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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

So you are saying that other NATO members will go to war with another NATO member over Israel? I can see individual European countries assisting Israel but not NATO as a whole, especially since Israel is not a member of NATO.

Besides, Israel can take care of itself. The 1967 war proved that Israel was capable of defending itself.
correct but look at the quality of soldiers who engaged - only ones worthy of mention were the Jordanians.

However Turkey is no push over and Bibi knows it well. Erdogan is the only one who can bring in the squeeze and even convince Putin to join the push.

But alas, the arabs are passe drunk on raki or whatever Trump's Kushy babe gave them to sip on.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the international community needs to “teach a deterrent lesson” to Israel.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia's Vladimir Putin have discussed in a phone call tensions in Gaza and occupied Jerusalem, Turkey's presidency said, as Ankara seeks international action against Israel.

Israel carried out hundreds of air strikes in Gaza into Wednesday morning, killing at least 48 people, including children and women.

Hamas and other Palestinian resistance groups retaliated by firing rockets toward Israel.

Erdogan said showing that Turkey, Russia share same stance on developments in Palestine will send an important message.

Erdogan told Putin the international community needed to "teach a deterrent lesson" to Israel, adding that Ankara was working to mobilise this reaction, according to a statement from his office.

Erdogan said nations should also discuss the "idea of sending an international protection force to the region in order to protect Palestinian civilians".

"UN Security Council should get involved, give clear messages to Israel to halt attacks before crisis grows further," Erdogan added.

Erdogan, a vocal advocate of the Palestinian cause, has stepped up diplomacy, speaking to a range of regional leaders and condemning Israel's "terror".

Turkey additionally has also withdrawn an invitation for Israel's Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz to attend the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in the southern coastal city on June 18-20.

but where is palestine?
i mean noone can find it on a map
It's in best interest of the 3 countries to support this initiative. This way they can keep the initiative and polity coined in their image.

Yes I agree, Turkey and Israel can continue their love affair, we all saw the fruits of it half a year ago when Turkey and Israel fought shoulder to shoulder in the Karabakh war!
Yes I agree, Turkey and Israel can continue their love affair, we all saw the fruits of it half a year ago when Turkey and Israel fought shoulder to shoulder in the Karabakh war!

Did that offend your religious beliefs or something?
funny article easy to say then done
how can its work lol
turkey and most Muslim nation are in bed with the israel lol
The morons mocking erdogan themselves have nothing to show. This is the dilemma of muslims, they are persian and arabs first nd maybe later muslims. I hope both these idiots kill off each other.

Erdogan have given a great idea, if only Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia manage to agree n send a few warship and submarines to waters off gaza, the israelis will back off. We need to provide gaza its rightful access to open seas. The jews are cowards and once a few countries take steps, they will sit down.
You know Which countries will stop this first before they even reach close to ISRAEL.
IT will be Muslim countries.
2nd External pressure only works if you know its backed up actual power, Even if you send few ships it won't do much as when you have no LAND or AIR route open to supporting if things actually go sideways.
Insults, spam posts, and even post-truth contents.

It is difficult to understand why this situation has triggered so many people.
Turkey does not have the influence to maneuver global military support for Palestine. Before attempting to do so, Turkey will need to show the way by moving its own troops.

At best, I can only see Turkey take an economic action against Israel.
I'm not a fan of this guy, and I've never voted for him.

However, you know well how the Jewish lobby is attacking this man's reputation.

You know that there is not any Zionist in the world who has good thoughts about this guy.

You know that since 2009 diplomatic affairs with Israel have come to a standstill and Turkey is paying a terrible price in the eastern Mediterranean because of this.

You know that he vehemently rejects the Kushner Alliance, and even that he was the architect of the UN initiative against the US Jerusalem resolution in 2018 with Yemen.

You know that Turkish-Iranian relations and trade, which are still alive, despite all the threats and provocations of the atlanticist circles, continue because of the will of this man.

Palestine is on fire and time is the time to show our unity. Even at such a moment, it's really painful to see these 'operative' members/accounts who are trying to create mischief and bend the truth.

I don't understand why Iranians have -psyop- enthuatism almost all of Turkey related matter and why they are so happy about everything negative about us, but our feelings for them are much more positive. I can easily say that. I hope one day they will better understand the unique conditions of Turkey and the difficulties it faces.
I'm not a fan of this guy, and I've never voted for him.

However, you know well how the Jewish lobby is attacking this man's reputation.

You know that there is not any Zionist in the world who has good thoughts about this guy.

You know that since 2009 diplomatic affairs with Israel have come to a standstill and Turkey is paying a terrible price in the eastern Mediterranean because of this.

You know that he vehemently rejects the Kushner Alliance, and even that he was the architect of the UN initiative against the US Jerusalem resolution in 2018 with Yemen.

You know that Turkish-Iranian relations and trade, which are still alive, despite all the threats and provocations of the atlanticist circles, continue because of the will of this man.

Palestine is on fire and time is the time to show our unity. Even at such a moment, it's really painful to see these 'operative' members/accounts who are trying to create mischief and bend the truth.

I don't understand why Iranians have -psyop- enthuatism almost all of Turkey related matter and why they are so happy about everything negative about us, but our feelings for them are much more positive. I can easily say that. I hope one day they will better understand the unique conditions of Turkey and the difficulties it faces.

You just want me to stop highlighting that Turkey and Israel are not enemies, but extremely close allies.
If Turkey and Israel were enemies, than Erdogan would stop their extensive economic relations.
If Turkey and Israel were enemies, than Erdogan would not have supported Azarbaijan in the Karabakh war as long as Azarbaijan is supported by Israel. Instead Turkey and Israel fought shoulder to shoulder in the Karabakh war!

Turkey does NOT oppose Israel, this is just show.

Erdogan cooperates with Iran not out of sympathy, but to prevent Iran from making life difficult for Turkey in different regional arenas.

Turkey (at least under Erdogan) always hypes itself up, but it's all show, wether it is Palestine, China-Uighurs, military technology, etc....and I can proof that not with my personal opinion, but with objective arguments, and I always post the source!

So stop appealing to my empathy, this will not silence me!
You just want me to stop highlighting that Turkey and Israel are not enemies, but extremely close allies.
If Turkey and Israel were enemies, than Erdogan would stop their extensive economic relations.
If Turkey and Israel were enemies, than Erdogan would not have supported Azarbaijan in the Karabakh war as long as Azarbaijan is supported by Israel. Instead Turkey and Israel fought shoulder to shoulder in the Karabakh war!

Turkey does NOT oppose Israel, this is just show.

Erdogan cooperates with Iran not out of sympathy, but to prevent Iran from making life difficult for Turkey in different regional arenas.

Turkey (at least under Erdogan) always hypes itself up, but it's all show, wether it is Palestine, China-Uighurs, military technology, etc....and I can proof that not with my personal opinion, but with objective arguments, and I always post the source!

So stop appealing to my empathy, this will not silence me!

Does Israel oppose Turkey?
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