both open & clandestine. China stepped up which we were able to capitalize on by forcing india to restore the 2003 ceasefire agreement that they unilaterally broke. so called "brothers in Islam" not including Turkey did not do anything. But just like Turkey can't do much in Kashmir militarily due distance, we can't do much in Palestine militarily due to distance. the situation in iiok & Palestine are completely different, Kashmiris, as per the goi admittance, have a virtually unabated flow of Mujahideen that keep getting pushed in from Pakistan which the indians can't challenge even after bogging over a million indian army soldiers down on the street of Kashmir, they can't even think about crossing the loc, they tried in 2019 and got their butts handed to them on a silver plate. Palestine is the exact opposite the Palestinians in Gaza & West Bank are stranded with no supplies or manpower getting in with the isrealis attacking anyone across their borders at will.

Truth is everyone's hands are tied by their own interests, so it's unfair for the Muslim world to blame the Arabs only.

Regarding Kashmir you make a fair point, but officially GOP did nothing but raise the matter at different forums. I'm sure KSA will say its also covertly and financially supporting Gaza in many ways.
Truth is everyone's hands are tied by their own interests, so it's unfair for the Muslim world to blame the Arabs only.

Regarding Kashmir you make a fair point, but officially GOP did nothing but raise the matter at different forums. I'm sure KSA will say its also covertly and financially supporting Gaza in many ways.
Pakistan has raised iiok issues on every forum & with good results. but alas the solution will be decided by the bullet, not the ballot. Pakistan has the bullets thus it has the luxury that Palestinians don't. and ready assured, ksA went lift a finger to help Palestinians...crown prince is too busy running scared of the amreekan judicial subpoenas chasing his arrogant yet dumb ***!

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It's in best interest of the 3 countries to support this initiative. This way they can keep the initiative and polity coined in their image.
you answered your own question. as you can see, other so called "brothers in Islam" did not bother to take any initiative on Kashmir. The initiatives that we are taking are both diplomatic & military, both open & clandestine. China stepped up which we were able to capitalize on by forcing india to restore the 2003 ceasefire agreement that they unilaterally broke. so called "brothers in Islam" not including Turkey did not do anything. But just like Turkey can't do much in Kashmir militarily due distance, we can't do much in Palestine militarily due to distance. the situation in iiok & Palestine are completely different, Kashmiris, as per the goi admittance, have a virtually unabated flow of Mujahideen that keep getting pushed in from Pakistan which the indians can't challenge even after bogging over a million indian army soldiers down on the street of Kashmir, they can't even think about crossing the loc, they tried in 2019 and got their butts handed to them on a silver plate. Palestine is the exact opposite the Palestinians in Gaza & West Bank are stranded with no supplies or manpower getting in with the isrealis attacking anyone across their borders at will.

How were the Indian Eid sweets?
The morons mocking erdogan themselves have nothing to show. This is the dilemma of muslims, they are persian and arabs first nd maybe later muslims. I hope both these idiots kill off each other.

Erdogan have given a great idea, if only Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia manage to agree n send a few warship and submarines to waters off gaza, the israelis will back off. We need to provide gaza its rightful access to open seas. The jews are cowards and once a few countries take steps, they will sit down.

Yes you are right. Hamas and Pij are funded by Iran, launching rockets smuggled by Iran or made with Iranian money. Menwhile NATO member Turkey utters some meanlingless words, and he is suddenly Islams hero that other muslim countires must learn from.
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