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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

May be someone should ask MBS to spend a little from his billions to save those poor souls in Palestine.

in fact no one will give us look syria libya iraq once richer then pakistan today looking for shelters all over globe .

Arabs gave some of them shelter. There are Syrian refugees in Lebanon and many in Saudi and other other Arab countries.

Non of the Arab countries will give us Bengalis, Indians, Pakistani, Afghan or Indonesian Muslims shelter, ever. We are the 'other' in the Arab world. Nothing wrong with the, it's just the reality. Only thing wrong with that is we desis and other ajamis don't seem to understand it.
they play all sides the statement is easy to say but no one has the guts to disobey israel
Arabs gave some of them shelter. There are Syrian refugees in Lebanon and many in Saudi and other other Arab countries.

Non of the Arab countries will give us Bengalis, Indians, Pakistani, Afghan or Indonesian Muslims shelter, ever. We are the 'other' in the Arab world. Nothing wrong with the, it's just the reality. Only thing wrong with that is we desis and other ajamis don't seem to understand it.
its better the stick on own country . burning it is very easy

bitter reality
do you remember how kuwait bahrain even syria banned us during dark years 2010 to 2015 ?
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