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Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

Americans have seen what Pakistan did after 16 years of drone strikes, Salala and OBL operation to name few...Pakistan did rando rona after each incident for public consumption and accepted USA terms again. 16 years of condemnation of Drones and giving free hand to India and terrorists to destabilize Pakistan, not even once jets scrambled to show seriousness, so what changed now. until some thing else is done other then randi rona, no one is going to listen to Pakistan....this is the reality. recent threats, notices and insults and not even a single practical step taken other then same old randi rona....if you want others to respect you, you have to give respect to your self ..self respect, which looking like unknown to Pakistani elite..civil and military.
You will be incredibly dull to think this has anything to do with Midterm elections or even Trump. This is a culmination of a downward process that has been taking shape since 2009
Not 2009 more like 2001 or even before.

It was obvious from the very start that they are coming after Pakistan. Why do you think Pakistan was signing FTA with China and Iran and buying Russian Gas and pipeline projects. Because USA was going to come after Pakistan. USA needs Pakistan destroyed before pushing out Palestine and taking over Jerusalem fully. Trump has made a mistake which previous USA president had not made before. Trump is not just targeting a single country but a whole region together. USA is grooming ISIS in Afghanistan it is either Pakistan kills USA or we die our selves.
i dont understand why u think they want to destroy pakistan for taking over jerusalem , and isnt jerusalem already completely under israels control?
Yes i know about China, russia and iran deals, that has been going on for last two years now but how can we take on usa , Even our airforce is like a kiddies force opposite theirs.
Just watch how the supply routes are going to be shut in the coming days and weeks. It is inevitable now.

This will be a tit for tat. Let the games begin. These silly redneck motherfvckers are under some grand illusions. Time to shatter their grand illusions and bring them back to earth.
It was obvious from the very start that they are coming after Pakistan. Why do you think Pakistan was signing FTA with China and Iran and buying Russian Gas and pipeline projects. Because USA was going to come after Pakistan. USA needs Pakistan destroyed before pushing out Palestine and taking over Jerusalem fully. Trump has made a mistake which previous USA president had not made before. Trump is not just targeting a single country but a whole region together. USA is grooming ISIS in Afghanistan it is either Pakistan kills USA or we die our selves.
9/11 was always about Pakistan. Afghanistan bahaana, Pakistan nishaana!
Hmmn not the first time sanctions have been placed. But will Pakistan close the supply line? remains to be seen.
If yanks start taking punitive measures, it is essential pakistan reciprocate

1) cut off supply route support
2) deny air access/routes
3) downsize American embassy/staffers to minimum
4) start shooting drones down
5) keep fencing border intensively
4) any terrorist attack in pak and bomb the shit out of Northern alliance puppets in Afghanistan. Degrade their ability to operate effectively

This trump drama is nothing but hot air for there failures in Afghanistan. They are throwing the last dice in defeating taliban, via a joint Afghan/pak/Yankee attack on taliban/haqqanis so that they can get out and show something at least for the last 16 years if failure.

All the Americans want is some face saving excercise so that they can show the Afghan theatre was not a complete and utter disaster... Which it was and is
Increase the toll.. no need to cut the supply lines..

And if they decide to use the alternate route through Iran (if Iran agrees.. a big question mark), then let the Taliban control the situation, who control more than 60% of Afghanistan, specially roads from Afg/ Iran border to Kabul..
The toll income should be increased to such extent that our 120 billion dollar losses are covered in a few years time..
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