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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Your opinion does not carry any weight with me , Zionist . It is all BLAH,BLAH AND MORE BLAH, BLAH to me.
I suggest this new handle for you, then: PakistaniZombie. You can download an appropriate avatar from the "World War Z" trailer.
Wrong again, Egypt is a BERBER COUNTRY and the greatest Egyptian majority has a Berber ancestry. Ask Egyptian themselves, here in this forum and they will tell you they are not arabs, all of them but Mooshmoosh...ERA_923 knows that you are a bigot, too minuscule to be taken seriously, so don't blow smoke in our face you are insulting the forum participant's intelligence...

LOL. Berbers never existed in Egypt. You are a well-known clown. Egypt is SEMITIC land. You Berbers belong in the deserts of Mali, Niger (your original homeland) and parts of Algeria/Morocco.

Well, what do you mean by African? African is not an ethnic group just a geographical term. Africans is a very diverse term. A black South African has little or no relations to a Egyptian 8.000 km north of South Africa or a Moroccan. Likewise a Somali/Ethiopian has little connection to a Senegalese 10.000 km towards the West.

Saudis and North Koreans are both "Asians" but what those that say? Not really anything. Inuits living in Siberia are also Asians and what have they in common with Pakistanis?

Arabs/Semtiic people have an ancient presence in both North Africa/Horn of Africa/Swahili Coast and the Middle East (Levant, Iraq, Arabian Peninsula) that goes thousands years back. In fact we all share a largely similar origin which modern day genetics have confirmed, aside from the cultural, social, linguistic, historical and religious aspects.

Arab tribes are found all over the Arab world. But that does not mean that people are tribal in the sense of the word.

Regarding Gamal Abdel Nasser then read this below:

The presence of the Haplogroup J-P209 across the world which is the most common haplogroup among all Arab countries in the world today and among all Semitic people:


Anyway we Arabs have mixed with other Semitic people since ancient times, even on the Arabian Peninsula since we Arabs did not come out of nothing obviously we have Semitic ancestors that we share with all Semitic people and we have intermarried etc. It is not different in Egypt. But yes, there are Arab tribes in Egypt that are still very conscious about their tribe and traditions but most Arabs today, that includes the Arabian Peninsula, just identify as Arabs today and their home countries and not only with their tribes although there is a strong sense of pride of ones family/past/tribes and ancestry.

In regards to Egypt then Hejaz, my home region, is a neighbor of Egypt and only the narrow Red Sea separates us. Even our dialects are quite close. Migrations have taken place back and forth and we even have a lot of Egyptians in KSA.

Anyway this is all off-topic my friend and let us not derail the thread although it is difficult, I know.;)
Nah, non-Muslims' opinions don't matter in Muslims' affairs.
really...Egypt is not 100% muslims...Egyptians want all opinions taken in account...that what was wrong with Morsi. He thought that getting a blessing from Hillary ,as Moubarak before him, was equated to eternal immunity, he thought...He forgot the strenght and the resilience of his administered.

Oi @al-Hasani & @Yzd Khalifa - Can you please tell this Judas to stop taking digs at the Muslim Ummah otherwise I'm gonna get really pisssed off ! :pissed:
What are going to do, **** on his path hoping he might fall and brake his fingers:laughcry:

And if a pisssed me gets nearly 200 million angry Pakistanis to take a pissss at his country......KSA would end up having access to the Mediterranean Sea ! :whistle:
wasted energy...Saudi can't swim or sail
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I suggest this new handle for you, then: PakistaniZombie. You can download an appropriate avatar from the "World War Z" trailer.
I was thinking more like 'The Walking Dead'. Plodding slowly on and on and on...:lol:
If your enemy is cheering for what happened then it cannot be in the interest of Egyptian people.

You are a Shiite who is enemy of the Sunni people so it is interesting how a Shia is uniting with the damn Zionist.

So far Indians , Shiite Iranians and damn Zionist are clapping, who are the enemies of Egyptian Sunni Muslims.

How could that be good for Egypt ?

:yahoo: :bunny: :nana:
If your enemy is cheering for what happened then it cannot be in the interest of Egyptian people.

You are a Shiite who is enemy of the Sunni people so it is interesting how a Shia is uniting with the damn Zionist.

So far Indians , Shiite Iranians and damn Zionist are clapping, who are the enemies of Egyptian Sunni Muslims.

How could that be good for Egypt ?

Rofl :omghaha:

Why dragging Shia Sunni matter in every every every thing mate? :astagh:

Mr. Morsi has been over thrown by his fellow Egyptian Sunnis and not Shias. :coffee:
Despite what the loony conspiracy theorists believers here say, the rise of democracy believers came from the natives. If they are strong enough to enact democratic principles but not wise enough to create appropriate institutions, their country will pay the price for their shortsightedness.

Sorry, but that is how the dice rolls...

I was talking about general scenario ( even though i gave example of arab spring).

Condelezza raice was all gung-ho for conducting elections in Palestine, an election that no one wanted. Result was Hamas was elected for whom foreign policy means lobbing rockets into their neighbour's cities.

Also religious parties have a large supply of sheeple population to win ballots in conservative countries.
looks like you are not very fond of jews... :cheesy:

No my friend, I love Jews.

Just hate the damned Zionist.

There are many Jews who hate the damned Zionist.

Please educate yourself to know that Jews don't always equate to being Zionist.

Heck you don't have to be Jewish to be a damned Zionist.

There are Christian and Muslim Zionist as well.
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