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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

You mustn't think that! You must NOT take the "if Allah is willing" attitude! You have to keep working for success! You have at least four tasks:alert the military that you will be ready for their tricks, drum up support for a democratic framework, craft a particular agenda, and keep your family fed and sheltered. If you give up now and concentrate only on the last, you will return to being a peasant.
Do not mistaken talk of hope and prayers to higher powers (if they exist) as a sign of submission or inaction.
Very stupid move on behalf of Egyptian Army. The more than 50% of Egyptians who supported MB will now be pissed as hell.
just look at the crowd waving flag and the fireworks......are they more alive as a nation than us? am just amazed how they gather up and take their politicians like that.....not once and but twice.....hands off to the Nation.......atleast they can gather up on one thing unlike us
You're no sage, Pakistani.

This is my Proof why this is Israel sponsored Egyptian Army move.

Look at who is Cheerleading. A damn ZIONIST @Solomon2 is cheerleading.

A damn Zionist is clapping and dancing with Joy.

Shame on Egyptian Army to do the bidding of the Zionist.

But I am sure the Egyptian people will take this Army to task.

Now wait for the Backlash from the Egyptian People.
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I am against this "spreading democracy with evangelical zeal" ideology emanating from USA.

In Middle East democracy means majority committing genocide over minority.

Yep,if people are not mature enough to behave and it takes the army to keep them to inflict genocide on others than so be it!
I don't even know, :D he has some daydreams of being a brother of us living in the same nation under the same ruler who follows his version of Islam. I get to help them out in getting real. We are not brothers and we won't be so. In the name of this imaginary "Islamic" Ummah, they give themselves the liberty to call us names other than Muslims, insult us and even join any enemy propaganda against us.

Oi @al-Hasani & @Yzd Khalifa - Can you please tell this Judas to stop taking digs at the Muslim Ummah otherwise I'm gonna get really pisssed off ! :pissed:

And if a pisssed me gets nearly 200 million angry Pakistanis to take a pissss at his country......KSA would end up having access to the Mediterranean Sea ! :whistle:
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