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Did KSA ever invest in Chinese FC31 stealthy fighter during King's visit to China

Indeed. It's just to illustrate that we mortals know very little about what is really going on and that some reports in Newsweek or claims by CIA members (current and past ones) are of little use and they should not always be read as the gospel. I for once have no doubt in my mind that KSA-China military cooperation and relationship in general is greater/more deep than what we know about. Which is already saying something considering what we (the mortals) know about already.

The US might know something about this and they might not know everything (as in the 1980's) as we have seen countless of examples of across the world. USA/CIA are not omnipotent. If they were they would not have committed that many devastating blunders in the Middle East/Muslim world in the past 15 years alone.
Just like the CIA didn't know China J20 prototype made maiden flight in year 2011 when Former USA minister of defense Roberts Gates visited China. We have him a very big surprise, he seemed very annoyed by the breaking news.

I can't image the sour grape Yankees have when FC31 in RSAF colour fly over the sky of Riyadh.

KSA is the biggest trading partner with China in the Middle East region, China has reposbility and willingness to provide A-class weapons system to our Saudi friend.

I see President Trump's son in law is of Israel Origin, they won't sell F35A to KSA in the near future.
Every major and strategic defense acquisition of Saudi Arabia is supervised by the US. Even your Saudi-Sino projects.

In 2013, media reports appeared suggesting that the RSSMF would consider purchasing the advanced DF-21 ballistic missile from China in the future.[16][17] In January 2014, Newsweek revealed that Saudi Arabia had secretly bought a number of DF-21 medium-range ballistic missiles in 2007. They also said that the American CIA had allowed the deal to go through as long as the missiles were modified to not be able to carry nuclear warheads. While the DF-3 has a longer range, it was designed to carry a nuclear payload, and so had poor accuracy (300 meters CEP) if used with a conventional warhead. It would only be useful against large area targets like cities and military bases. This made them useless during the Gulf War for retaliating against Iraqi Scud missile attacks, as they would cause mass civilian casualties and would not be as effective as the ongoing coalition air attacks. After the war, the Saudis and the CIA worked together to covertly allow the purchase of Chinese DF-21s. The DF-21 is solid-fueled instead of liquid-fueled like the DF-3, so it takes less time to prepare for launch. It is accurate to 30 meters CEP, allowing it to attack specific targets like compounds or palaces. The Saudis are not known to possess mobile launchers, but may use some 12 launchers originally bought with the DF-3s. The number of DF-21 missiles that were bought is unknown. Newsweek speculates that details of the deal being made public is part of Saudi deterrence against Iran.[15][18][19]

Bullchiit ! Never the Chinese would have accept that the CIA throws a single eye on their missile technology. For no one.


China, Saudi Arabia eye $65 billion in deals as king visits (Reuters - Thu Mar 16, 2017)

Can Saudi friends shed some lights on it? Please if you have any info to share. Today rumors flying that KSA invest heavily in FC31 project during King his honor Salaman's visit to China. KSA also plan to buy DF21 ballistic missles from China, any information? As China and KSA have very strong traditional relationship in military cooperation, for example China sold DF3 ballistic missile to KSA back in 1980s. In the WenChuan earthquake in year2008, KSA government donate a stunning 100 millions USD to China for disaster relief. I hope China will reinforce our military and economic ties with our Saudi friends in the future.

maybe China can take over duties from the U.S 5th fleet?? China is getting more and more oil from the region while the U.S is getting less and less. I would be very grateful if China and it's new Type-001 aircraft carrier patrols the region.

as for FC-31 it would make sense. even if it's only 70% as capable as the F-35 it's still miles better than anything Iran will get from Russia.

as for ballistic missile not sure why they would want these unless they have nuclear weapons o_O and why ICBM and not missile with the range of less than 4,000KM

what KSA really needs is a long range cruise missile and China has a bunch of types.

maybe China can take over duties from the U.S 5th fleet?? China is getting more and more oil from the region while the U.S is getting less and less. I would be very grateful if China and it's new Type-001 aircraft carrier patrols the region.

as for FC-31 it would make sense. even if it's only 70% as capable as the F-35 it's still miles better than anything Iran will get from Russia.

as for ballistic missile not sure why they would want these unless they have nuclear weapons o_O and why ICBM and not missile with the range of less than 4,000KM

what KSA really needs is a long range cruise missile and China has a bunch of types.

