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Featured Duck And Cover: U.S. Needs More Southeast Asia Military Bases To Counter China

Yes that proves my theorem winning war requires Iq. Let’s chinese bankrupt themselves with 2,000 warships and 2,000 aircraft. Like south Vietnam. Have fun. Besides, unrealistic figures, the republicans Navy had 300 or 400 ships, but never 2,000.
Oh, here you are again, nothing but emotion, you are on a defence forum, talked with sense.
The Vietnamese may want China and the United States to fight a local war in Vietnam.I have never seen such a crazy request. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Even though I'm from China but I always believe that the east should be for east and my definition of the east cover Asia and central Asia, this cover Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal or any country that willing to work together. But definitely excludes india as they are poisoned by their extreme nationalism.

We should all work together, by working together we can easily triumph over current western rule. The first step I always advocate for China is just abolish the 9 dash line and gather all neighbors come to the table and settle the differences, that is the first way forward.

But unfortunately talk is cheap, the reality is way too complicated and hard for us to juggle.
China will not lose? What makes you so confident? I mean the last war you won was against India. Before India, people need to go back 400 years. You won against whom? Xi Jingping must drop 9 dash fck line before too late!
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Two chess players in a game. One is the master while the opponent is a dreamer and an idiot, who do you think will win.

2 possible scenario.
The master is sleeping while the idiot is playing by himself or the master has just walk away.
If you are talking about Vietnam, China should just reannex it as the former Province of Annam after all it is indeed a stolen land. Reenact back the 11 dash lines and imposed it on Vietnam if she reneged Premier Phan Van Dong agreement.
At the very whisper of war, Vietnam economy is as good as over.

If it is India you are talking about, based on track record and history, Indians are pretty talented talkers but not doers.

My advice is to stop wasting everybody time, better negotiate for peace before history repeats itself. In fact China do not have to do a single thing, there is 1 COVID among 15 according to India but I think it is closer to 1 in 10.

Today is 2020 not 1962 where China was in a Cultural Revolution.
if you listen to India News Media, you will be thinking that Rafale is 5th generation and a stealth warplane.
until the Indian came along,
Rafale was to be discontinued.

The Rafale is not a FGFA and India News Media matching it with China J-20 is mass indoctrination and a fool's idea.

Back to your original question as to why the master is so confident? S
So you still think the dreamer has the chance of winning the game by fluke or playong dirty?
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