Donald trump is quite smart, he will try to alleviate the tense between USA and KSA. We already send patrolling flotia to the Gulf of Arden. Shall, our carrier will patrol in this region to endure our trading route safety.

I think FC31 is not bad than F35.
Donald trump is quite smart, he will try to alleviate the tense between USA and KSA. We already send patrolling flotia to the Gulf of Arden. Shall, our carrier will patrol in this region to endure our trading route safety.

I think FC31 is not bad than F35.

I don't think FC31 is good as F35 or will ever be, but it doesn't have to.
I don't think FC31 is good as F35 or will ever be, but it doesn't have to.
I don't think FC31 is good as F35 or will ever be, but it doesn't have to.
It have to be on par with F35, if not, FC31 is meaningless. I'm not hear to hyper, it will turn to a amazing portent platform after KSA investment. Money matters.

Before less than 13 years, of course !

Type-003 CV

We have very clear development route.

And why ? You (USA) are Martian.

why?? because China isn't buying it. If it was as good as it's made out to be then China would be placing an order for 1,000 of them.

something tell me china has another stealth fighter in the works like the F-35 with a single engine.
why?? because China isn't buying it. If it was as good as it's made out to be then China would be placing an order for 1,000 of them.

something tell me china has another stealth fighter in the works like the F-35 with a single engine.
PLA navy will induct at least 500 of them on board ! Tell me who is the major opponent of J31 on the high sea?
why?? because China isn't buying it. If it was as good as it's made out to be then China would be placing an order for 1,000 of them.

No, it's not the FC-31 problem. This plane or another, it does not matter.

You always think arrogantly that you would dominate the world since the end of the Second World War. It's wrong.

You will no longer be the only world power. You are in a phase of decline that is irreversible.Your reign will have last less than 70 years.

China and other civilizations - Ours - have existed for thousands of years.

something tell me china has another stealth fighter in the works like the F-35 with a single engine.

This program is a real financial catastrophe, an endless chasm for your country.

He was to replace both the F-15, the F-16 and the F-18 to make substantial savings.

The industrialists of the Military-industrial complex plucked up the US taxpayer for an aircraft underperforming and unable to perform all the missions assigned to it.

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Navy airforce also has the demand.

Chinese/Saudi/Persian have thousands years of civilization and history, while American only have 200 plus years.

China respects USA, but we never fear them.
and what do the saudis have to show for their "thousands years of civilization" ?
Working with China, preventing put all eggs in one basket.

Two great civilization work together.

Tell the Yankees that KSA can do something serious without them.

Saudi is very smart as they know when to shift the foreign policy or adjust it accordingly per international political situation. They have many strategists.
I don't think FC31 is good as F35 or will ever be, but it doesn't have to.
the core requirement of SAC's 5th gen project is: 能有效压制F-35````‘can supress F-35 effectively’```and there are a lot more countries are interested in this project```some of them are even from your side of alliance````I'm just saying``you dont need to take this too seriously :D:
nothing great about "saudi" civilization, all they know is to spread sallafi terror ideology everywhere, China should be careful.

In fact, if you investigate it, you will find that uighur terrorists are also inspired by saudi ideology, no wonder they keep going to syria/iraq to join fsa/al qaeda etc.

Uighur IS fighters vow blood will 'flow in rivers' in China

ISIS propaganda video hints at terrorism in China

isis, al qaeda, fsa are all saudi proxy groups.
Uygher terrorists are getting no where. Bro, take it easy.

FC31 get funds from navy to get on board

Next time SAC shall be dedicated with developing bomber fighter and Carrier borne fighter, while CAC shall buckle down to develop air-superior fighters.

nothing great about "saudi" civilization, all they know is to spread sallafi terror ideology everywhere, China should be careful.

In fact, if you investigate it, you will find that uighur terrorists are also inspired by saudi ideology, no wonder they keep going to syria/iraq to join fsa/al qaeda etc.

Uighur IS fighters vow blood will 'flow in rivers' in China

ISIS propaganda video hints at terrorism in China

isis, al qaeda, fsa are all saudi proxy groups.
Actually the greatest supporter of Uyghers terrorist are from Turkey. The Pan-Turkestan ideology. Saudi has no interest in Uyghers terrorists.

SAC also plans to unveil a model of the third prototype of the J-31 at the 2017 Paris Air Show, possibly aimed at Middle Eastern buyers unable to purchase the politically sensitive F-35.

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